The Jealousy Of Hiyori


"There's an outsider here. Can you show some respect for once?"

After being hit squarely in the forehead by Hiyori's flip-flop, Hirako Shinji was left with a comically large swelling. The once dignified captain of the Fifth Division had lost all semblance of his authority in that moment.

"You bald idiot! What do you mean 'outsider'? Saikyō isn't an outsider!" Hiyori barked, stomping her flip-flop repeatedly into Hirako Shinji's face with fury.

"Wait... Hiyori, let me explain!" Shinji tried to interject, but Hiyori gave him no chance.

"Explain my foot, you bald-headed moron! Watch your mouth next time!" With an exaggerated leap, Hiyori delivered yet another powerful kick.

"I'm too miserable!" Hirako Shinji yelped, his voice filled with defeat. His face now sported distinct shoe prints, and blood dripped from his forehead like a faucet. After twirling through the air a few times, he crashed onto the floor in a pathetic heap.

Saikyō stood frozen, watching the chaotic scene unfold before him.

Even though he'd mentally prepared for Hiyori's unpredictable behavior, the reality was much more intense than expected. The Hiyori who had been casually chatting with him earlier had completely transformed into a whirlwind of violence.

"Hiyori, please try to control yourself! Can't you come up with a more civilized greeting?" Hirako Shinji pleaded as he stood up, wiping the blood from his face. All traces of his once gentlemanly demeanor were gone.

If any members of the Fifth Division had witnessed their captain like this, they would have been utterly shocked. Was this truly the same Hirako Shinji they knew?

"Control myself? Who said I needed to change anything!" Hiyori shot back angrily. "I already told you not to treat Saikyō as an outsider, and yet here you are still talking nonsense!"

Her arms crossed defiantly, Hiyori looked as though she was ready to strike again at any moment.

"Okay, okay, I get it. It was just a joke—don't take it so seriously." Shinji gave a helpless smile, the shoe prints still stinging on his face as he made another reluctant apology.

"Since Hirako's admitted his mistake, let's just move on, especially since little brother Saikyō has been watching this whole time," a new voice interjected.

The speaker was Love Aikawa, with his distinctive afro, dressed in his black Shinigami outfit and wearing the white captain's haori over it. Unlike Shinji, Love carried a sense of composure and maturity fitting of a captain.

Seeing the ridiculous scene unfold before him, Love couldn't help but chuckle. He had witnessed countless similar moments over the decades, and though he was used to it, he often found himself playing the role of peacemaker between Hiyori and Shinji.

"Love is right. It's nighttime, and instead of bickering, we should be enjoying ourselves. Let's not ruin everyone's evening," came another stern voice from the back of the room.

It was Muguruma Kensei, captain of the Ninth Division. His silver hair was striking under the dim lighting, and the "9" emblazoned on the back of his white haori was impossible to miss. Kensei held a cup of sake in his hand, his demeanor severe as he addressed the group.

"But now that I think about it..." Kensei downed his sake and shifted his attention to Saikyō. "This is the kid Hiyori's been talking about—the academy's top genius?"

"Captain Kensei, are you jealous of his good looks?" a lively voice chimed in suddenly from behind him.

"Bai, cut it out," Kensei sighed, clearly exasperated, turning around to face his excitable lieutenant, Kuna Mashiro. "Why would I be jealous of a kid?"

Mashiro giggled. "Come on, Captain, don't be so stiff. Saikyō isn't just any kid. He's Captain Yoruichi's younger brother, and from what I hear, he might even be the next head of the Shihouin clan!"

Kuna Mashiro, known for her playful and upbeat nature, was now bouncing around, admiring Saikyō like a piece of artwork. "And with that handsome face, it's no wonder Hiyori has taken a liking to him!"

Mashiro's eyes sparkled with mischief as she leaned in closer to inspect Saikyō's features.

"Hey, Mashiro! Cut it out before Hiyori goes berserk again!" Kensei warned, shaking his head at his lieutenant's antics.

Just then, a figure who had been silent until now—Yadoumaru Lisa, seated quietly in the corner—stood up and began walking toward the door.

"Huh? Where's Lisa-chan going?" someone whispered.

"Is she going to join in the fight?" another joked.

"No way! That's not her style," a third voice chimed in.

Curious eyes followed Lisa's movements as she calmly bypassed the commotion between Hiyori and Shinji and made her way directly to Saikyō.

"Saikyō, long time no see. Are you going to treat me to chicken again this time?" Lisa asked, her voice casual and familiar.


"Chicken? What's going on here?"

The entire room exploded with confusion. Everyone stared at each other, completely puzzled by Lisa's sudden and out-of-place comment.

"Lisa, this is the first time you've met Saikyō, right?" Hiyori said, her brow furrowing. "Why would you say something so weird?"

"Who said this was the first time we've met?" Lisa replied slyly, glancing at Saikyō with a playful smirk. "I met little Saikyō once before—at Drunken Immortal, actually."

"Wait, let me tell you something," she continued, raising her voice slightly for everyone to hear. "When we met, little Saikyō was so polite that he even treated me to a big chicken drumstick."

Lisa's words seemed deliberately provocative, as if she were trying to rile Hiyori up.

"No way! You're telling me that happened?" Hiyori's eyes widened, refusing to believe it.

She had organized tonight's gathering, specifically intending to introduce Saikyō to her captain-level friends. Of course, she had some selfish reasons for doing so, but to find out she wasn't the first to have contact with Saikyō made her feel unexpectedly disappointed.

"Saikyō, tell me she's lying!" Hiyori demanded, glaring at him.

Everyone in the room could feel the jealousy simmering in her words.


"Vice-Captain Lisa isn't lying. We did meet once before," Saikyō admitted hesitantly, feeling caught between the two powerful women.

"Hmph!" Hiyori pouted, crossing her arms. "And here I was planning on introducing you to everyone myself. Some nerve you've got."

She snorted in irritation, looking like a child whose favorite toy had been taken away.


"My God! I can't believe it!"

"Kensei, am I dreaming?"

"This must be a hallucination! We've all had too much to drink."

"The Hiyori I know would never act like this!"

Around the room, the captain-level Shinigami were stunned into silence. Their faces reflected a mixture of awe and disbelief.

Hiyori, the one they knew to be tough, brash, and always bossing others around, was now showing signs of jealousy over a trivial matter?

What in the world was happening?

The whole Soul Society might as well be turning upside down!