The battle ahead


The full moon shone at its brightest, and then it happened: for the first time in my life, I watched a werewolf transform right in front of my eyes. Drake changed his form. I could see the pain and excruciation in his eyes as he turned and then howled. I wasn't afraid. He was the same man that I loved, but in a different form. I didn't see him as a wolf, but a protector. I wanted him to feel comfortable with who he was. I held his paw and calmed him down, which was difficult, but with the advice of the Sharman, I managed to control his mood. Drake did a fantastic job by abiding by my gestures.

We worked hand in hand, strengthening our bond and deepening my love for him.

It was a far cry when I first saw him as a wolf. Our relationship was different now. It was unique and unbreakable.

I predicted that Drenmore wasn't far off, and sooner or later, he is going to pounce on us. We walked further into the forest, where Drake asked him to meet us.