The Awakening

Life in Willowbrook town, tucked away between rolling hills and vast forests, was quite predictable. However, for this fifteen-year-old addict to fantasy novels, with a mind full of daydreams and creative imagery, nothing could be as amazing as what the next adventure promised. In the sheltered existence of her small town, Sarah far strayed from knowing the impending calamity that would tear her away from this place and into a world beyond her wildest dreams.

It was on just such a dismal afternoon that Sarah ran to her favorite sanctuary: a stand of ancient oak trees in the woods behind her house. The tree stood out. Massively gnarled, its roots twisted like the tendrils of some ancient thing into the earth. Often she climbed to the lowest branch, escaping reality and immersing herself in the fantasy worlds of wizards, dragons, and epic quests. She sat on her branch with her favorite book, but on that particular day, the feeling began to wash over her, like a whisper in the wind urging her to pay attention.

She read, and the words blurred, the familiar illustrations shimmering. Sarah blinked, confused. But it didn't stop. She rubbed her eyes hard and was fully convinced she was just imagining things, running a little wild. But before she could even think about the moment, a gust of wind swept through the trees, whirling around her, upending her book from her hands. She felt it flutter into the air like a startled bird, and with it an inexplicable pull as the world around her started to disintegrate.

Before Sarah could even understand what was happening to her, a brilliant light covered her, and the whole world turned upside down. The oak tree disappeared, and waves of color and sound took its place. When the light faded, Sarah found herself lying on soft grass, the warmth of the sun showering down on her. She came to sit slowly up, but there was pounding in her chest from confusion and excitement.

She inhaled deep, murmuring to herself, "Where am I?" Surrounding her, green mountains dominated the view with some gigantic mountain tops bearing the ancient as if gods had placed them there. A heavy dosis of wildflower scent and a sky painted with hues of violet and gold, just how an artist would imagine, bombarded her senses.

Before she could sort through her thoughts, the distance laughed. Curiosity did it, and Sarah's feet pushed her up into standing positions. Brushing grass blades clinging to her clothes, she moved with a strange sense of belonging-to this place where it had called her long before she had arrived. She moved on cautiously as the laughs gained greater volumes until she found herself at the edge of a clearing.

To her surprise, a covey of children, no older than she was, stood round a small fire. Colourful tunics and skirts of such merriment and garish hue danced about their rosy face surfaces; one girl especially caught her eye, her flowing auburn curls full of laughter like the jarring sound of a bell. Sarah hesitated at the edge of the clearing, uncertain whether she should continue her way.

"Hey! You there!" the girl shouted, noticing how Sarah hesitated. "Come join us. We were just about to start telling stories!"

Sarah took a step forward, mixed feelings of fear and excitement apparent in her voice. "I. I'm Sarah," she spoke barely above a whisper.

"Welcome to Eldoria, Sarah!" the girl said. "I'm Elara. Come sit!" she gestured to the circle, and Sarah's tension eased as she stepped across the clearing to join them. By the fire was warmth and laughter, impossible to be formal in its presence.

As the tales began to spill, Sarah realized that Eldoria was indeed land full of magic and wonders. Inhabited by creatures one read about in their books, there were elves, talking animals, and the wizards who controlled the elements. Each child had his tale of adventures-the battles they had fought, friendships they forged, and lessons they learned. Sarah listened with open ears, and her heart yearned to be part of their world.

"Have you had any adventures?" Elara asked with sparkling eyes full of curiosity.

Sarah hesitated about what to say regarding that whirlwind that brought her here. "I just… I think I fell through a portal."

Elara's eyes widely opened in delight. "A portal! That is incredible! You must be chosen by the Spirits!"

"Chosen?" Sarah echoed, confusion and excitement flooding her senses.

"Only people with great potential may enter the land of Eldoria," Elara said. "You're here for a reason. You must find your path and find out what you are meant to do!"

Just then, a low growl came rumbling from the darkness outside the clearing. The giggling stopped and an unsettling silence spread through the area. The kids looked at one another nervously, and Sarah's spine prickled with gooseflesh.

"Is that… what I think it is?" one of the boys whispered, his eyes very wide with fear.

"Stay close!" Elara commanded, though her voice is steady enough despite the fear in her eyes.

As shadows seemed to dance, she felt a rush through her heart. Then out of the darkness, up a magnificent figure stepped, eyes like molten gold. Its presence was of both power and menace, and Sarah realized that it was far from being merely a spectator in this world. She would have to find her courage if she was to survive, for she had been thrust into a realm of perpetual danger.

With the growling beast watching them, she came to her own mind, all confused: What was she supposed to do? Why had she been brought here?

The adventure was just starting, and Sarah was soon to discover that her existence in Eldoria was destined to change everything.