Chapter 52 Jordan

I pulled up the car onto the driveway of the family house, despite the fact Gia and I now had a home of our own allocated within pack, but I did not intend to leave my Dad here alone to deal with Miles. Especially not with that look upon his face. He looked set for a fucking rampage.

‘How much do you think he knows?’ My Dad mindlinked as I switched the engine off.

‘Not a clue, but don’t give anything away. Especially not our plan.’ I told him. ‘We need to speak with Uncle Marshall. Admit we allowed Bailey to go for a new job, but say that was because you did not want her degree to go to waste, and we have agreed she returns the moment we have a vacancy for her, right?’

‘Good thinking.’ Dad agreed, as he opened his car door, like he did not care that Miles looked ready to kill someone.