
The crown came in and saw Alpena cleaning Cyma's room.

" where is Cyma?" he asked

" she went out young Master Zion" Alpena said taking a bow

" I wonder what both of them are up to" Quil said as he left

" I still don't get why we're dressed as old people" Zion said as he and Cyma stood in the middle of the market watching Dorian and Brooke buying things as the whole village was staring at them.

" what are you thinking of doing?" Zion asked

" framing him" she said with a smile

" that's too much for a revenge plan" Zion said but she ignored him calling a boy

" hey, could you help me pass my bag over there. I'm so tired"she said to the little boy pointing at a lady's bag.

" what are you doing?" Zion asked but she ignored him

" here" the little boy said coming back with the bag

" please help me drop it beside my son" she said pointing at Dorian

" okay " the boy said leaving

After her dropped it, he left to go and play with his friends. The woman started looking for her bag and saw it beside Dorian

" excuse me, why are you with my bag?" the woman asked

" your bag?" Dorian said as he turned to face the woman, and the woman's anger subsided. she was blinded by the beauty in front of her

" yes I'm sure you must have caught the thief that tried to steal it that's why you're with it" the woman said blushing

" what kind of spell did he cast on her?" Cyma asked as she was burning with anger.

" why don't we just humiliate him?" Zion said

" you're right, but how?" Cyma asked

" young Lord, those old people have been standing there looking at us" Brooke whispered in Dorian's ear

" those aren't old people, look closely " Dorian said

" you're right, that is young lady Cyma and young Master Zion. they must have forgotten to change their shoes and take off their jade pendent." Brooke said

" no wonder the bag got to you, they're conspiring against you " Brooke added

" yeah" Dorian said

" should we burst their cover" Brooke asked

" no, not know. let's have two bodyguards following us around for a while " Dorian said as they moved on.

" I wonder where he's going now" cyma said as they followed them.

But all of a sudden, Zion dragged her to a corner.

" hey, what was that for?" she asked and he covered her mouth with his hand as he was looking around for something.

cyma stared at him, his hand was on her lips. only if it were his lips not his hands. His brown eyes moving left and rest as his eyebrows twitched. She was admiring his features until he looked at her and she took her gaze off him.

" It's the imperial guard patrolling" Zion said releasing his hand from her mouth.

" sorry for dragging you unaware" he said and she nodded still not looking at him.

he grabbed her chin gently and raised her chin up gradually making her look him in the eye.

" what's wrong?" he asked

" nothing, I'm tired. let's just go" she said leaving first

" at least let's have some thing to eat" he said following her.

cyma didn't want to get Zion involve in her revenge plan incase something goes wrong. she didn't want him to get in trouble because of her.

They walked around the market for a while talking till they decided to enter a restaurant to eat. As they got there, they met a long line of people.

" what's going on?" she asked one of them

" Young Prince Quentin is giving money to anyone who knows anything about the beautiful dancer" the person said

" what kind of brother do I have, why is he so keen on finding me?" cyma thought as she went to front of the line where Quentin sat with Ravi. she stood there but he didn't notice her so cleared her throat for him to notice her

" hey, no cutting" Quentin said before raising his head up to look at the person in front of him

" Cyma," he said surprised

" what's all these?" she asked

" I'm looking for the beautiful dancer" he said

" I know" she said

" ok" he said

" but lavishing money and causing a scene won't help you find her" she said

" silly, this is just a plan to lure the beautiful dancer out. and what's the harm in giving to the needy " he said

" lure the beautiful dancer out?" she asked confused

" if the beautiful dancer comes here by chance, and she knows I'm doing this she'll want to see if someone knows her so as to stop the person. she'll want to see what's going on?" he said

" do you here yourself, if she comes by chance. what if she doesn't come?" she asked

" then we'll do this everyday till she come, next" he said

" Ravi, talk some sense into him" she said

" I actually think he's plan will work" Ravi said

" of course it did, it lure me out here. but he won't be able to find the beautiful dancer " she thought

" we found the beautiful dancer " a man said dragging a lady covering her face with him.

Cyma looked at Zion very confused, she wanted to see the imposter so badly that she removed the veil.

" Young mistress Acacia " she said confused

" cacia, you're the beautiful dancer " Quentin said surprised

" I'm not, it's a misunderstanding" she said

" she's lying, we caught her trying to run away. she wanted to dispose the bag of evidence" the man said opening the bag and everyone saw the cloth

" thank goodness I came here, sn acted suspicious so those men will chase me and check my bag" Acacia thought

" Fine, I'm the beautiful dancer. Are you all happy now?" she said

" and how are we sure you're the real beautiful dancer?" cyma asked

" What do you mean by that?, she has the cloth. they caught her trying to dispose it" Quentin said

" A piece of cloth can't prove anything, how about she dance for us" Cyma said

* yes, let her dance" the people said

" I really can't dance now" acacia said

" oh really, why is that?" cyma asked

" dancing isn't just about moving your body, it comes from the heart and soul. My mind use to fell at peace just by dancing, that's why I dance during occasions which makes my dancing unique" she said

" oh, that's lovely. but....." Cyma was saying before Quentin dragged her aside

" why are you questioning her that much?" he asked

" how can we be sure that she's the beautiful dancer" she said

" we have prove, and we can also prove you're not the beautiful dancer since we already found one" he said

" stop making it look as if it it's about me, I know it's about you. I'm just saying I don't think she's the beautiful dancer" she said

" you're talking as if you know the beautiful dancer so we'll" he said

" no way, im just saying why will acacia hide such talent" she said

" that's true, it's not something acacia would do" he said

" see, I have a point" she said and they went back

" why did you hide your talent, I mean everyone knows how good you like to portray yourself" Quentin said

" they're doubting me, I need to clear their doubt" Acacia thought

" you heard him, say something" cyma said

"I .. actually I didn't want anyone to find out. because girls from noble family aren't meant to be dancing in public and if my family knows about it..." she paused as she burst into tears

" hey, no one will know about it " Quentin said petting her and Cyma rolled her eyes her the drama she was witnessing

" Ravi, pay everyone here triple to keep their mouth shut, I must not hear a single word about this " he said

" thank you your highness " she said hugging Quentin

" you said you only perform I. occasions right, well the traditional attire event is coming up soon. I'll be expecting you " cyma said with a smile as acacia face went pale upon hearing the news.

" let's go Zion, I've lost appetite " she said leaving