I hugged him again,sighing into his arms.
“I think you need some time to deal with this…with her…”I announced.
He slowly pulled me away from him.
“Please,Tessa…forgive me.”
“I already have.And I know I have to be considerate knowing that you’re all she’s got.But that’s a woman who loves you and wants you back…I can’t help feeling insecured so maybe you need a week or two to deal with her…to handle things with her,if possible,make her feel convinced so she’ll leave you alone.I just want to feel at peace with you all the time and not worry about Vanessa.”
“So we won’t see each other for some days?”He asked.
I nodded.
“And after that,I really hope you won’t put me in this kind of situation anymore.”
“I won’t.I promise.”He assured.
When I walked back into my apartment,I felt sad that I won’t see him for some days.
I would greatly miss him but I feel that this was the best thing I could do for myself.