Was Hiyori Blushing

That's right!

After several days of special training and improving various attributes, Saikyō made a surprising discovery.

Beyond Kidō, Hakuda (hand-to-hand combat), and Hohō (Shunpo/agility), Saikyō realized that once certain attribute values reached a specific threshold, he could also upgrade his abilities in Zanjutsu (swordsmanship), Reiatsu (spiritual pressure), Hakuda, and Shunpo.

This revelation was Saikyō's greatest discovery since enrolling at the Shin'ō Academy!


Name: Shihouin Saikyō

Identity: Young Master of the Shihouin Family

Reiatsu: 850 (+1)

Shunpo: 905 (+1)

Zanjutsu: 756 (+1)

Hakuda: 752 (+1)

Hadō: Low-level Hadō (Max), Mid-level Hadō (Max), Sōkatsui (Max)

Bakudō: Low-level Bakudō (Max), Mid-level Bakudō (Max), Rikujōkōrō (Max)

Special Skills: Shiba Family Secret Technique (Max), Double Bone Boxing Technique (Max)

Talents: Five-Attribute Affinity, Reiatsu Amplification, Hadō Amplification, Strange Power Strike

Skill Points: @#¥%*@#


Saikyō opened the attribute panel and noticed a "+1" symbol next to each of his major attributes.

This, of course, indicated that all of his stats had made significant breakthroughs. However, the improvements seemed capped at a certain level.

"System, what about the unlimited skill points you promised? Why can I only level up by one?" Saikyō asked, a bit confused.

"Within a specific range, there are a limited number of upgrades. Only when you reach the Captain-class threshold can you level up without limit," the system promptly responded.

"Captain-class threshold?" Saikyō raised an eyebrow, intrigued by this information.

In his understanding, an ordinary Shinigami soldier had base stats of around 500 in each category. For lower-ranking officers, that number rose to 1,000. Vice-captains typically had stats around 5,000.

Based on this system:

Ordinary soldier: ~500

Low-ranking officers: ~1,000

Vice-captains: ~5,000

Each rank had a corresponding upgrade cap. So, it seemed that once a stat exceeded 5,000, unlimited skill points could be used to further improve those attributes.

"System, am I interpreting this correctly?" Saikyō asked, confirming his understanding.

"Yes, that's correct. Once your various stats surpass 5,000, you can continue upgrading without restriction!" the system confirmed.

"In that case, this isn't too difficult. I can reach that level within a year!" Saikyō's mood immediately lifted, a confident grin appearing on his face. His progress was steady, and his attributes were rapidly approaching the 1,000 mark. According to the system, he could max out his core attributes to level ten.

To think—just by upgrading by a single level, the power of his swordsmanship had seen a significant boost. If he could reach level ten in one go, the results would undoubtedly be even more impressive!


"Hey, Saikyō, what are you daydreaming about?"

Hiyori's voice snapped Saikyō out of his thoughts.

"Sorry, Ms. Hiyori. I got a little distracted," Saikyō apologized as he regained his composure. He noticed that Hiyori had already sheathed her Zanpakutō.

"You little brat, acting so casually! You really don't care about showing respect, do you?" Hiyori ground her teeth in frustration. Typically, she would have exploded in anger at his behavior.

However, considering the events that had just transpired, Hiyori unusually kept her composure and instead spoke with a serious tone. "Saikyō, besides your talent in Kidō, I didn't expect you to be an all-around genius."

It was rare for Hiyori to drop her usual arrogance and offer genuine praise.

Reiatsu, Zanjutsu, Shunpo, Hakuda, Kidō...

Saikyō's exceptional performance in all five disciplines had left Hiyori pleasantly surprised on more than one occasion. As the Vice-Captain of the 12th Division, Hiyori had been part of the Gotei 13 for many years, and she had encountered countless Shinigami. Aside from captains, few people impressed her, yet Saikyō had now joined those ranks.

What was even more impressive was that Saikyō had only been at the academy for less than half a month. At this pace, graduating within a year seemed effortless!

"Ms. Hiyori, you were going easy on me earlier. If we had fought for real, I wouldn't have stood a chance," Saikyō replied with a modest smile, refusing to let the praise inflate his ego.

Though he appreciated the acknowledgment, Saikyō knew his real strength came from his system and the limitless potential it provided. His goal was much higher: to awaken a "full attribute" Zanpakutō.

Beyond the standard five attributes (Reiatsu, Zanjutsu, Hakuda, Kidō, and Shunpo), Saikyō aimed to unlock abilities connected to time, space, light, darkness, and more. These were the talents he was truly excited about.


"By the way, in a few days, you'll receive your sealed state. Once you do, you'll be able to infuse your Reiatsu and build a deeper connection over time through practice and communication," Hiyori revealed an important piece of news.

"Is the sealed state finally coming?" Saikyō's eyes lit up with surprise.

The weapon Saikyō had been using until now was a family heirloom from the Shihouin clan, a finely crafted sharp weapon. While it was a reliable tool, it couldn't be enhanced by infusing Reiatsu.

The sealed state, however, was entirely different. It was the precursor to a Zanpakutō, and by sharing time and energy with the wielder—bonding through Reiatsu—the sealed state would eventually awaken into a full-fledged Zanpakutō.

For Saikyō, receiving a sealed state meant that his "full attribute Zanpakutō" was about to enter the countdown toward its awakening!


"You seem really excited, Saikyō," Hiyori noted with a curious look. "Tell me, what kind of Zanpakutō do you expect to awaken?"

"Well, how should I put it?" Saikyō paused, contemplating his response.

"Zanpakutōs are categorized based on their abilities," Hiyori explained, crossing her arms and lowering her voice dramatically. "There are Fire Zanpakutō, Water Zanpakutō, Ice Zanpakutō, Kidō Zanpakutō, Physical Zanpakutō, Illusion Zanpakutō, and many more…"

She tapped the hilt of her own Zanpakutō, Kubikiri Orochi, with pride. "My Kubikiri Orochi is a Physical-type Zanpakutō, which means I specialize in direct, close-range combat."

"Zanpakutōs are reflections of the Shinigami's soul. Their form, abilities, and state are deeply connected to the wielder's Reiatsu," Hiyori continued, her serious gaze meeting Saikyō's.

"I understand," Saikyō nodded. "But as for categories, I haven't really given it much thought. I'm not too concerned about it at the moment. Whatever happens, happens," he said, adopting a relaxed, almost Buddhist mentality.

In truth, Saikyō already had a firm goal in mind. Hiyori's explanation only solidified his resolve—he was determined to awaken a full attribute Zanpakutō. The idea of wielding a Zanpakutō that embodied all elements and attributes felt closer than ever.


"Alright, one last thing," Hiyori's usual playful demeanor returned as she shifted the topic abruptly. "In a few nights, I'll be having dinner with some friends at Drunken Fairy's. Want to join me?"

Saikyō blinked, surprised by the sudden invitation. Hiyori, usually carefree and rough around the edges, had never invited him to something so casual before.

"Wait, could it be... is Hiyori interested in me?" Saikyō thought to himself, feeling a mix of amusement and confusion.

Her offer to bring him to a social gathering made him question whether Hiyori was genuinely starting to like him.

"If you don't want to come, just say so," Hiyori huffed when Saikyō didn't answer right away. She turned her head to the side, trying to hide her embarrassment.

This reaction of hers—almost like a jealous young girl—caught Saikyō off guard.

Was Hiyori… blushing?