Chapter 9 :First Task

"Can you choose the task contents?"

[No, most tasks are triggered by the host coming into contact with specific items or events. I cannot make tasks appear at will.]

"I see. So, what should I do now to trigger a task?"

[Based on the items you've recently come into contact with, there are already a tasks available in my system. I can officially issue them to you now.] The system's blue orb gently floated in front of Perry, radiating a soft blue glow. That light seemed to hold some mysterious energy, continuously flowing around the orb like a miniature star quietly orbiting in the universe. Perry looked up and saw the orb slowly approaching, feeling as though the world itself was waiting for a moment to hand over some unknown power to him.

The flashing blue light grew more rhythmic, as if gathering energy. A faint tension filled the air. Perry could sense a subtle electric current emanating from the orb, lightly brushing against his skin, making his heart race slightly. It was as if something important was about to happen.

Suddenly, with two crisp beeps—"Ding—Ding—"—a virtual interface appeared in front of Perry without warning. The information on the screen quickly loaded, instantly dominating his vision. The clean interface edges emitted a faint blue glow, as if signaling the start of countless important decisions in the future.

Perry blinked, focusing on the task list in front of him. Two tasks appeared, with their details and rewards clearly listed:

[Task 1: 

Taste an apple 

Reward: Gain skill 'Precise Taste Lv1' 

Time limit: 1 day 

Penalty: None]

[Main Task: 

Collect 100 satisfaction ratings for your food from Lv80 or above individuals 


Reward: Each successful rating upgrades the system's level, with a 1% chance of unlocking a new skill 

Time limit: 3 years 

Penalty: Death]

The words on the task panel were clear, but the contents made Perry frown slightly. Taste an apple? The task seemed absurdly simple, almost childish. 

However, the "Main Task" brought a sense of pressure—collecting 100 satisfaction ratings from Lv80 or higher individuals within three years? For someone with ordinary cooking skills like Perry, this clearly wouldn't be easy. Moreover, the task penalty was "Death," which immediately weighed on his mind.

The system orb continued to float gently before him, its flashing blue light seemingly soothing his current anxiety.

[This is your first task,] the system's voice was calm but steady, [Since you're a beginner, I want you to start with something simple to gradually adapt to the rules of this world.]

Perry stared at the task interface, his lips curving into a slight smile. "Just tasting an apple to gain a skill? Sounds a bit unbelievable," he muttered, though a hint of curiosity sparkled in his eyes.

[It might be beginner's luck. Even I'm surprised you can get a skill from an ordinary apple.]

"This skill wasn't set by you?"

[No, I don't have that ability. In any case, tasks are mandatory, and you can't refuse them. Of course, once my level increases, that will no longer be an issue. Completing tasks benefits you as well.]

"Alright, so what kind of skill is 'Precise Taste'?" Perry asked with interest, reaching out to tap the detailed description of the task. To his surprise, nothing happened. He tapped again, but still no response.

"What's going on? Why can't I view the details of this skill?" Perry asked, confused, turning to the system.

[You haven't earned the skill yet,] the system explained, [Until you complete the task, the skill's specifics remain inaccessible.] It paused, the blue orb spinning in the air as though considering how best to explain the upcoming rules to Perry, [Let me clarify, tasks cannot be casually swapped, and the contents and rewards are randomly generated. I cannot fully control the complexity of tasks or the rewards at this stage, so don't expect every task to be simple.]

Hearing this explanation, Perry joked, "So, if the system's level increases, you could just assign me any task? I could just pick the easiest ones and earn skills effortlessly?"

The system quickly shut down that notion, [In fact, as the system level increases, the difficulty of tasks will also rise accordingly. And even simple tasks don't guarantee rich rewards. The task generation mechanism is complex and cannot be altered just by raising the system's level. If I unlock specific skills, I might be able to adjust some task content and rewards, but it's not absolute.]

Perry shrugged helplessly, though he was a little disappointed, he gradually accepted the system's explanation. "Looks like you're not all-powerful after all," he sighed, then glanced at the apple on the table, deciding to complete this simple task first.

Perry picked up a bright red apple from the basket, which looked almost identical to apples on Earth—its vibrant color seemed to drip with sweetness. After hesitating briefly, he brought the apple closer to his nose and sniffed—it smelled fresh, without any unusual odors, only the familiar, refreshing scent of fruit. 

"This apple doesn't have any special properties, right?" he suddenly remembered tales of attribute foods and asked, turning to the system, "Eating this won't have any side effects, will it?"

[Rest assured, there's a law of life protection in this world,] the system gently floated, [As long as your level is below 30, attributes won't pose a life-threatening danger. Your body's attributes aren't fixed at this stage, so food won't harm you.]

"Really? But isn't Henry both plant and water attribute? If I eat a fire attribute food, wouldn't that affect my skills?"

[Host, I said it won't be life-threatening. Eating food with different attributes from your skills can still affect your level and abilities. But as long as the food is non-toxic and has no attributes, it's safe to eat.]

Feeling reassured by the system's explanation, Perry relaxed. After all, he was already hungry and could use something to eat. Holding the apple in his hand, he hesitated for a moment before decisively taking a bite. The moment his teeth sank into the apple's skin, a crisp "crunch" echoed in his ears, like a pleasant melody. The apple's flesh immediately cracked open, and sweet juice flooded his mouth.

The apple's sweetness filled Perry's tongue, balanced by a subtle tartness. The perfect harmony of sweet and sour flavors awakened his senses, making each bite feel more invigorating. The juice was so abundant that he couldn't swallow it all at once, and thin streams of apple juice trickled down his chin. Perry quickly wiped away the juice but couldn't help but smile, then carefully licked the remaining drops, unwilling to waste even a bit of the delicious flavor.

"Wow, this apple is amazing, even though it's just a regular one." Perry chewed thoughtfully, marveling at the satisfying crunch and juicy burst in every bite. "It's both crisp and juicy, with a slightly grainy texture. I can't stop eating—this is exactly the kind of apple I love."

He took another big bite, and as his teeth sunk into the flesh again, it was as if he could hear the faint popping of the fruit's internal cells. The natural fragrance of the apple spread through his mouth with each chew, awakening his deep appreciation for food.

Before he knew it, he had devoured the entire apple, leaving only a thin core. He raised his hand and wiped the remaining juice from his lips with the back of his hand, a satisfied smile still on his face. "Unbelievable, this apple made me feel like all the world's food is this good—I just can't stop!" Perry licked his lips, savoring the last remnants of sweetness.

The task completion notification chimed in his ears. Perry looked down to see the completed task displayed on his interface:

[Task 1 completed: Skill 'Precise Taste Lv1' acquired.]

Feeling excited, Perry quickly opened the interface to check the new skill's description. The screen glowed softly, and the details appeared:

[Precise Taste Lv1: You can precisely perceive the flavors of food, distinguish ingredients, and even sense the food's attributes. A certain amount of food must be consumed to trigger the skill. The higher the skill level, the more you can discern, eventually identifying ingredients and hidden attributes with a single bite.]

Perry couldn't help but chuckle as he read the description, a wry smile spreading across his face. "This skill seems tailor-made for a chef," he mused, imagining a top chef tasting food with intense focus and joy.

He began to consider the potential of this skill. Precise Taste wouldn't just enhance the pleasure of tasting food, but it would also allow him to identify ingredients with precision. Plus, it could even detect the food's attributes. This skill was practically a must-have for any aspiring chef.

"This is actually a pretty great skill," Perry's eyes sparkled with excitement.

He turned his gaze back to the floating blue orb, curiosity filling his mind as he asked, "This is only level one. How can I level up this skill?"

The blue orb floated serenely, circling Perry once before replying in its calm voice, [To level up a skill, you need to use it frequently to gain proficiency. Level 5 is the maximum for any skill. The higher the level, the stronger the effect. For 'Precise Taste', the condition for leveling up is clear—you need to eat more, especially foods with special attributes, to make your taste buds more sensitive.]

Perry nodded, suddenly filled with anticipation for the upcoming mission. "So, I need to keep trying fresh, different kinds of food, even flavors I've never encountered before, right?"

[Exactly,] the system's voice carried a hint of encouragement. [The more you eat, the more sensitive your taste buds become, and the faster your skill improves. Of course, it also depends on your intelligence attribute. The higher your intelligence, the quicker you can learn skills and increase your proficiency. So, if you want to speed up your skill progression, you might want to consider boosting your intelligence.]

"Intelligence?" Perry frowned, "It seems leveling up this skill isn't just about using my mouth; I'll have to focus on honing my whole being."

He chuckled and asked, "So, how much food do I need to eat to max out this skill? Is there a specific number or a special kind of food that can help me level up quickly?"

[There's no fixed number,] the system patiently explained. [Everyone adapts to skills differently, and the type of food also affects your skill progression. The more complex and rare the food, the more proficiency it can give you. Simple foods will allow you to slowly accumulate experience, but challenging ingredients will offer a greater boost.]

Perry nodded, realizing the system's logic made sense. "Got it. So, I need to hunt down those unique foods. The rarer the food, the faster I'll level up." He gazed into the distance thoughtfully, already planning his next tasks and explorations.

At that moment, a thought struck him: "Since I can gain this skill by eating, does that mean I could also acquire other skills through food? Like, if I keep eating a fruit that makes the body transparent, could I eventually gain the invisibility skill?"

The system's blue light flickered for a few moments, as if contemplating, before responding: [Yes, if the host keeps eating food with specific effects, there is a small chance to acquire a related skill. However, if the food doesn't align with your attributes, even if it has an effect, it's best not to consume it.]

"Alright, seems like I'll have to take every meal seriously now." Perry patted his stomach lightly and laughed, "I'll have to be extra cautious just to fill my belly."

Perry took another apple and bite. "Being a chef sounds like a hassle."