Academy Invasion (2)

I'd barely finished saying, "I'll take over," before I braced for the inevitable pushback. I mean, it's not like we've bonded over countless battles, right? But instead of protests, all I got were confident, almost trusting gazes. It was as if we'd been through this a thousand times before.

Huh. Guess I'm more convincing than I thought.

But no time to dwell on that. I had a plan, and we were burning daylight—or more accurately, the academy was about to burn if we didn't act fast.

"I've got a plan," I said, cutting straight to the chase. All eyes snapped to me, the air thick with anticipation. Finally, a crowd that hangs on my every word.

"There's a group of assassins making a play for the academy's storage. We can't let them succeed."

Dorian's brow furrowed. "I saw some of them sneaking into the academy earlier, but I couldn't leave because of the Two Headed Horned Wolf."

Right. That giant, snarling, double-feature monster wrecking the park. Minor problem.

"So, here's how we handle both threats. We split into two groups," I explained, pointing at Dorian and the others.

"Okay, but how do we divide the teams evenly?" Dorian asked, glancing at the others. Classic Dorian, always focused on balance.

I tapped into my encyclopedic game knowledge, analyzing every stat like the nerd I was. After a quick mental calculation, I laid it out: "You'll lead the first group, Dorian. Take the rest of the squad and deal with the assassins. Meanwhile, my team—Selene, Lucas, and yours truly—will handle the wolf."

Dorian looked at me skeptically. "Are you sure about this division?"

"I'm sure," I replied, as convincingly as someone covered in their own blood could sound. "Trust me."

Selene chimed in, voice cool and steady. "I don't know what you're planning, but I'll follow you."

Claire, on the other hand, looked a little more... concerned. "Are you sure it's okay if I'm not in your group?"

Before I could answer, Leon, ever the voice of reason, shrugged. "I'll trust Lucius' calculations on this one."

Huh, who knew gaming experience would one day make me sound like a tactical genius?

With the plan set, I gave the signal. "Alright, let's move out!"

Dorian led his team toward the academy, while I glanced back at my small but mighty crew. We had Selene with her ice magic and Lucas with his gravity element—both perfect for slowing down a rampaging, two-headed furball of doom. Together, we'd hold the line and save the academy.

Now, all we had to do was not die. Easy, right?

I took a deep breath, eyeing the hulking mass of fur and teeth in front of me.

[Mission Given]

[Defeat the Two Headed Horned Wolf]

[Reward: ???]

Oh, great. Now the system's in on it too? A mystery reward for killing a giant, two-headed death machine. Fantastic. Guess there's no turning back now—time to get serious.

Despite its size and terrifying growl that made the ground tremble like it had personal beef with gravity, this beast wasn't unbeatable. Sure, it had fangs the size of my arm and claws that could swipe through a brick wall, but I knew its pattern. It's a game boss, after all, and I've got hours of experience on my side. Who's laughing now?

While we closed in, I laid it all out for Selene and Lucas like I was giving a pep talk for a sports team... only with a lot more mortal danger.

"Okay, listen up. This overgrown dog has a pretty basic attack pattern. First, it'll charge at us like it has something to prove."

I paused, side-eyeing the snarling beast. "Spoiler alert: it doesn't."

Selene and Lucas nodded, staying focused as I continued.

"Once it's done flexing with the charge, it'll stop and start swiping with its claws. That's when we'll need to watch out because those heads work in stereo—so, yeah, double trouble up close."

"And if we hang back," I added, "it's going to spew poison from both heads, because why settle for just one horrifying ability when you can have two?"

As we got closer, the Two Headed Horned Wolf's sheer size really hit me. It was a towering, snarling nightmare, like Mother Nature herself decided to patch together her worst ideas and call it a 'monster.' It stomped around the park like it had a personal vendetta against grass.

But it had no idea what we had in store—Selene with her ice magic, Lucas with gravity control, and me with... well, sarcasm and a death wish.

"This thing doesn't know what's coming," I muttered, more to myself than anyone else. "Let's show it why we're the best."

"Alright, stick to the plan," I whispered, my gaze locked on the Two Headed Horned Wolf as it sized us up like we were appetizers. "Selene, Lucas, it's on you to slow it down. I'll count the attack patterns—we really don't want to see what happens if this thing charges freely."

Selene gave me a determined nod, her hands already shimmering with frost, while Lucas's fists clenched, gravity swirling around him like he was a walking black hole.

"Now!" I shouted just as the wolf's first head roared, and the thing hurtled toward us like a runaway freight train.

I darted left, signaling for the others to scatter. "It'll stop—get ready for claws!" I called.

Selene acted first, sending a blast of icy wind that froze the ground beneath the wolf's massive paws. Its claws slashed at nothing, flailing for traction on the slick surface. Lucas followed up, intensifying gravity around its legs, making it stagger like it was drunk on too much rage.

"Good work!" I shouted, lunging in with my mana sword glowing dark. I aimed for a quick hit on its flank, but even in slow motion, the beast was faster than I anticipated. One of its heads swung toward me like a battering ram, and I had to throw myself into a roll to dodge the bite.

"Keep freezing it! Slow it down!" I yelled, calculating furiously in my head. "It's gearing up for a ranged attack—get ready for poison!"

Selene raised an ice barrier, Lucas reinforced it with gravity, and just in time—the wolf spat a toxic stream that sizzled and corroded the shield. But we held.

Frustration twisted the beast's movements, making it sloppy. Sloppy but more dangerous. A bad combo.

"It's stronger than I remember," I muttered, wiping sweat from my brow. "And it's about to charge again. Five seconds! Four… three…"

But the second head caught me off guard. It lunged, its jaws clamping down on my left arm before I could blink.

"Agh! Damn it!" I winced, yanking myself free, blood dripping down my arm. "And just like that, I've managed to injure my left arm again. Fantastic."

The others threw worried glances, but I waved them off. "Focus! We've almost got it!"

I gripped my sword tighter, ignoring the pain. The wolf was pissed off now, both heads snarling as it locked eyes with me. Clearly, I was its favorite chew toy.

"Lucas, more gravity!" I shouted, bracing myself as the beast charged again, claws tearing up the frozen ground like it was ripping through paper.

Lucas clenched his fists tighter, sweat dripping as he pulled down harder on the wolf, making it move like it was wading through molasses. But the thing just wouldn't stop.

The first head snapped at me, and I barely managed to parry with my sword, the force rattling my bones. I followed with a quick slash, cutting through its hide. The beast recoiled, stumbling, but still furious.

"Yeah, come at me!" I taunted, striking again and landing a deep cut across its side. The second head swung for my legs, and I jumped back just in time, but the first head lunged at my chest.

"Lucas, tighten it up!" I shouted, locking blades with the wolf's teeth. My arms trembled from the impact. "I'd like to keep my internal organs where they are, thanks!"

"I'm trying!" Lucas groaned, pushing his control to the limit. The wolf faltered, just enough for me to seize the moment.

I dashed in, mana sword blazing, and drove it deep into the beast's chest, right under the first head. The wolf howled, staggering back as blood poured from the wound. It was hurting now.

"Selene, now!" I called, holding my ground as the beast, injured but still vicious, turned for one last lunge.

"Almost ready!" Selene shouted, her hands glowing as she prepped her spell. We didn't have much time.

The wolf's heads snapped at me again, wild and furious. I blocked what I could, but the force behind each attack felt like it would break every bone in my body.

Its second head aimed straight for my throat. I ducked, slashing across its jaw as it passed, sending more blood spraying. The beast reeled back, roaring in rage, but it was slowing.

"Lucas! More gravity!" I shouted, dodging another swipe.

Lucas, gasping for air, intensified the pressure around the wolf. It staggered again, slower than ever, but still relentless.

"Selene! Seriously, anytime now would be great!" I gasped, my arms barely keeping up with the wolf's strikes.

The beast lunged again, its teeth scraping across my chest as it knocked me back. I stumbled, pain flaring up, but before the wolf could finish me off, Selene's voice rang out.


A massive wave of freezing energy shot from her hands, the air crystallizing around the wolf. The beast froze in its tracks—literally. Ice encased its heads, its legs, every inch of its massive body.

The wolf let out one final, guttural snarl before its entire form shattered into a million glittering shards, falling like broken glass around us.

I dropped to one knee, panting as I watched the pieces of the monster rain down like crystal snow.

"Nice timing," I muttered, glancing back at Selene, who smiled weakly, clearly drained but triumphant.

Lucas, soaked in sweat, let out a breath and dropped his hands. "Took you long enough," he said with a grin.

I let out a weak laugh, wincing as I cradled my arm. "And just like that... my left arm is useless again," I muttered, glancing at the blood-soaked sleeve. "Why is it always the left arm?"

My legs wobbled beneath me, and I felt my mana reserves dip dangerously low. But the wolf was gone, and for now, that was enough.

"Nice timing," I muttered, glancing back at Selene. She offered a faint smile, clearly drained but resolute.

Lucas, panting heavily and soaked in sweat, dropped his hands and nodded. "Took you long enough," he said, his tone serious but with an edge of dry humor.

I laughed, wincing as I cradled my injured arm. "And just like that... I hurt my left arm again," I muttered, looking at the blood seeping through my sleeve. "Why is it always the left arm?"

I exhaled sharply, feeling light-headed. My legs wobbled beneath me, and I sensed the last dregs of my mana slipping away. "Luckily, my mana drained right after this whole fiasco..." I sighed, collapsing onto the cold ground. "Would've been real awkward if it ran out mid-monster-slaying."

Lucas glanced at me, his expression serious. "How did you figure out the monster's attack pattern?"

"I… just read about it in a book," I replied, deflecting the truth. There was no way I could admit I'd fought the thing in a game.

His brow furrowed slightly, but he didn't press further, clearly weighing my answer.

Just then, a signal shot into the sky, illuminating the area with a flare of light. I squinted up, catching sight of most of the infiltration group—the Phantom Order—retreating from the academy in chaos.

"Looks like Dorian's group succeeded too," I said, a wave of relief washing over me. "Guess they managed to handle themselves while I was playing babysitter to a giant wolf."

Selene nodded, her expression serious. "We should regroup and assess any damages. There could still be stragglers."

"Right," I agreed, trying to push myself up but failing spectacularly. "But for now… I think I'll just lie here for a little while longer. I'm really starting to enjoy this ground."

Lucas raised an eyebrow, a hint of a smirk playing at the corner of his mouth. "You should probably get used to standing. We might have more monsters to deal with."

"Yeah, yeah, always the optimist," I mumbled, closing my eyes for a moment. "But you know what? I'm definitely not moving until someone brings me a healing potion."

The distant echoes of chaos filled the air, but all I could think about was how perfect a nap would be right now—preferably somewhere soft, and, you know, not covered in blood.

Just as that comforting thought crossed my mind, the familiar system chime interrupted.


[Reward obtained]