The Plotting of Colonel James


I spoke to the owner of the café. He confirmed that Anna shot the crossbow. Colonel James gave him a large sum of money to shut him up. I managed to get the truth out of him by using hypnosis. It was an age-old tradition practiced by the Sharman of the mountains. I learned it when I went there to spend some time soul-searching. It was a time where I didn't understand this werewolf concept. I needed guidance at that time, and I needed to know how to control these powers.

The head, Sharman, taught me all that I know. I gained a lot of knowledge with him as my mentor. I prayed that Drenmore could get help like I did, but unfortunately he refused. He embraced his werewolf gene. He considered it a wish from the ancestors. He used it to control and instill fear in humans and animals. He became a monster. He wasn't the person I knew when we were kids. He had become a stranger to me. He hated me, just like Colonel James.