Ch-6 The Flawless Body

Nine years had passed, and the boy who once struggled through training had transformed into a young man, appearing around sixteen. His black hair, tied neatly behind him, reached his shoulders, framing a face that had become sharp and almost godly. His black eyes glinted with an intensity honed through years of hardship. A sword rested at his side, swinging lightly with every step as he ran at astonishing speed, covering ten meters in what seemed like the blink of an eye.

Suddenly, he leaped into the air, soaring twelve meters with ease. Below him loomed a fearsome beast, towering at three meters. Its red eyes gleamed with malice, and the air around it seemed to distort from its sheer presence. Yet, the boy remained unfazed. With a single motion, he clenched his fist, feeling a rush of energy surge through him.

As he descended, he swung his fist downward, and in that moment, a spectral tiger formed from the energy surrounding him. With a thunderous roar, the tiger shot forward, striking the beast with overwhelming force. The ground shook as the blow landed, a shockwave tearing through the clearing. The beast let out a cry of agony before collapsing, its body crushed by the impact.

As the dust settled, the boy stood tall over the fallen creature, his expression calm yet resolute. Nine years had passed since his journey began, and with each passing day, he had grown stronger, faster, and more skilled. But even as he gazed at the defeated beast, a thought echoed in his mind: "I'm still not where I need to be."


In the heart of the forest, the cool wind brushed past Alexander, carrying the scent of the wild. His black eyes scanned the dense trees ahead, sharp as ever. With a deep breath, he muttered, "It's been four years since I reached the ninth realm of Body Tempering... but I feel my limits have yet to be reached." His fist clenched slightly as the familiar surge of energy hummed beneath his skin. He had spent years cultivating, pushing himself beyond what many could even dream, yet deep down, he sensed untapped potential waiting to be unlocked.

In the distance, faint growls and roars echoed through the woods. His senses, sharper than ever, could easily distinguish the cries. "First-grade beasts," he whispered, eyes narrowing. "Each one comparable in strength to Body Tempering experts."

In this world, beasts were categorized like cultivators—divided into low, middle, and upper grades. First-grade beasts were strong, yet they lacked the intelligence to be truly dangerous. Their raw power often surpassed that of humans at the same level. Alexander recalled his first encounter with a rabbit-like creature, a mere taste of what lay ahead. "Stronger than most humans, but still lacking the wisdom of true predators," he mused, his gaze fixating on the path ahead. Each encounter had become just another step in his journey toward true strength.

With resolve, he adjusted the sword at his side and began to move forward, ready to face whatever beasts awaited him. Today, he would push his limits even further.

Almost immediately, the scent of fresh blood wafted through the air, thick and inviting. It was nearby, and judging by the growls and rustling, the beasts were already closing in, drawn to the promise of a fresh kill. His black eyes gleamed with unspoken resolve as he tightened his grip on his sword.

"Wind Steps," he whispered, his body suddenly blurring into motion. He shot forward with inhuman speed, covering vast distances in mere seconds, leaving only a faint whisper of wind in his wake. In an instant, he found himself among the beasts—low and middle first-grade creatures driven into a frenzy by the scent of blood.

Without hesitation, he unsheathed his sword, the blade flashing in the dim forest light. His movements were swift and precise, honed from years of relentless training. With one powerful slash, he split a beast in two, blood spraying across the forest floor.

Another beast lunged at him from the side, fangs bared, but Alexander moved like a shadow, evading its attack with ease. He swung his sword again, the blade cutting cleanly through its flesh, leaving it lifeless before it could even hit the ground. Beast after beast fell before him, their massive forms no match for his speed and skill. Each swing of his sword brought down another, cleaving them in half with effortless precision.

The ground soon became soaked with blood, staining the earth as Alexander's relentless assault continued. He showed no mercy, cutting down every beast that dared cross his path. The air thickened with the scent of death as he transformed into a whirlwind of violence. His Wind Steps allowed him to dart in and out of their ranks, never giving them a chance to retaliate. Each strike was calculated, leaving behind only mutilated bodies in his wake.

As the last of the beasts fell at his feet, Alexander stood still for a moment, his sword dripping with blood, the forest now eerily quiet. But just as he began to relax, a sharp cry pierced the stillness. His heightened senses detected the distinct sound of wings slicing through the air at alarming speed. He looked up and saw a massive figure descending from the sky.

A giant beast resembling an eagle, with a wingspan of nearly five meters, was diving toward him with astonishing speed. Its feathers shimmered with a strange wind-like aura, and its sharp talons gleamed menacingly in the sunlight. Alexander's eyes narrowed. "A low second-grade beast... A Wind Eagle," he muttered, assessing the situation. "But what's such a beast doing here?"

The fight escalated into a deadly dance of speed and power. The eagle's sharp talons sliced through the air, forcing Alexander to dodge and parry with all his might. Each time he attempted to strike, the beast evaded, soaring high above him and swooping down with terrifying speed. Blood trickled down his arms from shallow cuts, and his shirt hung in tatters.

Panting, Alexander wiped the sweat and blood from his brow, focusing on the eagle's movements as it circled above, preparing for another attack. "Damn it," he muttered, feeling the strain in his muscles. "I can't keep this up. I need to finish this."

The Wind Eagle dove again, and this time, instead of dodging, Alexander planted his feet firmly on the ground. His eyes gleamed with determination as he raised his sword, channeling all his energy into it. A sharp aura began to surround the blade, humming with power. Timing the eagle's descent perfectly, he swung his sword upward in a wide arc. The sharp aura surrounding the blade extended into the air, forming a deadly, cutting force.

The impact was devastating. The sharp aura connected with the Wind Eagle mid-flight, and it let out a final, piercing screech as the energy blade cleaved through its body, cutting it cleanly in half. Its massive form tumbled lifelessly to the ground with a heavy thud.

Alexander stood panting heavily, his sword still glowing faintly from the power of the attack. Blood dripped from his wounds, but triumph filled the air. He had won. The Wind Eagle lay motionless at his feet, its once fearsome presence now reduced to silence. Wiping the sweat from his face, Alexander looked down at the beast's lifeless body.

Just then, a powerful surge coursed through his body. His muscles throbbed with newfound energy, as if some invisible barrier had shattered deep within him. He flexed his fingers, feeling the immense power flow through his veins. His senses heightened to astonishing degrees; he could hear the faintest sounds around him—every rustling leaf and distant hum of insects. The world seemed clearer, more alive.

"What... is this?" Alexander whispered, eyes widening in disbelief. Then, a voice echoed in his mind, startling him.

<Congratulations. You have broken through the 10th realm of Body Tempering, achieving a Flawless Body.>

He froze, his mind racing. "A voice... in my head?" The words lingered, undeniable and real.

<With the Flawless Body, you have surpassed the limits of ordinary cultivation. Your strength, endurance, and senses will now far exceed that of any typical Body Tempering expert. You are ready for greater challenges.>

A sense of awe and exhilaration swept over him, mixed with clarity. He clenched his fists, testing the surge of power within him. "So, this is the Flawless Body," he muttered, a slow smile creeping across his face.

As he began his journey back, a loud growl interrupted his thoughts. His stomach grumbled, reminding him of his more pressing need. "Looks like this eagle will be my dinner tonight," he smirked, hefting the massive bird over his shoulder with ease. The weight felt insignificant against his newfound strength.


As he walked, the forest returned to its natural state, the beasts retreating from the terrifying display of Alexander's power. Suddenly, he spotted the black cat, seemingly asleep. However, upon catching his scent, the cat opened its eyes and walked toward him cutely. Alexander stopped and patted the cat for a moment, a fond smile on his face.

Unbeknownst to him, the cat had been waiting for his return. As he continued on his way, he was unaware that the cat had devoured the blood he shed during the fight. This act triggered a faint light to illuminate its body, and a voice echoed in the air:

<Your bloodline has been evolved...>

To be continued...