Chapter 2:System

[Now is not the time to be passive. While the system's abilities haven't been completely drained, you can ask any questions you have about this world.]

"Even if you say that, I need to sort out my emotions first. This is too unbelievable. If it weren't for the pain in my body right now, I would have hoped this was just a dream," Perry muttered, holding his head in pain.

[Please ask quickly. There's not much time left.]

Perry struggled to stand up, feeling the pain in his body gradually fade away. He took a deep breath and glanced around the unfamiliar room.

The room looked old and shabby. The walls were peeling, giving off a faint musty smell. The only window was covered with thick curtains, and light barely seeped through the gaps, casting a dim glow in the room. The floor was covered with worn-out wooden planks that creaked with every step. In the corner of the room, a few old wooden crates were stacked, adding to the dilapidated feel. The only piece of furniture was two simple wooden bed, covered with a thin gray blanket that looked quite poor.

Looking down at himself, Perry expected to see his familiar clothes, but instead, he found himself wearing a rough, homespun robe, with fabric far coarser than anything he had worn before. His hands, too, seemed unfamiliar, with thin scars crisscrossing the back of them.

Perry's heart started racing, and a wave of unease welled up in his chest. He looked around quickly and noticed a cracked mirror in the corner of the room. He hurried toward it, still feeling a slight discomfort in his body, his footsteps echoing through the room. Standing in front of the mirror, he raised his eyes to see his reflection.

For a moment, he froze.

The person in the mirror had fiery red hair, messy and hanging down over their shoulders, and a pair of pitch-black eyes. Everything about this face was different from how Perry used to look. He had black hair and blue eyes—yet now, his appearance had completely changed.

He instinctively took a step back, his trembling fingers touching his face. The sensation was familiar, but the face in the mirror was no longer the one he knew.

He nervously ran his fingers through his red hair and stared at his black eyes. His heart raced even faster. Every detail reminded him—this body wasn't his.

"How strange..." Perry mumbled, his hands falling weakly to his sides. He realized at that moment that not only had he been brought to a strange world, but even his body had undergone a complete transformation.

Just then, the system's voice echoed in his mind, calm and resolute: [Host, I already told you that this body wasn't the one originally prepared for you. It once belonged to someone else, and your soul has had to temporarily reside here.]

"Okay, okay. So, do you have a way to send me back to Earth?"

[Not right now. Host, you must accept the reality that returning is impossible for now. Your focus should be on surviving in this world.]

"..." Perry was silent for a while, his spirits low. He muttered to himself, "Yeah, it's hard for anyone who crosses into another world to go back."

Especially now, with his system's abilities draining.

"Why do I need to conquer 100 strong people with food? How does that help you regain your abilities? Are there any other ways to restore your power?" After calming down, Perry was really curious about this strange mission.

[In this world, eating food can upgrade abilities. The reason we need 100 strong people is that the system must absorb the energy they gain during upgrades to recover. There are no other methods.] The system answered Perry's questions all at once.

"Only 100 people? That should be simple enough. Even though I'm not a master chef, I can still cook basic meals," Perry said, his face easing a little.

[Although it sounds simple, the ingredients here are different from those on Earth, and ordinary people aren't allowed to cook food freely.]

"Not allowed to cook freely? Why? Is it illegal?" Perry asked jokingly.

[Yes, it is. In this world, only those with a chef's license are qualified to cook.]

"...No way, seriously?! This world is really... insane."

[Any other questions?]

"My mind's a bit scrambled right now, so I can't think of any critical questions. Oh, by the way, is the language here the same as Earth's?"

[It's different, but to make things easier, I'll use my power to help you learn the language.] After the system finished speaking, Perry suddenly found unfamiliar letters and language appearing in his mind.

"Wow, I actually just learned new knowledge in an instant. That's amazing."

Even though Perry had already accepted part of this reality, he was still surprised when such magical things actually happened.

He still had many questions. Taking a deep breath, he tried to communicate with the mysterious voice.

"You say you're a system, but why did you choose me?" Perry asked, his voice filled with a mix of curiosity and unease. "What happened to my original world? I know this seems like a waste of time, but I want to know—what exactly happened to me?"

The system's voice remained calm and mechanical, but it seemed to understand Perry's confusion as it explained:

[Everyone has their own system, but they cannot see or hear its presence. I have always been with you, though I was in a dormant state.]

"Dormant? So, how did I activate you?" Perry frowned, confused as to why he suddenly had contact with the system.

[You might have accidentally triggered some condition—perhaps eating a dimensional mushroom caused the system to awaken... Also, in your original world, you have already died.]

Perry was stunned and chilled by this answer. Dead? What about his friends? His family? Did they know?

"Wait a second... Dead? Are you saying I'm no longer a part of my original world?" Perry's voice began to tremble, still struggling to comprehend this fact.

[Yes, Host. The dimensional mushroom detached your soul from your body, allowing you to travel freely to other worlds. Originally, I intended to return your soul to your body on Earth, but for some reason, your body's cells rapidly died. To save your soul, I had no choice but to find a world where you could survive. That's why I transported you here. However, there was an issue during the transfer.] The system's voice remained calm, but Perry sensed a strange tension.

"An issue?" Perry felt the need for more explanation. "What kind of issue?"

[The body that was originally meant for you was most likely taken by the person who now occupies it. To protect your soul from being destroyed, I exhausted all my power to temporarily place your soul in this body. Now, my abilities are fading, and in a few hours, I might become a low-level system, at which point I won't be able to provide much help.]

Perry was speechless for a moment. He took a deep breath, trying to stay calm. "Then... why are you trying so hard to protect me? What's the reason for your attachment to me?"

The system didn't respond immediately, but when it did, there was a faint trace of emotion in its voice.

[I will only ever follow one host, and that is you, Perry. I have always been your system. No matter how many time you forget me , I will never forget you. I knew I would reconnect with you eventually.] The system paused for a moment before continuing, [That is my eternal promise to you. No matter what happens, I will stay by your side.]

Perry felt a wave of emotion. These words gave him a sense of connection he'd never felt before. Although the system's voice remained cold, he could sense the determination and commitment behind it.

"You've always been with me... like my shadow." Perry whispered, his eyes slightly damp. Even though everything was hard to believe, he felt a strange bond with the system.

The system's voice returned to factual explanations.

[However, this body has a serious problem. The original owner mistakenly consumed a highly poisonous mushroom—the Gelatinous Mushroom, the third deadliest poison known here. There's no cure yet. Those who eat it endure excruciating pain and usually choose to end their lives. But the previous owner must have held onto some hope and tried to use magic to remove the toxin. However, while casting the spell, he mispronounced it, accidentally causing his soul to leave this body.]

"P-Pain? Is that why my body hurts so much right now? Is it because of the poison?"

[Actually, I've managed to control the poison. However, due to my limited abilities, I can only suppress the pain. The current pain you're feeling is a side effect of your soul entering the body, but don't worry, it will fade soon.]

"..." Perry didn't know what to say. Was he just unlucky to end up in this situation, or was the previous owner fortunate enough to escape the pain?

Perry furrowed his brow once more. "Isn't there any other way to save this body?"

[No. The poison is deeply embedded within this body. While I've temporarily suppressed it, this body can only survive for three more years.]

"Only three years?" Perry murmured, feeling a heavy weight in his heart. Three years meant his time was extremely limited. He had to find a solution soon.

[Yes, Host. I don't have enough power to fully deal with the poison.]

Perry couldn't help but chuckle bitterly. How had things come to this? "So, does that mean... I'm doomed to die in this body?"

[Don't worry, Host. As long as you complete the system tasks, I'll regain my strength. Once the system upgrades, I'll help you find a new body. Your primary task is to

 gather strong individuals and serve them food to earn system points. Once I've regained power, we can discuss more options.]

Perry let out a long sigh, feeling the complexity of the situation weigh heavily on him. But one thing was clear—he had to take control of this new life in this strange world. Time was short, and he needed to act.

"Fine," he said, determination filling his voice. "I'll complete the tasks. But in return, you better keep your promise."

[Of course, Host. Now, let's begin the journey.]