Fear unleashed..


"What is it?" I repeated myself as I clasped Mathew tightly in my arms. "I am afraid I have bad news on Louise," Drake conveyed as he closed his eyes. "What about Louise? Oh no!" I exclaimed. "Did she die?" Those terrible words slipped out of my mouth. I shuddered at that thought. "Fortunately, no," he said. I felt a bit relieved. "What happened, Drake?"

"She met with an accident in the early hours of this morning," I announced.

"That is terrible. What was she doing on the roads early in the morning?"

"I don't have the full details. I just received the news just an hour ago," he explained.

"That is dreadful. Do you know if she was driving?"

"She took a cab to wherever she was going, and the car skidded of the roads. The police think that the breaks were tampered with," Drake said.

My eyes grew larger with shock and fear instilled in me. This was serious. Who would do such a thing? I wonder how the Colonel was taking this?