The Tier-8 City Of Mages

Zain currently was in the middle of harnessing the power of the Green Heart, and Dem, on the other hand, was too traumatized to even show emotion. The fact that he lost his brother, a twin out of all, was not something he could just let slide like nothing happened.

Dem simply couldn't cope, unlike Zain, who managed to keep his emotions at bay. The multitude of novels Zain has read made him more familiar with a situation like this. There were cases where some of his favorite protagonists die, and its impact on Zain makes it feel like it's reality.

He has faced a rollercoaster of emotions so much that he was starting to get used to it, same goes for Gem who, even at his last moment, didn't quiver in fear but rather, was still able to force a smile to his face.

Another reason which made Zain keep forcing himself to endure the pain of losing Gem was Gem himself. Before Gem fell into the abyss, he spoke some words, some final words that told Zain multiple times to complete the task beforehand.

He told Zain to not let all the actions that led to his last moment be for waste, he told them to finish the task ahead and not to give up no matter what, and Zain obeyed and managed to keep this going. But as for Dem, it wasn't that he wasn't trying to do as he was told, he simply couldn't do it.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't shake off the pain in his heart. Moments where he loses someone were something he has never experienced nor does he have a glimpse of how it felt like; this is just too much for him to handle. The trauma of losing his brother was too much for Dem to bear, and it weighed heavily on his heart.

As Dem reached for the book, his hand trembled. The weight of the loss and the guilt of not being able to protect Gem weighed heavily on him. Tears welled up in his eyes as he held the book in his hands, feeling the weight of their mission and the burden of his own emotions.

The dynamic wielder watched silently.

As Zain continued absorbing the crystal's energy, the dynamic wielder knew that they were in for a rough ride. The power of the Green Heart was immense, and it was clear that Zain would have to learn to control it if they were to succeed in their mission.

But as the dynamic wielder looked at Dem, he saw a glimmer of determination in his eyes. Despite the pain and the sorrow, Dem was still determined to keep going.

Staring at the sight of Zain in front of him in pain, screaming as a green electrifying aura circulated in and out of him was indeed painful to watch, but what finally caused a flicker of emotion on his face, in particular, was a sudden realization.

The dynamic wielder never said the Green Heart grants magic; he only said it unlocks magic. One can only unlock what he has or once had, not what he never had.

Zain never had magic, but he touched the crystal and the power of it was affecting him. What exactly would happen to him who has no magic to unlock?

Dem was still in the middle of his thoughts when the dynamic wielder chimed in.

"Don't be afraid because you won't lose him, but the effect of the crystal on him is still unknown to me. When the entire thing is over, then I'll tell you all the changes that occur."

Dem should have been shocked at how the dynamic wielder was intruding into his thoughts, and he was, but his expression showed otherwise.

Dem simply stared at him blankly before turning away.

The aura exploding into Zain's body slowly died down, and the brightness of the crystal slowly reduced as well until it completely lost its color to grey and eventually, the energy completely died down.

"Zain..." Gem called out with his emotionless expression. "How are you feeling? Do you feel any different?"

Zain, who was dropped on the ground, kneeling tiredly on the ground and his head facing downwards, slowly opened his eyes.

"De... Dem..." He muttered weakly, feeling numbness around his whole body.

*Clap* *Clap* *Clap*

"Wow, I'm impressed. You just gained a magic that is indeed awesome, the magic of elements," the dynamic wielder started.

"The magic of elements is a recognized and powerful magic that strikes fear into the heart of mages. It consists of magic that is further classified into five: fire, water, air, earth, and lightning."

"Fire is a magic possessed by some of the greatest mages of the human settlement; lightning is another. Earth is one of the best defenses you can ever wish to have. Air and water would show their usefulness if you learn and use them at their peak, so learn it with dedication Zain."

"You just unlocked something you should cherish, and if you put hard work into this, you'll end up being someone great and people will fear you. As for your friend Dem, it's up to him to find a way to gain magic for himself."

"I'll be sending you to the human settlement where real mages live. It's up to you to make a name for yourself and blend into the way of mages. Good luck and goodbye."

Stretching his hands forward towards the duo, the area behind them was starting to react strangely as it was starting to get extremely windy.

"And Zain, your power was not just gained but was unlocked; I misinterpreted and..."


Electrifying aura circulated behind them, forming a giant ring shape, before the dynamic wielder completed his statement.

"You barely gained any of it, elements is just the side magic." He mumbled the last sentence, to low for Zain to hear.


And just like a vacuum cleaner, the ring-shaped electrifying aura, which has fully developed into a porter, whisked Zain in, and where he found himself next was a sight to behold.

It was up above in the sky of the magnificent tier 8 city of the human settlement.