Chapter 6 Asher

A shower later and a couple of coffees down, and I felt slightly more human, or as human as a werewolf can feel on next to no sleep…

“Right Ash, we need to sort this shit out.” Caleb’s voice was sounding more than a little stressed out, telling me I was in for more than a fun day.

“What shit now?” I asked with a deflated sigh. I am sure we had dealt with everything that needed doing yesterday.

“Quit sounding like you are overworked.” Caleb gave me a dirty look. “My Dad’s birthday party for a start. Plus, Eden is on my case about the teacher for school. We still need to replace Eloise.”

I do recall him mentioning needing to re-advertise for a new teacher, but I had thought Eden may have dealt with that. Being Luna, and a mother, I thought she may have wanted to be involved with those sorts of tasks. Evidently I was wrong. As for his Dad’s party, I think he was more than capable of sorting out that himself, or his Mum was. Seriously, is it my job to do everything around here?!