Chapter 192 Epilogue 1 - Bailey

4 months later

I sat on the edge of our bed, nerves rushing through every part of my body, while Asher paced the floor in front of me before he looked down at me. In the whole time since we had officially become a couple, this was the first time I had felt so worried. I did not know how he would react when I told him the news, but now he was as nervous as I was.

“Are you sure you did the test right?” he asked, his voice wobbling a little.

“Can you do them wrong? You pee on it and wait, right?” I attempted to joke, but I genuinely didn’t think I had done it wrong. I just hated the wait…

I had not felt right for a couple of weeks now, and had put it down to a virus going around school. It had not taken me long to go back to work after leaving the hospital after all the drama of the incident with Miles. And soon Asher and I had fallen into the routine of a couple, and I loved it. It was like we had always been together.