Chapter 4: The Gatekeeper

After what felt like hours of walking, they reached a clearing. In the center stood a towering stone archway, covered in thick, glowing vines that pulsed with an eerie, blue light. The air around it crackled with energy. This must be the ancient gate.

The figure turned to Alex, its golden eyes gleaming once more. "Beyond this gate lies the Edge of Worlds. If you are to find your way back, it will be through here. But be warned—once you cross, there is no turning back."

Alex's heart raced. The gate was both awe-inspiring and terrifying. The pulsing vines seemed to beckon her closer, yet she hesitated. "What's on the other side?" she asked quietly. "What kind of trials?"

The figure was silent for a moment, then said, "The Edge of Worlds is a place where realities collide. You will face not only the creatures that dwell there but your deepest fears, your greatest regrets. If you survive, you may find a way home. If not…"

Alex nodded, trying to steel herself. She had come this far, and there was no choice but to go forward. "Thank you," she said, though she still didn't know what this figure truly was—or if it could be trusted.

The figure gave a small, almost imperceptible nod. "May the Veil watch over you."

Taking a deep breath, Alex stepped forward and touched the gate. The vines pulsed brighter, and a shimmering portal opened before her, swirling with a mix of darkness and light. She took one last look at the mysterious figure, then stepped through.