Chapter 33: Chef Makino Joins the Crew

"Everyone, take a few hours to rest, gather supplies from the village, and then we'll set sail again," Kuke announced, giving his crew some free time.

Before officially inviting Makino, Kuke wanted to get to know her better. The original story provided very little information about her.

So, he wandered around the village, speaking with the locals and learning more about Makino's life.

Meanwhile, back at the tavern, Makino was diligently washing dishes and cleaning up. She kept the place tidy and running smoothly all on her own.

"Can I help you with something?" she asked kindly, wiping her wet hands on her apron as she smiled at the figure who had just entered.

It was Hancock.

Hancock bit her lower lip, hesitating for a moment before bowing deeply, to Makino's surprise.

"Would you... consider joining us on our journey?" Hancock asked, her voice soft, yet filled with sincerity. This was the first time Hancock had ever bowed to anyone other than Kuke.

"W-What?" Makino gasped, covering her mouth in shock. "Why would you want me? I'm not a pirate. I don't have any strength. I'd just be a burden."

She couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Because Kuke loves the food you cook, and we don't have a chef on our ship," Hancock explained, her tone tinged with disappointment as she admitted her own struggles with cooking. She wanted to take care of Kuke, but cooking was something she just couldn't master.

Kuke didn't seem to mind, but Hancock couldn't stand the thought of him not eating well.

"This..." Makino frowned slightly, clearly conflicted.

She had never considered leaving her hometown. But seeing Hancock's sincerity, she found it hard to outright refuse.

"For Kuke's sake, I must bring you aboard our ship," Hancock said, her expression apologetic as she took a step forward, ready to grab Makino's hand.

Makino, like a startled rabbit, quickly stepped back.

"Hancock!" A firm voice called out from the door. Gion, the ship's vice-captain, stepped into the kitchen. "You can't force her like this. Kuke wouldn't be happy if he knew. She's not a pirate, and we can't just make her come."

"But..." Hancock still seemed reluctant to give up.

Gion gave Hancock a pointed look, silently signaling her to leave. She had already frightened Makino enough.

After Hancock left, Gion turned to Makino with a soft smile. "I'm sorry for Hancock's behavior. Please forgive her."

"It's alright," Makino replied, waving it off with a smile of her own. "She was only looking out for your captain. In a way, I admire her. She's the same age as me, yet she's already sailing across the seas, chasing her dreams."

Gion paused for a moment, thinking carefully before speaking again. "We'll be staying near this island for a little while. Could you act as our chef during that time? You wouldn't need to leave your home, and we'll make sure to compensate you generously."

Makino's eyes lit up with interest.

She wouldn't have to leave the island, and the idea of cooking for pirates—especially ones as famous as the Radiant Eclipse crew—sparked a sense of curiosity and excitement in her. She had always been fascinated by the sea and the stories it held.

She nodded in agreement.

"And while we're here, would you mind teaching me some cooking skills?" Gion added, choosing a different approach.

"Of course!" Makino said eagerly, though a bit worried. "But... will your captain agree? I can only cook and clean."


Outside the tavern.

"You little brat, I've had enough of you sneaking around. Boa Sandersonia, throw him into the sea," Hancock ordered, still in a sour mood, glaring at Luffy, who had been spying from the doorway.

"Aaaah! So scary!" Luffy shrieked, bolting away as fast as his legs could carry him.

By the time Kuke returned from the village, he had learned all there was to know about Makino. The villagers spoke highly of her, praising her for her kindness, generosity, and gentle nature.

"Now it's time to extend the invitation," Kuke thought, wondering if she'd accept.

He entered the tavern, where his crew was already gathered.

"What's going on?" Kuke asked, sensing the tension.

"Captain Kuke, I invited Makino to be our chef while we're on this island," Gion explained quietly. "But you have the final say."

No matter how close she was to Kuke, Gion always respected his authority as the captain. She knew it was ultimately his decision, and she expected everyone to follow his lead.

Makino, who was polishing glasses at the bar, seemed calm, but her ears were clearly tuned in to the conversation. In truth, she was anxious, her heart racing as she waited to hear Kuke's response.

Would he agree?

She found herself looking forward to the idea of traveling with the Radiant Eclipse crew, even if it was just for a short time. It would certainly be a once-in-a-lifetime adventure.

Kuke raised an eyebrow, pleasantly surprised by the situation.

He hadn't even needed to do anything, and it seemed like things were already falling into place.

Although it was a temporary arrangement, he felt confident that he could turn it into something more permanent.

"Of course, I'd be happy to have you with us," Kuke said, smiling warmly at Makino.


News of Makino joining the crew spread quickly through the small village. Several villagers stopped by the tavern to say goodbye and wish her well.

Luffy showed up too, though he made sure to keep his distance from Hancock.

"Makino, are you really becoming a pirate? Are you going to join the Radiant Eclipse crew?" Luffy asked, his eyes wide with wonder.

"I heard Kuke asking around about you earlier," one of the older village women chimed in with a teasing tone. "He seems to be quite interested in you."

"I heard that too!" another villager added, eager to stir the pot.

"I heard it from him!"

"And me!"

A group of gossiping women giggled and chattered excitedly.

"Really?" Makino's cheeks flushed, her hands instinctively rising to cover her face as she shyly glanced toward Kuke.

Why had he been asking about her?

Did he really care about her? Or was there something more?

Her heart raced as her thoughts swirled.

From across the room, Kuke noticed the gossiping women and felt a bit embarrassed. Their teasing had definitely made things awkward.


An hour later, as the Radiant Eclipse sailed away from Windmill Village, Luffy stood at the shore, waving his arms wildly.

"They took Makino! No fair! Bring her back!" Luffy shouted, his voice fading as the ship sailed into the distance.