Immense Adrenaline

Zain! Duck now! *twitch*

Running towards Zain was... Dem!

Zain's eyes widened in shock. "Dem, you came!"

The area where Zain and Gem currently were was like a mini desert. The ground was sandy with next to no stone; only big rocks here and there which were extremely scarce. When one looked around, they would be able to easily spot where the desert starts and ends, and where trees reside not too far away. Perhaps that's where the forest planted around the village ended. *twitch*

Running out from the grassy area, Dem slid on the mini desert and, in mid-motion, pulled out an arrow from his back and readied it on the bow already in his hand.


As he fired it, the arrow sliced through the air, making a sound due to the strength and determination he placed on the shot.

The rat beast's hand was mid-air, already going for Zain's head, when the arrow collided.


The rat beast sounded like a rat, as expected, only a bit fiercer than an ordinary rat. But still, a smile was forced to form on Dem's face. "I once created a potion, an advanced body smoother, and as for who or what I tested it on to confirm what it truly is, was a creature like you... a rat."


"The only difference between you and that creature is that it's an animal and you're a beast."


"I heard Dem's voice. I heard Dem's voice." These words kept going through Gem's mind while he was subconsciously being held by the two rat beasts.

Gem was so excited to see that Dem arrived that his eyes were forced to bulge with veins. His eyes reddened and glared first at the rat beast that still had its claws resting on his crossed arms. *Twitch*

His muscles tensed up as he... "Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!!! "Haaaaaa!!!"

He pushed the beast violently, sending it skidding into the distance.

The beast was sent skidding and raising a cloud of dust, in a manner that its head was scraping the ground, leaving a straight line mark on the sandy ground.

It is more than clear that the beast won't be giving any problems for a while now, that distance should be enough. Gem was left the last beast clutching onto his ribs with his sharp teeth that still couldn't penetrate.

Staring at the other beast that had its teeth clenching onto him, his eyes went bloodshot.

Pushing himself sideways with immense force, he freed himself from the beast and, in the process, ripped off his sweater.

Instead of seeing a bare bloody chest, an armor was seen beneath! This was the other and last purpose of the sweat, to mask their armor.

On the other hand, Dem was still battling the rat beast. Though they weren't fighting anymore, Dem's previous attack was starting to affect the beast more.

The advanced body smoother wasn't the same version as what he used when he was younger. He worked on it and improved its effects a few years earlier. This time, it'll do more than cutting off their...awkward spots. You already know. It will also remove your limbs.

Staring at the big rat in front of him with a smile, one noticeable change started occurring.

Blood started gushing from its legs, nose, every spot that stops a rat shape from looking like a worm.

Moments later, its legs, nose, and others all detached from its body in a violent manner, spewing blood in the air.


Reading his arrow again, Dem fired another shot at its head, killing it in an instant.

Turning around, he couldn't help but stare at the other battle going on at a distance.

The other beast charged towards Gem and leaped into the sky with its mouth wide open.

Stretching his hands forward was Gem. He caught the beast mid-air, holding onto its upper jaw with one hand, and the other, with his other hand.

"Die!!! "he screamed as he pulled its jaw in the opposite direction.

Both Zain's and Dem's jaws dropped.

"Don't tell me he is doing what I think he is!?!"

"How am I meant to know what's on your mind?" Zain replied back with a reasonable question, without even removing his gaze from where it was.


Gem screamed as he attempted pulling the beast apart, causing his hands to tremble, but it unsurprisingly didn't budge.

Gem has always possessed superhuman strength right from birth. At one point in time, as you all know, he ripped a kid's arms off. He also once made a kid blind and broke his father's ribs when his father was babysitting him as a baby.

But all this devilish art wasn't something he ever intended to do.

At first, some people believed he was an evil child, some believed he was a god. So many rumors came about him, but all this was nothing but mere assumptions.

Dem is the only one who truly knows what he is... He's just a human.

A human, but one who has an absolute connection to his adrenaline. One of the reasons why Dem fell in love with science was because of Gem.

After checking out so many theories, he came to the final conclusion that he has an absolute connection with his adrenaline.

A few things do trigger it to bring it to the maximum level, even more than any living thing could possibly reach.

Ever since Dem arrived at the fight, Gem's eyes continued to twitch, even when he was subconscious. After a short while, he was forced to awaken his specialty, only to be at his peak due to the excitement he felt when his brother arrived.

Peeking with the side of his eyes, Gem saw what forced a smile to his face.

Gem wondered happily,

"I haven't even done anything yet and their mouths are widely opened in shock. They'd better keep it closed for now because I can't disappoint them. A little show off won't be bad."

Little did Gem know that his happiness just triggered his adrenaline again, and right in front of their eyes,


Gem's adrenaline is one that is triggered by excessive emotion.


Dear readers, I know I haven't posted lots of chapters from my book, but please, if you have enjoyed this book so far, I'll appreciate it so much if you vote.

This book needs your vote; I'm planning to make it at the top soon in the tab of novels with the highest power stones.

Show some love and motivation to me with your power stone because, of course, a happy writer tries his best to make his readers share similar emotions.