Ch-8 Melina

As Alexander entered Saint Town, roughly 30 miles from his own village, the lively atmosphere welcomed him. This wasn't his first time here—he often came to sell the beast materials he had gathered. Today, however, his visit felt more significant, like a new chapter was unfolding.

Looking around the bustling streets, he mumbled, "Saint Town… it's rumored a Saint was born here. I wonder how much of that is true."

The title of 'Saint' wasn't a cultivation level—at least, not to his knowledge. It was a term used for those who had accomplished remarkable deeds and earned the reverence of others. Alexander wondered how someone like that came from such a place.

The streets were busy as usual, full of traders, adventurers, and townsfolk. Stalls were lined up, selling weapons, rare herbs, and various artifacts. The smells of cooked meat and fresh produce filled the air, blending with the noise of people bargaining and children running around.

Alexander moved through the marketplace with practiced ease, his eyes drifting over familiar items but paying them little mind. Today, he wasn't here to trade; this was merely a stop before the real journey ahead.

Alexander stopped in front of a shop with a large sign that read "Invincible Artifacts Shop." No matter how many times he saw that name, it always made the corner of his mouth twitch in amusement. Invincible? Hardly. The shop's reputation was anything but that.

Pushing the door open, he stepped inside, and as expected, it was the same as ever. The interior was dimly lit, the air thick with dust, and the shelves were cluttered with mundane items. Several mortal-grade weapons were scattered about, their once-polished surfaces dull with neglect. There were only a few low-tier First-grade artifacts scattered among them—barely enough to catch the eye of anyone serious about their craft. These were weapons meant for Astral Refinement Experts, though even they seemed underwhelming.

At the center of the store sat a middle-aged man, looking utterly bored as he absentmindedly fiddled with a normal sword, one that clearly wasn't worth the name of the shop. He glanced up briefly when Alexander entered but didn't seem particularly interested in having a customer.

"Back again, are you?" the shopkeeper muttered lazily, not bothering to put the sword down. His tone was as indifferent as ever, like a man who had long since stopped expecting anything exciting to happen in his little corner of the world.

Alexander reached into his pouch and calmly placed the sharp claw and glossy feather of the Wind Eagle in front of the shopkeeper. The man's bored expression vanished instantly, replaced by wide-eyed shock as he realized what he was looking at.

"2nd-grade beast materials," he muttered, running his fingers over the claw in disbelief. His eyes darted back to Alexander, studying him with sudden intensity. "Where did you find these? Don't tell me... you killed it?"

Alexander met his gaze with calm indifference, his expression unchanged. "That's none of your business," he replied in an even tone. "Just tell me the price."

The shopkeeper hesitated for a moment, clearly trying to process the situation, before leaning back in his chair. His curiosity was evident, but he knew better than to press for answers. "Fair enough," he finally said.

The shopkeeper scratched his head nervously as Alexander's cold gaze bore into him. "I'll give you 100 gold coins," he offered, his voice uncertain.

Alexander didn't flinch, his piercing stare causing the shopkeeper to shift uncomfortably. Sensing that his initial offer wasn't enough, the man hesitated before continuing, "It's the most I can offer..."

But Alexander remained silent, his eyes never leaving the man, clearly expecting more.

After a long, tense moment, the shopkeeper finally gave in, pulling out a sword from beneath the counter. "Alright, alright," he sighed. "How about this?" He held the blade up for Alexander to see, his voice taking on a more persuasive tone. "I recently acquired it. I know you use a sword, and this is no ordinary one. It's a low First-grade weapon, with the ability to delay regeneration when it strikes."

Alexander's eyes flickered with interest for a split second, though he remained composed, carefully considering the new offer.

After a moment of thought, Alexander weighed the shopkeeper's offer. He did need a new sword—his last one had shattered during his battle with the Wind Eagle. While he knew that the materials he was selling were worth far more than the sword he was being offered, he decided it was fine for now. The delay in regeneration was a useful ability, and he could always find better weapons in the future.

"Deal," Alexander finally said, taking the sword in exchange for the Wind Eagle materials. The shopkeeper sighed in relief, glad to have closed the deal.

Stepping out of the shop, Alexander glanced at the sky. There was still time before the next bus would leave for the nearest city. He sheathed the new sword, feeling its weight on his back, and scanned the bustling streets of Saint Town.

As Alexander wandered through the streets of Saint Town, he couldn't help but notice the stark contrast between it and his own home. Maglev cars and trucks whizzed by, their sleek, futuristic designs a far cry from anything in Alexander Town. To be honest, it was more accurate to call Alexander Town a village rather than a proper town, isolated and with few connections to the outside world. It was only in recent years that they had even begun to engage in trade with other regions.

Saint Town, on the other hand, was a different world entirely. It was a well-maintained, thriving hub of activity. Walking through its streets, Alexander observed various advanced technologies—things that were only concepts back on Earth. The architecture was modern, the streets clean, and there was a constant hum of energy that made it feel alive and vibrant.

Alexander let his gaze linger on a maglev truck as it passed by, silently marveling at the progress and innovations of this world. While his mind was focused on his mission, he couldn't ignore the differences and advancements that separated his quiet, rustic life from the bustling, modern town he found himself in now.


Meanwhile, outside an orphanage in Saint Town, a beautiful girl with black hair, red eyes, and a curvy figure stood, her excitement evident in her expression. "Finally! I can leave this town and see the magical world!" she exclaimed energetically.

A middle-aged man pulled up in a maglev car and called out to her. "Melina, are you ready to leave?"

Melina nodded eagerly, her excitement bubbling over. "Yes, Uncle Nolan, I'm ready and super excited to go to the city!"

Uncle Nolan chuckled at her enthusiasm. "You are our town's pride, Melina. After all, you've reached the 7th realm of Body Tempering, and there's hope you'll reach the Astral Refinement realm—or even surpass it."

Melina, with a determined look in her eyes, declared, "Don't worry, Uncle Nolan. I am destined for greatness, just like the saint." As those words left her lips, she silently thought to herself, After all, I am a reborn person.

Uncle Nolan smiled warmly, pleased by her confidence. "It's time," he said, gesturing toward the maglev car. "Let me drop you off at the bus stop."


Outside the town, Alexander boarded the maglev bus, settling into an empty seat as the journey ahead stretched before him. He glanced down at the sword, a 1st-grade weapon, curious to test its true strength.

Quietly, he unsheathed the blade and, with a deliberate motion, cut across his hand. The sharp edge sliced through his skin effortlessly, as if cutting through butter. Alexander raised an eyebrow, impressed by the sword's power. Even with his body tempered to the 10th realm, where his defense had grown incredibly strong, the weapon had still managed to easily wound him. It was clear that this sword's strength was far beyond what any ordinary person could handle.

Satisfaction settled over him as he wrapped the wound, silently acknowledging that this weapon would serve him well in the battles to come.

Alexander glanced at the wound on his hand as it healed rapidly, but there was something unusual—he could feel a subtle energy slowing the process. Despite this, his body was still mending at a pace far beyond what was normal. Observing the effect, Alexander thought to himself, I might have a special physique.

As more people began boarding the bus, the sound of cheerful goodbyes filled the air. Among them, Melina arrived at the bus stop, waving goodbye to Uncle Nolan with an excited smile. She eagerly stepped onto the bus, her eyes scanning for an empty seat. Her gaze fell on the one next to Alexander, and without hesitation, she moved toward it.

Melina glanced at Alexander, her eyes drawn specifically to his hand, which still bore traces of blood despite the healing. "Ah, are you injured?" she asked, concern creeping into her voice.

Alexander turned to glare at Melina, his expression calm yet penetrating. The intensity of his gaze caused her to take a slight step back, but it also gave her a clearer view of his features. She couldn't help but think he was the most handsome person she had ever seen. His striking features, paired with an air of confidence, made him stand out even in a crowded bus.

After a moment of silence, he responded, his voice steady. "It's nothing to worry about," he said, brushing off her concern with a dismissive wave of his hand.

But Melina's curiosity was piqued. She couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to him than met the eye. "Are you sure? It looked pretty serious," she pressed, her tone now a mix of genuine worry and intrigue.

Alexander turned his gaze back to the window, avoiding her penetrating stare. The bus began to move, and he was grateful for the distraction as the landscape blurred past.

Melina felt a flash of annoyance as she noticed Alexander's attempt to ignore her. She had her own pride and was not one to be easily dismissed, especially not by someone who seemed so disinterested. She decided to focus on her surroundings instead, but the faint scent of Alexander's blood lingered in the air, stirring something primal within her.

I am definitely not a vampire, she thought, but why do I want to devour this blood?

Unable to control her curiosity, she reached out and touched the small trail of blood that had dried on Alexander's hand. The moment her fingertips made contact, Alexander's attention snapped back to her, his gaze sharp and alert.

"What are you doing?" he asked, his voice low but firm, a hint of surprise in his tone. The intensity of his reaction made Melina pull her hand back quickly, a flush creeping to her cheeks.

"I— I just wanted to see if you were really hurt," she stammered, trying to mask her embarrassment. In truth, the taste of his blood had called to her in an unexpected way, and she felt the heat rising in her cheeks.

Ignoring Alexander turned his gaze back to the outside scenery, watching as the landscape blurred past the bus window. Meanwhile, Melina let out a quiet sigh of relief, feeling the tension in her chest ease. But as she glanced at the trace of blood on her hand, an impulse surged through her. Without thinking, she brought her fingers to her lips and licked the blood away.

The moment her tongue made contact with the crimson liquid, an unexpected and strange announcement echoed in her mind:

<Devoured unknown blood>

<Your mortal body has evolved to Spirit Body>

<Your bloodline has been improved>

Melina froze, her eyes widening in disbelief as the words registered. The bus continued its journey, unaware of the monumental shift that had just occurred within her. She glanced at Alexander, who remained oblivious to the changes unfolding within her.

What just happened? she thought, excitement and confusion coursing through her veins.

...To be continued.