Hania was startled by the sudden intrusion. Embarrassed, her heart trembled, as if her personal space had been intruded. However, David was so used to being overbearing that he did not care about others' will, and he was more like a sharp knife that went straight to her heart. The next second, he picked her up from the bathtub.
During the whole process, David did not even hesitate for a bit.
And the first thought that came to Hania's mind was... did he find out that she was crying?
But on second thought, she was covered with water, so of course he could not tell whether it was water or tears!
"Is that how you take a bath?" David asked.
Hearing that, Hania came to her senses. He was asking why she was squatting in the bathtub with her clothes on.
She stuttered, "I... I... I like it that way... I prefer to take off my clothes in the water... Why? I can wash my clothes at the same time too. It saves... saves water. This... This is my way of taking a bath."