Chapter 29 : Question

Perry joined the surging crowd as they arrived at the venue for the competition, a luxurious count's mansion. The massive villa stood tall amid the verdant trees, its intricately carved iron gates exuding a sense of solemnity. Flags symbolizing noble status hung from the high walls surrounding the villa, and a flowerbed at the entrance was adorned with various blooms, their fragrances wafting through the air, hinting at an air of unapproachable prestige.

At the entrance of the mansion stood five guards in exquisite armor, their sharp eyes scanning the queue of people, blocking those without invitations from entering. Clearly, only nobles and merchants with invitations could gain entry to participate in the competition. Perry stood at the edge of the crowd, observing the comings and goings of others, filled with curiosity about the event.

To encourage more commoners to participate, the count had opened a special opportunity, allowing ten commoners to enter the mansion on the condition that they answer a question correctly. However, only two spots remained, and each person had only one chance to answer. The question posted on the wall was simple yet mysterious: "The Weeping Green Gem."

Perry stared at the question on the wall, feeling puzzled. He immediately wondered if the system knew the answer, but it could only provide vague hints: [It is related to vegetables and fruits.]

The question was too abstract, and Perry was not familiar with the local food. So, he decided to stroll over to a street market selling vegetables and fruits, examining the appearance of each item in an attempt to find the answer.

The market was bustling, with vendors calling out their wares. Perry closely inspected each fruit and vegetable; some had peculiar shapes, others vibrant colors, but none made him think of "The Weeping Green Gem." He couldn't help but feel a bit frustrated, and at that moment, his growling stomach reminded him that it was time to fill his belly.

Ultimately, he walked into the most ordinary-looking restaurant, ordering a vegetable salad. He was hesitant to eat meat, especially after seeing those oddly-shaped animals. He just hoped to find some inspiration while eating. The salad he ordered consisted solely of green vegetables. One bite revealed a particularly unique vegetable, its fresh sweetness spreading across his tongue, followed closely by a spiciness, then a hint of sourness, making his taste buds feel as if they were on a delightful adventure. He was deeply captivated by the distinct flavor of this vegetable and couldn't help but ask the owner what it was.

With a tearful voice, the owner replied, "This is called 'Green Corn.' It looks like a bluish-green broccoli head, and each little ball is firm and plump. To taste its delicacy, you must carefully peel away that tough green shell. When you cut it open, it releases a strong spiciness, and every time you peel it, it can make you cry." As he spoke, the owner grabbed a piece of Green Corn from a basket behind him, tearing open its shell with force, causing his eyes to stream with tears. Perry gazed at the bluish-green flesh, resembling glimmering green gems, and suddenly a realization struck him.

"The Weeping Green Gem! This is the answer!" Perry felt a surge of joy and quickly thanked the owner before hurrying back to the count's mansion.

Upon arriving at the mansion, Perry walked directly to the guards and confidently answered, "The answer is Green Corn." The guard checked his answer, nodded, and finally allowed him to pass through the iron gate. He successfully entered the villa, becoming the last commoner to pass the question.

Inside the mansion, he found a large crowd of nobles and merchants dressed in splendid attire gathered in the hall. Perry's simple clothing stood out starkly, and many of those in luxurious garments cast disdainful glances at him, whispering and looking down upon him for sharing the same space. Perry was unfazed by this; he navigated around the indifferent nobles and made his way directly to the competition hall, seeking a corner seat to observe the famous culinary duel.

At the center of the hall was a circular stage surrounded by fifty spectator seats. Each seat was carefully arranged to provide a clear view of everything happening on the competition stage. The host stepped onto the stage, visibly excited as he introduced the rules of the competition: "Tonight's culinary duel will feature the renowned Hinnal and his former mentor, Goblin! At the start of the competition, they will randomly select two spectators to choose their attributes and then create a dish that can help them level up!"

As the host's voice faded, a tense draw began. Perry's heart raced as he unexpectedly found himself chosen by Hinnal, while the other lucky spectator, a young woman in lavish clothing, was selected by Goblin.

"Now, please let the two spectators announce their attributes," the host said, raising the microphone and smiling at Perry and the woman.

Perry stood up, his voice firm: "I am of the Water element." The woman followed, replying, "I am of the Earth element."

After the host announced their attributes, the countdown to the competition began. Hinnal quickly approached the cooking station, selecting the freshest seafood, while Goblin chose special vegetables he had brought with him, each appearing to possess a unique magical quality, imbued with a mysterious aura.

The competition time was limited to 45 minutes; whoever could create the dish that best helped the spectators level up would claim victory. All eyes in the room focused on the central stage, and the air buzzed with a mix of tension and excitement. In this moment, Perry was no longer just an ordinary spectator; he had to witness every move Hinnal made, learning the mysterious and sophisticated culinary techniques.

The timer ticked down, and the culinary duel officially began.