13. New Lead

"How is he now? Better?"

"If you are asking about the poison, well I am not sure what to tell you."

"And what does that mean? Is he okay gran?"

Minato smiled at Ijichi, he was always so concerned about him. It had been a whole week since he woke up and he still didn't remember anything.

"The poison is still within him but it doesn't seem to be causing him any harm. It exists within his system, not mixing with the rest of him, but just existing on its own. We just have to keep watching him closely to see if anything happens."

"And what about my memory?"

"In all honesty, I'm not entirely sure what is causing your memory blockage. But I do have a few guesses.

It could be the poison from the demon's dagger. According to Ijichi, you were supposed to be dead. You being alive is a miracle that even I don't understand yet.

Then also, this could be self inflicted."


"Yes. Sometimes when the body finds out something truly shocking, it becomes too much for it to handle and it wants to forget. Sometimes, one ends up forgetting some things, but in other cases, a complete memory blockage occurs."

"Is it forever?"

"Goodness no. When the body and the mind grows stronger and becomes capable of handling difficult situations, it begins to return. Being around things from your past helps as well. And sometimes, when a person close to your heart appears, it triggers the memories."

"So…they're not lost?"

"Not at all. They're simply locked away, at the deepest depth of your mind. Listen child, there seems to be something going on inside of you. You seem to be at war with a part of yourself, before thinking about your memories, I implore you to try to find peace within yourself. Only then will you become the best version of yourself."

"Thank you, grandma Inaba."

"Always a pleasure. Now run along, the fishes won't catch themselves."

It had been only a week, but Minato was already feeling like a part of the family. Grandma Inaba told him that their town was called Nowhere because it wasn't on any of Engrassia's maps or books and they weren't acknowledged by the king. They existed as a family on a land owned by the founder of the town.

It made Minato feel bad that they wouldn't have access to the amenities provided for the citizens of the kingdom but they didn't seem to mind. They were allowed to trade with the other towns and as long as they stayed out of trouble, and out of the radar of the guards, they were fine.

Later that night, while they were having dinner, Ijichi took Minato aside. "I need to talk to you, I promise it won't be long."

Minato wondered what he wanted to talk about but he went with him. They had grown so close to each other that the people of the town were asking if they were romantically involved.

Ijichi was the only familiar face in that town, and so it was easier to be friends with him. Then having him around felt like something that was natural…like it was a usual thing for them back when he had his memories. "What's going on?"

"There's something I felt I should tell you." He said, a sober expression on his face.

"What is it?"

"The day we met, you told me about being summoned here from another world– well I kind of figured it out– but the point is, you're not from Engrassia."

Somehow it didn't sound absurd to Minato. He didn't know where he was from, but hearing he was from another world felt…normal to him.

"Also, you were summoned with the seven Primordial heroes. But since you were the eight person, they tagged you an–"


"Right. You remember now?"

"Not exactly. Rather than my own memories, it feels like a book I've read before or something I've heard." He looked down at his hands. "You said you wanted me to know the truth about something…but I don't remember what it is."

"And I don't think telling you now will do much good."

"Neither do I."

"Then I'll wait till your memories come back, and I promise to help you out in any way I can. So please," he took Minato's hand in his. "Don't leave. At least until your memories return."

There was a different kind of warmth in his voice as he spoke and he had a gentle look in his eyes. Suddenly Minato felt a spark in his heart, and it felt like he had a special bond with Ijichi.

"I won't. Even after my memories return." He promised and Ijichi pulled him in for a hug.


"Excuse me, have you seen this woman?"

"No, I don't think so."

"Are you sure? Please take a closer look."

"I'm certain. My apologies hero Sama but I have no idea who this young woman is."

"Alright, thank you for your time."

For the past week, Miyano and his party had been searching for the woman who had witnessed the robbery but they haven't had any luck. It was almost like the woman was a ghost.

"Uhh…excuse me? Hero Sama?" A young girl of about twelve years approached Miyano.

"Yes little girl, do you need something?"

"Why are you looking for Mitsuri Nee san?" She asked, pointing at the portrait in Miyano's hand.

"You know this woman?"

"Yes. She comes to my mom's shop all the time. In fact, she'll be here tomorrow morning."

"Can you take us to your mom's shop?"

"Sure. Follow me."

The shop was no more than two blocks away from where they were. Miyano spoke to the mother and she confirmed that the woman, whose name was Mitsuri, was indeed a regular at her restaurant. She always made a trip from outside the city twice every week to sell some things to her.

"Thank you for the information. We'll be back tomorrow."

"Anytime, hero Sama."