In the bustling heart of Mumbai, Aman Mehra is an aspiring actor grappling with the harsh realities of the showbiz industry. After a fateful confrontation with powerful producer Rishi Malhotra, Aman walks away from an opportunity that could have catapulted him to fame. This decision leads to a series of challenges as he faces blacklisting and isolation from the industry. However, when independent filmmaker Arjun Sethi offers him a role in a daring psychological drama, Aman must navigate the treacherous waters of ambition, integrity, and the price of success. As he struggles to reclaim his dreams, he uncovers dark secrets of the industry and learns that behind the glitzy facade lies a world filled with manipulation, power plays, and hidden agendas.
Wow nice book, good talent and you deserve more reader's and reviews, I will like to share some tips to boost your book performance, Are you open to that ?
it's good. like really good if I were to be honest. i not usually a fan of showbiz novels but after reading this I kind of develop a new interested.