History Made

After Saikyō used the divine healing technique, an astonishing scene unfolded in the training field of the Fourth Division's barracks.


Accompanied by the sound of surging waves, Saikyō's body suddenly emitted countless dazzling holy lights. The entire area shone brightly, exuding a sacred glow. This sudden spectacle immediately drew everyone's attention.

"What kind of technique is this?"

Every figure present, whether a team member or a chief officer, displayed fear and anxiety on their faces as the sacred light illuminated them. Even Kotetsu Isane took a step back, subconsciously trying to escape the holy radiance.

However, only a few seconds later, she restrained herself, a look of astonishment flashing across her eyes.


"This feeling... it's very similar to Kaidō's energy!" Kotetsu Isane sensed it again and again. The more she felt, the more familiar it became, and finally, she was convinced beyond doubt.

Seinosuke Yamada was equally shocked. Standing on the opposite side of the training ground and being closer to Saikyō, he felt the effects even more intensely than Isane.

"So it's possible to activate Kaidō over such a large area, and its healing effect is more than ten times stronger than before!" Although Yamada Seinosuke tried to maintain his composure, the shock on his face was unmistakable.

Unable to contain himself, he reached out and touched the sacred light in the air. As he held a single ray of holy light in his palm, sensing the immense power within it, Seinosuke's mind was blown.

Just this one ray of divine light surpassed the healing effectiveness of his own Kaidō. Not to mention, there were thousands of these lights scattered across the training ground, covering every direction.

There were no incantations, no movements—Saikyō had done all of this effortlessly, using only a small amount of Reiatsu.

More importantly, the entire healing process took less than ten seconds! Compared to the usual twenty-minute Kaidō process, the difference was clear.

This was a Kaidō duel, and Saikyō had won without question!

"Saikyō, how did you manage this?" Yamada Seinosuke asked, disbelief etched on his face. Even now, he couldn't fully accept it.

Even Unohana-taichō couldn't perform such a large-scale healing. Only someone from the Royal Guard could likely achieve this feat.

But as an ordinary Shinigami, Yamada Seinosuke knew nothing of the Royal Guard, and so he couldn't comprehend the scene before him. Though reluctant, he had no choice but to accept his defeat.

"Does it matter, Seinosuke? In the past half-hour, I've shown you enough respect. I trust you won't go back on your word," Saikyō said, no longer addressing him by rank.

The duel was over, and by the terms of their agreement, Yamada Seinosuke was to forfeit his position as Third Seat of the Fourth Division. Over two hundred team members had witnessed the match, in accordance with the laws of the Gotei 13.

"I lost... to a brat!"

Yamada Seinosuke's expression was conflicted. Despite his scheming nature, he was undeniably talented in Kaidō—otherwise, he wouldn't have risen to his position as Fukutaichō. But now, his most prized skill had been defeated by a rookie, in front of everyone.

The blow struck deep, shaking him to his core.

At that moment, Unohana-taichō's elegant figure appeared from the direction of the division office.




As soon as the team members saw her serene figure, they halted all movement and turned toward her in awe. In the Fourth Division, no one could rival Unohana-taichō's status. Even Yamada Seinosuke, normally so sharp, immediately stiffened like a mouse before a cat.

As a veteran officer, he was fully aware of Unohana-taichō's immense power. Aside from Yamamoto-sōtaichō, no one in the Seireitei matched her strength.

"Taichō, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to cause such a disturbance, it's just that—"

Kotetsu Isane began to speak nervously, trying to explain, but Unohana-taichō interrupted her.

"Isane, you don't need to explain. I understand everything that has happened." A gentle smile appeared on Unohana-taichō's face, as soft as a breeze.

With that simple gesture, the tension in the air dissolved instantly. Unohana-taichō had calmed the situation effortlessly.

"Taichō Unohana..."

Yamada Seinosuke, who had regained some composure, stood like a scolded child, his earlier aggression completely gone.

"Seinosuke, you have no objections to the outcome of this Kaidō duel, correct?" Unohana-taichō asked calmly, her gaze steady.

"I have none. I admit my defeat!"

No matter how hard it was for him, Seinosuke had to acknowledge that he was outclassed.

"Then, as agreed, you will accept the results." Unohana-taichō nodded slightly.

In truth, Unohana-taichō had been monitoring the situation from the beginning. Even from a distance, her extraordinary Reiatsu perception allowed her to understand everything that transpired.

Unohana-taichō hadn't intervened earlier, not only to ensure fairness but also to observe Saikyō's Kaidō abilities. She, too, had been shocked when Saikyō performed the divine healing. Despite being far away, she had felt the faint, divine radiance.

The scale of the instant healing had completely overturned her understanding of Kaidō. After over two thousand years of practice, even Unohana-taichō's steady heart had been moved.

"According to the rules, I will accept the outcome." Yamada Seinosuke, though helpless, remained silent after conceding his Third Seat position. He was now just an ordinary soldier.

"Saikyō..." Unohana-taichō began, shifting her gaze to Saikyō. "From today onward, you will replace Seinosuke as the Third Seat of the Fourth Division."

As her words fell, everyone present, from Kotetsu Isane to the other officers and soldiers, wore expressions of disbelief.

After all, it was only Saikyō's second day in the division. His rapid promotion was almost unbelievable, even for those who had witnessed it.

Once again, Saikyō had made history.