Chapter 6

It's been one week since I and Nelson has started tutoring each other, I've improved greatly same as him, I'm glad I was able to teach him well.

I was seated in the class when my teacher entered.

" Good day students"

" Good day ma"

" We have a new student, introduce your self to the class" she said to the pretty girl, she is dressed very casual, with her boots.

" I'm Avery, don't make things difficult for me I plead"

" Don't you mind sharing your surname?"

" No I'm okay with just my name "

" Maybe she is a no name girl, a commoner" Blair said making the class giggle, with I, Frida and Nelson in exception.

" Shut it you are no better"

" At least my dad could pay my school fees fully, I'm sure her fees aren't fully paid for"

" Speak more and I'll send you out "

" And my dad will shut down the school"

Blair fired back, she sees her dad as the richest man, her dad owns a company worth billions.

" Ummm Avery neglect her and sit beside Salma" our teacher said referring her to sit at my right, no worries Frida sit very closer on my left.

" Oh thanks"

" Let the class begin"

" Who can list the different parts of speech?" Avery raised her hand, Nelson did I did as well.

" Okay Avery let me hear you out"

" The different parts of speech includes...." She listed her idea.

" Applaud her" only I and Frida did Nelson must be surprised that there was another English genius.


It's break time I and Frida are heading to the cafeteria.

" Ummm hi" Avery gestured.

" Hi " I and Frida responded.

" Do you mind showing me the restroom"

" No problems" I said as Frida doesn't seem to object.

" Don't mind what Blair said she is just the class clone"

" Thanks, do you mind having a meal with me?"

" No you don't have to"

" I insist"

" Okay then" we reluctantly agreed.

Lunch with Avery was exceptional, syecws a nice talker just that she rarely talks.


It's science time, Avery is really a genius she knows science pretty well she answered a lot of tricky questions, even Nelson was shocked in some cases.

" How do you know science?"

" I was top 5 in my transfer school in Hawaii"

" So why are you in Washington?"

Our conversation proceeded as we walk down the hall way

" My dad insisted we change environment due to his work"

" Oh so what does you dad do?" Frida asked.

" He is a police officer, so he was deported to a police station near by in Washington"

" Oh" I and Frida exclaimed.

" Umm can you guys wait I need to use the restroom"

" Okay we are waiting you here"


" It's been 20 minutes already why hasn't she come back? "

" Could it be one of Blair's group has stalked her ?" I responded to Frida .

" Or maybe she forgot we were waiting"

" Let's go over and check "

" Yeah"

" Hey guys" Avery said coming closer.

" You took long and we were bothered"

" I beg your pardon"

" we need an explanation " Frida suggested.

" I was still unfamiliar with the restroom "

" Oh" we said.

" Hey guys do we have a new friend" Frida's face turned dark when she saw Berny.

" Yeah, Berny this is Avery, Avery this is Berny one of us"

" Oh hi"

" Hi" Berny responded

" Sorry I didn't come for lunch I'd practice.

" It's okay" I said Frida gave me the face of it's not okay, could it be that I have forgotten that I saw Berny with Nelson , well she seems innocent today.

" Look who we have hear " Blair said.

" The no name girl" her firend Lia said and the rest laughed.

" That she doesn't want to share her surname doesn't authorise you to call her that"

" Look who is talking followers" Rina her other friend said.

" If should be any who is to be called followers it should be you, Blair let me inform you , this, this and this don't love you they only love your money"

" How dare you say that? Do you know who I'm" Rina said coming forward, Frida closed her nose.

" I don't care who you're, but I know I have mint candy with me, think you should use them before sticking your stinking mouth to someone's nose, even a dug smells better than what comes out of your mouth, Blair I'm wondering what effort you're putting to manage this odour" we walked out.

" Blair ..." Rina's voice is heard.

" Don't come closer" we turned seeing Blair blocking her nose.

" I don't want to see any of you near me"

" Blair we ... " They tried holding her.

" Are you daft? I said don't come any closer you will all make me puke" we turned back after watching the drama, Frida just ended a long time relationship.

" Hihihihi" I giggled

" Frida where did you learn that? " I asked.

" My effort in watching Chinese drama is paying"

" Funny"

" Thanks guys" Avery said and we hugged each other.

" Ummm friends I'll be heading back, see you later" Berny said, we waved her Frida managed to do same, then we walked back to the class.

##### Even the hardest theorem can be solved, so why don't we agree that every problem had it's solution, some solutions doesn't need too much efforts to be applied but at least they can be solved. #####