Zaraki Kenpachi

Three days later.

After walking through several blocks, the three of them finally arrived at their destination.

The legendary Zaraki District!

"I thought Block 76 was already remote and desolate enough. This place really opened my eyes," Ayasegawa Yumichika remarked in shock as he surveyed the dilapidated scene before him.

"The lower the district number, the worse the law and order. And this is Zaraki District, after all," Saikyō added calmly.

"Everyone, stay alert later!"

"Anyone who jumps out here might pose a serious threat to us, so we can't let our guard down!" Madarame Ikkaku warned solemnly.

No matter how confident he had been before, coming to the dangerous Zaraki District made even him stay vigilant. Any disturbance here could make his nerves flare up, keeping him in a state of high alert.

"As expected, there's barely anyone around," Saikyō said as he carefully scanned the area with his Reiatsu perception, quickly reaching a conclusion.

At least within several hundred meters, he didn't sense any nearby presences.

It seemed that all the residents of Zaraki District had gone into hiding.

Madarame Ikkaku glanced at Saikyō with a questioning look. "Saikyō, what should we do next?"

"Moving aimlessly will only make us stand out more. Let's suppress our Reiatsu for now." Saikyō didn't have much advice since it was also his first time coming to Zaraki. The only thing he could think of was to hide their spiritual presence to avoid being targeted.

Everything else would depend on their luck.

Meanwhile, in the deepest part of the Zaraki District, a place where few dared to tread, a blood-stained man kneeled on the ground, trembling, his face filled with despair.

The ground around him was littered with corpses, the air thick with the stench of blood, a clear sign of the massacre that had just taken place.

"No! Please… don't kill me…" he whimpered, his voice quaking with fear. The man looked up at the towering figure in front of him, a monstrous aura emanating from the figure's body.

"A piece of trash like you dares to challenge me? You can't even entertain me," a judgmental voice scoffed.

The disdain and mockery were unmistakable, but the trembling man could only nod in horror, abandoning his dignity in a desperate attempt to survive.

At that moment, a childlike figure appeared out of nowhere, leaping over the trembling man and landing on the larger figure's shoulder.


"I think we should let him go. If this keeps up, the population in Zaraki will drop even more. We might run out of people to play with soon," the childlike figure said in a sweet voice that sharply contrasted with the carnage around her.

"Yachiru, trash like this isn't worth keeping alive," the voice scoffed again.

The figure finally emerged from the shadows, revealing his demonic face. A long scar ran down the left side of his face, and his long, wild black hair was tied into a series of knots, giving him a fearsome appearance.

What was even more terrifying was the suffocating presence that radiated from him, without any visible movement. Even the air seemed to wail in response.

This terrifying man was none other than the Captain of the 11th Division, Zaraki Kenpachi. Born to fight, he lived only for the thrill of battle, and he cared little for rank or status—only the strength of his opponent mattered to him.

Originally a nameless warrior from the Zaraki District, he had taken the name "Kenpachi" after hearing that it belonged to the strongest warrior in Soul Society.

The child standing on his shoulder was Kusajishi Yachiru, a little girl with short, pink shoulder-length hair, bright eyes, and blushes on her cheeks. Despite her innocent appearance, she was Zaraki Kenpachi's lieutenant and his closest companion.

"Please… spare me. I don't want to die…" the man begged, his body unable to withstand the oppressive aura of Kenpachi's Reiatsu.

However, Zaraki Kenpachi sneered at the man's pathetic pleas. "Trash like you should stay hidden instead of wasting my time."

He raised his chipped Zanpakutō and approached the trembling man, each step causing the man to cower further. Unable to bear the pressure, the man fainted before Kenpachi even reached him.

"Haha, Kenchō, it looks like you scared him unconscious!" Yachiru giggled.

Zaraki Kenpachi stopped, looking indifferent. "Yachiru, what should we do with him?"

"Let him go! Didn't I just say so?" Yachiru said, pouting playfully. She seemed lost in thought, weighing her options.

"This trash would just be killed by someone else in Zaraki District, even if we let him go. Might as well end it for him now," Kenpachi said with a wicked smile.


"Even if we let him go, he'd just get killed by someone else. Might as well give him a quick death," Zaraki Kenpachi declared coldly.

A murderous aura erupted from him, suffocating and terrifying.

The man, who had fainted, suddenly awoke in horror, but before he could scream, his voice was cut off. It was as if an invisible hand gripped his throat, leaving him helpless and terrified.

Zaraki Kenpachi raised his notched Zanpakutō, bringing it down without hesitation. There was no fancy technique, just raw power behind a simple strike.

The refugee's fate was sealed in that moment.

Blood splattered across the ground as the man's body fell, his life ending in despair. He joined the other corpses scattered around, painting a grisly scene of death.

"Kenpachi… you're such a monster," Yachiru giggled as she watched.

Kenpachi sheathed his sword, uninterested in the fallen man. "There's no point staying here."

Just as he was about to leave, Kenpachi suddenly stopped, his expression shifting.

"Yachiru, do you feel that?"

His grin widened as his eyes gleamed with excitement. "Reiatsu! Three distinct Reiatsu signatures!"

Zaraki Kenpachi's excitement grew, and his fighting spirit ignited. Without another word, he set off towards the source of the spiritual pressure, his desire for battle driving him forward.


Back at the entrance of Zaraki District, Saikyō and the others had also felt the approaching Reiatsu.

"It's him… Zaraki Kenpachi is coming," Saikyō said with a grave expression. "Yumichika, Ikkaku, get ready for battle."

No sooner had they prepared themselves than Kenpachi appeared at the end of the street. His fierce appearance and ragged Zanpakutō confirmed his identity. The demon of Zaraki District had arrived.

With a chilling smile, Zaraki Kenpachi spoke.

"My name is Zaraki Kenpachi... I'm here to fight you!"