The emperor and empress (IV)

The emperor stroll in He see her asleep on the bed. He quietly walk near and sit on the edge of the bed. He touch her butt and pat it. Later he push away the gown and touch her smooth legs. He remember that his first time, he force inside her. He did not want to do that however something in him said that it will be good. He know that he raped his wife before the coming of age. He wanted to be good to her but somehow everything he say always turn out wrong. He tried to make it up but somehow things never go the way he wants them to be. Now he have to face his own consequences. By not letting her go, is his way to keep her near him. He knows that his actions throughout the years had made her a monster. Now he hope that he have the time now to spend with her, he will make it up to her in this small quarters. 

The emperor feels that he have everything now in his hands. He have the dragon throne, he have a son, he have Shung Yu, He will soon have Duke Su's military power and his mother is depending on him in this palace. There is no one to complete with him. Everyone wants him now. He is the center of attention. 

Now he wants Chun Feng to understand and bow to him as a husband. Then he can truely be the master of this country. He continue to look at his youthful wife comparing her to Shung Yu. They are two different person. Shung Yu in her younger years is very gentle and sweet. She always offer her sweets to him first before others. Her poems written as always light and hearty. Even thought at that time she can't walk, she is always there to watch the events whenever they invite her. She never fails to make him smile when she gives him a talisman for good luck in examinations or races. Now she have grown up, her legs heal, she used them to kick him hard when he wants to sleep with her. It always ends bad when he beats her. Chun Feng on the other hand, is always putting up a fake front when she is meetup with the nobles in the palace. He knows that she is pretending whether is it because her father ask her to or her nature, he can tell. He also saw that her eyes shines when his brother talks to her. He knows that from the age they are in till they are married, her eyes never fail to shine when Xian Wen is around her. Even thought she doesn't say so, he can tell. 

Now she is still his wife, he will makeup the loss time. Hopefully one day she will look at him with those eyes that shine. Now they are fill with tears and hatred, he still wants her in his life. He knows that Shung Yu doesn't care for the position as a empress. He doesn't plan to let his wife go so easily. He needs her to control that ambitious father of her's. The emperor feels that this is the best solution. Till he can find a way to get rid of the prime minster, he have to hold her here. 

He remove his outer garment and lay beside her. He watch her face as she takes her breath. He have watch her face through out the years as a couple. Even thou they sleep in different rooms after he discover her preference to sleep with female. He still find her having a beautiful face. If only they are a normal couple by now they could have two or three children running around. His brother maybe still alive and married too. All well be a happy ending and not like this.