Time Magic vs Weapon Mastery

Raising his hands skyward, a holographic interface containing the name of all the people at the ground currently was displayed again.

Staring at the names of all the new intake at the academy was everyone.

" I will be moving further with the next two names that appears here."

"Erin Clankton and Clayton Kox! Kindly step up to the platform." announced Eagleman.

Erin clankton is the direct decedent of a popular new clan existing in the tier 8 city. The clan gained popularity due to its speed in rising. The magic they uses is the magic of time manipulation, a rare gem.

The ability to manipulate time itself, allowing the user to travel through time, age or de-age themselves, or even freeze time in specific areas. Well all these are the big fry because that's something only the head of the clan can possibly achieve.

They can possibly achieve but haven't, if they had, they wouldn't be seen as a rising clan but rather, they'll be at the top, because of course, time magic is not the magic to mess with.

Erin is a striking figure, with long, flowing hair the color of molten gold that cascaded down her back in loose waves. Her eyes were a piercing shade of blue, sharp and intelligent, always seeming to be analyzing and observing everything around her. Her overall features were delicate yet strong, with high cheekbones and a determined jawline.

Her attire is practical yet stylish, with a sleek black jumpsuit that hugged her curves and allowed for ease of movement.

On the other hand, Clayton Kox is just a regular guy, not from any clan but has been living an average life with his poor little brother. He possesses the power of weapon mastery that is of course, the power to use any weapon he braced himself with perfectly. His magic shows the weak point of his opponent at a given time during a fight to him alone, all he needs to do is to follow the mental image he receives.

Most times, he sees a line of foggy trail that pinpoint itself from his sword towards a part of his opponent body. All he needs to do is to follow the trail to wherever the trail points to, that spot is a weak point.

Standing elegantly, Kox had a serious expression on his face showing his determination. His hair was a dark, midnight black that is spiky at the top, contrasting sharply with his pale complexion. He had a lean and athletic build, with muscles that indicates strength and agility honed through years of training and experience.

Kox's attire is as enigmatic as he was, wearing a long, flowing cloak made of deep ash fabric that seemed to shimmer and shift in the light. Underneath the cloak, he wore a form-fitting tunic and trousers that allowed for ease of movement, practical yet elegant in their design.

A utility belt hung at his waist, laden with various tools and weapons that he used in his adventures and battles. And lastly On his waist by the left side the weapon stood out most was a kantana blade.

Let the duel be...

Sir, Kox intruded with an arm respectively raised upward before he inquired. "It won't be right for me to fight her, i think this matchup isn't proper because of my sword."

-Yeah that's right you are armed and she isn't. A person from the crowd added loudly.

-Yeah and what's worse is that his opponent is a lady. Another person injected.

And with that, multiple people started voicing out their opinions making the whole place noisy for some moment before Kox continued again, diverting their focused to him again.

"You see, an armed man like me cannot be fighting an unarmed opponent because one wrong move can send her head flying in the air especially due to the fact that her magic is quite a... challenging one."

The question forced Eagleman to smile. Don't worry, we got things under undercover.

"I am to fight anyone won't it be preferable to fight someone with similar power, remember overconfident is not a good character that mages must not possess and you said it yourself."

Eagleman let out a warm laugh making his eyes squint. Kox is clearly amusing him and...

'I'm liking this guy already.' He thought inwardly before he began to explain.

"You remember when you registered yourself into this school, during the time you gain entry, you had to follow some simple steps and one of them was to place your hands on the book that was given to you by who ever was incharge in registering you."

"After you did so a ball of energy was raised from it. Are you aware that ball wasn't raised because of you contact with the book?" Eagleman asked rhetorically. "No it wasn't, it was to place the dual life magic unto you and as for how the ball came to be, is non of your business right now. you'll understand more when the time comes."

The dual life magic is a reincarnation spell that works when one dies. It reincarnates the dead person as soon as he dies, only once, along side giving him a new body.

"You were all sent running here because the ball was moving too fast that's because we didn't want anything to happen to you which will trigger the reincarnation spell other than this assessment. "

"Right now, all we want for you is your strength as well as other battle qualities at it's peak."

-"woah, Now it makes sense."

Bursting forward, Kox wasted no time into attacking, the duel already began anyway. "I need to close up on her, my magic focuses on close quarter combat. If I give her distance, she have a upper hand."

Leaping upward, her grabbed the hilt of the curved blade hanging on his waist as he closed up on her to make the first strike.

Narrowing his eyes midway, he activated his magic which made deny the law of reality. A slim trail of aura made of fog extended from his sword to to Erin's neck.

With a smile, he spoke inwardly. 'This is gonna be a quick one.'

Erin who has been standing through out while Kox charged in and formulate a plan is not a fool for any reason.

A slight smirk extended on Erin previous poker face making the air feel stagnant around Kox along side a strange sensation that dissipate the air.

'What the hell, why am I having this strange feeling, why does it feels like I am moving in slow motion.' Kox wondered and got his answer soon.

Erin called out in a cold voice that sliced through the fabric of reality itself.



A single ripple of air made of mana sliced through the air, sending a tingling sensation on Kox body that partially dissipate his previous confidence and determination.

Kox eyes shot wide open. 'That wind has mana to it, I felt it. She activated something along with it.'