Darkness Reigns Supreme

"Reveeeeeeeeeenge!" The speaker screamed in response to Kang's offer before getting hit on the head by one of his teammates, rendering him uncounesus.

"We are sorry for our teammate's interference, we will drop this dispute." The culprit spoke as the rest of his group nodded their head before disappearing one after another.

"What a pity… Never mind, what about you?" Kang's eyes fell on the last remaining group, gauging them for an answer.

"No no, thank you! The gate is all yours." The last team did the same as the ones before them, then disappeared from the scene leaving Kang's group alone.

However, he doubted it would simply end like this since he ended up offending two more factions he had no idea about.

"Let's go." With no one but his group, Kang entered the gate followed by Aster and Yunaa a minute later.