Hania tried the best to hold back her tears brimming in her eyes. She didn't want Gabriela to hear her cry, so she tried to suppress it and said, "I got it."
"I'm glad that you know, Hania... Take care of yourself. I just don't want David to continue to make mistakes. If you don't leave, David will never tell you the truth. After you leave, you should not give birth to the child. After all, it will be quite pitiful for him to be a fatherless child." Gabriela reminded in a soft voice, "And you still have a long way to go! Please don't blame David. Don't ruin yourself because of me. You are still young. It will only cause you more harm to give birth to the child. What happened between you and David is only a fragment of your life. Don't get too worked up in it."
If it were the old Hania in the past, she would only keep silent and choose not to say anything.