Chapter 155 Donovan

This whole party was so over the top, all for the biggest pain in our ass. The upcoming Alpha, or potentially if he played his cards right. The way he was going that could still be in question. He may be doing all that was asked of him, but I still did not trust that fucker.

Seeing my girls enjoying themselves meant the world to me. One mated, and having had a little chat with Bailey, maybe the other one too if she played her cards right. Though, how that miserable Beta had managed to charm her, I had no clue. I am surprised he knew how to smile, let alone sweet talk a lady. But, listening to Morgan, he was doing a good job, and he was quite taken with Bailey. I was not going to complain about that, anything had to be better than Miles fucking Davenport. But, a decent and honest Beta? Hell, yeah, I would not argue with that.

“The girls look happy, don’t they?” My wife, Brianna, asked me, as she sat herself down alongside me. “Morgan hasn’t stopped smiling since she arrived.”