
Although the process was full of crises, the overall situation remained safe and sound.

Saikyō wiped away the bloodstains on his Asauchi and heaved a sigh of relief.

Relying on his own strength, he had killed an astonishing number of Gillian-class Hollows, as well as two subordinate officers of the Skeleton Emperor. His first actual combat had ended with a perfect record.

"It's a big step forward since the awakening of my Zanpakutō. It seems that real combat is the best way to grow." Saikyō looked down at his Asauchi, his eyes gleaming with strong anticipation.

In addition to the four main fighting techniques—Hakuda, Zanjutsu, Hohō, and Kidō—a Shinigami relies heavily on the power of their Zanpakutō. A powerful Zanpakutō can bring an enormous boost in combat power.

Fire manifests as the strongest in Ryūjin Jakka, ice in Hyōrinmaru, and illusion in Aizen's Kyōka Suigetsu, for instance. These Zanpakutō possess incredibly strong offensive capabilities, control over the elements, or mastery of near-unbreakable illusions. Even more functional Zanpakutō, such as Minazuki or Kinshara, possess special Kidō techniques.

In essence, the existence of a Zanpakutō and a Shinigami complement each other, each making the other stronger.

"With such a big disturbance, the camp should have noticed, right?" Saikyō secured his Asauchi in his belt, tidied his clothes, and started toward the camp.

But before he had gone far, there was a sound of something cutting through the air.


A familiar figure dashed through the woods at high speed, heading toward him.


Saikyō recognized her at once.

To be honest, he was touched for a moment, seeing the worried look on Hiyori's face and her desperate rush. It really warmed his heart.

"Saikyō-kun, are you alright?"

Hiyori soon found him. She rushed over and examined him from head to toe. Only after seeing that Saikyō was unharmed did she finally relax. If something had happened to him, Hiyori would have blamed herself deeply.

"I'm fine, Hiyori-san. Thank you for your concern." Saikyō smiled warmly.

"Where's the Menos Grande? The Garganta disappeared too. What happened just now?" Hiyori's gaze swept across the devastated surroundings, her expression reflecting disbelief.

The destruction was almost unimaginable. What kind of battle could cause such devastation?

"Two Menos Grande from Las Noches, along with a group of lower-ranked Gillians, suddenly emerged from a Garganta. That's when the battle broke out," Saikyō explained briefly.

"Menos Grande from Las Noches?"

Upon hearing the mention of Las Noches, Hiyori stiffened, as if struck by lightning.

As the vice-captain of the 12th Division under Hikifune Kirio, she had access to more information than most vice-captains. She knew well what Las Noches signified. A sense of unease washed over her.

"Saikyō-kun, we need to return to camp immediately. You need to report everything to Director Akita in detail." Hiyori's tone was firm.

"I understand. Don't worry, I won't leave out any details." Saikyō nodded. He could understand her concern. After all, at this point in time, the Research and Development Institute hadn't yet been established, and the Soul Society's security system wasn't as tight as it would later become. Any news about Hueco Mundo would be met with extreme caution.


At the Camp

"No way! A regular Gillian is already terrifying enough, but a Menos Grande from Las Noches?" Director Akita's exclamation echoed throughout the camp.

His wrinkled face was as pale as parchment.

The news Saikyō brought back had shaken Director Akita to his core.

"Director Akita, given the situation, there's no point in continuing the field training," Hiyori suggested.

"Vice-captain Hiyori, I agree. I'll issue the order immediately and inform all the squads. At dawn tomorrow, everyone will return to Seireitei, and this area will be sealed off!" Director Akita responded decisively. As the leader of the training operation, he bore responsibility for any accidents. Though typically conservative, this time he made a swift decision.

"That's the right call." Hiyori nodded, then added, "However, I believe the Captain and Central 46 should also be involved."

"Central 46?" Director Akita's face tightened with concern. Central 46 was the highest judicial body in Soul Society, composed of forty sages and six judges. They held the supreme authority to pass judgment on anyone, even Gotei 13 Shinigami. Any serious incident in the Soul Society or the human world fell under their jurisdiction.

"It's highly likely those old men will blow this out of proportion," Hiyori continued, showing obvious distaste. Central 46's rigid and impersonal judgments had long been a source of frustration for the Shinigami. But the rules of Soul Society were ironclad, and even the highest-ranking captains couldn't escape their verdicts.

"I hope the fallout from this won't be too severe," Director Akita muttered.

"Do you think that's possible?" Hiyori shook her head. "In recent years, attacks in the outer districts of Rukongai have been on the rise, causing significant casualties. Long-standing tensions may escalate into an all-out war between Soul Society and Hueco Mundo."


Meanwhile, in Hueco Mundo

At the center of Hueco Mundo, within Las Noches, a palace of stark open spaces, the skeleton-like figure of Baraggan Louisenbairn sat atop a throne. Clad in regal attire with a crown of bones, the once mighty ruler radiated an aura of death.

"Geo and Abirama...killed by a mere Shinigami from Soul Society," Baraggan's hollow voice echoed as his fingers tapped the throne.

"Emperor, it's unfortunate we weren't there to witness it. If we had been, their deaths would not have been in vain," spoke Charlotte Cuuhlhourne, one of Baraggan's subordinates.

"Indeed, someone who could kill them so easily must be a captain-class Shinigami," mused Fūrā, another subordinate.

Baraggan raised a hand, silencing them. "Enough. In the face of my power—aging—no one, not even the most powerful Shinigami, can survive."


Chapter 58: Heading to Rukongai

The Menos Grande invasion had forced the early suspension of the month-long field training. As a result, the lower-class trainees were sent back to Seireitei, leaving an unexpected month-long gap.

At the camp, Hiyori confronted Saikyō once more.

"Are you sure about this?" she asked.

"Yes, Hiyori-san. Since I've come all the way to Rukongai, and we're in one of the lower-numbered districts, I want to take this chance to explore. I can't bear to stay cooped up in Seireitei."

Saikyō had long made up his mind. He intended to explore Rukongai while he had this free time. Many important figures were still roaming the districts at this time: Ichimaru Gin, Matsumoto Rangiku, Madarame Ikkaku, Ayasegawa Yumichika, and even Zaraki Kenpachi.

Hiyori sighed. "I've already discussed this with Director Akita, and he's agreed to give you a one-month leave. Go ahead, but be careful."

Though she approved, there was clear reluctance in her voice. Rukongai was vast, comprising over 300 districts, many of which were dangerous. Even Shinigami had perished there. Despite Saikyō's strength, Hiyori couldn't help but worry.

In truth, Hiyori wanted to accompany him, but her duties as vice-captain tied her to Seireitei. She could only watch as Saikyō set off.