what do you want

" you forgot the bracelet with me" cyma said trying to change the topic

" I didn't forget it my dear, I gave it to you" the old lady said

" but why?" cyma asked

" I don't think all is needed to be said, maybe se other time" she said looking at dorian

" okay" cyma said

" i think we should be on our way now" Dorian said noticing the bad energy he was getting from the old lady

" but you just got here" small Dorian said

" yes, but our journey is far. We have to get going" he said patting him on his head

" alright, we will get going now" cyma said getting up as well

" stay a little bit longer" small Dorian said

" we really wish we could" Dorian said

" please" small boy pleaded

" let them go Dorian " the old lady said

" we will come to visit you anytime we have the chance to" cyma said

" okay, that's a promise" the boy said

" sure, by the way thanks for today" Dorian said

" take care of yourself and be extra careful and mindful" the old lady said to cyma has they left.

" why do you want to leave so suddenly?" cyma asked as they got to where their horses where kept.

" like I said it's getting late and It will get suspicious if no one saw you around the city the whole day" he said as he carried her and placed her on her horse

" you know I can help myself " she said

" I know very well how helpful you can be" he dad sarcastically referring to the time she sold him out to Damini

" I had no choice, besides you got us into the mess" she said

" oh really, was I the one screaming on top of my lungs" he said

" if you didn't have an old acquittance with her, she would have released us if we apologized" she said

" oh really, if you hadn't told her my name then she wouldn't have recognized me" he said

" if you haven't fled instead of trying to fix things, she wouldn't be mad at you" she said

" and I wouldn't have met you nor brought you out here in the first place nor we'll we be in that mess " he said raising his voice a bit and cyma kept mute

" let's go, it's getting late" he said riding off and she followed behind.

The ride back was silent and long, that was the first time he raised her voice at her. As they got back to the city, Cyma rode back to the palace. She didn't say a word before leaving, and Dorian knew she was angry at him for raising his voice. she was just getting on his nerve when he was already pissed off. He sighed as he watch her leave, before he rode home as well. On getting home, the first thing he saw was princess Quiana coming out of the house with Brooke behind her.

" you are back, I've been waiting for you" she said but he just pass by her.

He paused on the stairs before facing Quiana who was still shocked with the way he ignored her.

" Don't come to see me without telling me first, inform me of your visit before coming" he said and then faced Brooke who was standing beside her

"Escort the princess back to the palace" he said

" I can go on my own" she said

" It's an order" he said facing Brooke

" yes" Brooke said and Dorian left

" what an attitude" Princess Quiana said as she strode of in anger and Brooke ran after her as he doesn't want any issues with Dorian who was already pissed off.

Cyma got back to her room and shut the door, she laid on her bed and covered her head with her blanket. she was furious at the moment, Dorian made it look as if the whole thing was her fault. She heard a knock on her door but she didn't move a muscle. The knocking continued but she ignores it till she got irritated and yelled " Go away" at the top of her voice. It became silent for a while before the knocking started again, she got up and fling the door open in anger but they was no one there.

" who is playing this stupid pranks?" she thought as she closed her door back and the box she put the bracelet started knocking itself. she took deep breaths before walking up to it to open it, the bracelet was shining. she quickly close it and went to her bed, probably she was seeing things because she was tired and she slept off.

the next morning, cyma turned on her bed just to feel someone sleeping beside her. she woke up immediately and saw Alpena sleeping so peacefully beside her. she smiled before getting up to have her bath, but she noticed something off. the bracelet was on her wrist, how is that even possible. she tried to take it off but it wasn't removing.

"what are you doing?" Alpena asked as she saw her struggling with her hand

" nothing " she said

," sorry I slept on your bed, I didnt want to disturb you last night" she said

" it's fine, there's no big deal" cyma said going to have her bath

After having her breakfast, she went to the garden to paint. she was painting a bird on the tree, that was what was taking her mind off everything that was happening presently.

Zion came to the palace to see cyma, but he bumped into Dorian and Brooke instead.

" I apologize" was all Dorian said and was about to leave but Zion stopped him

" what do you want?" he asked

" what do you mean by that young master Zion?" Dorian asked

" a question with a question" Zion said

" you weren't straight forward " Dorian said

" what do you want from princess cyma?" he asked

" nothing, do you think I lack anything?" Dorian asked

" not really, that's what making me more curious about your intentions" Zion said

" I don't want anything from her" he said

" not even her hand in marriage" Zion said and Dorian kept mute for a while

" young lady cyma hasn't reach the age to consider anything like marriage, so why would I waste my time" he said

" then what's your motive?, if you have ill intentions I'll advice you to back off" Zion said

" I'll put that into consideration" Dorian said before leaving.

Zion went to the garden and saw cyma painting in the tent. It's been a long time since she sat down to paint so comfortably, and her painting alone was a way of relieving her stress so he knew something was up. it's been long they've had time to talk to each other these days, with all the things going on. He approached her and sat beside her still watching her paint the birds.