[Chapter Two]: Fateful Encounter

Next day

A was walking around the castle as had nothing better to do as he was only 5 and hated studying so he was just bored out of his mind as he was walking around he saw his brother Allen training in the way of the magic sword style created by the 9th Patric of the Elrod family. He ran down to the training grounds and asked his brother " brother Allen could you teach this to me as it looked cool While you were training".

Allen sighed and said "I can but think twice because I wouldn't let you slack off" A agreed to Allen's words and said "Yes so teach me"Allen stated to list the basic requirements to learn this art of combat "1st is having High mana and chi capacity, 2nd is having good Mana and chi control, 3rd is Not having mercy while fighting because this style was made for killing" as A agreed then Allen asked him " A can you cast Ice Arrow?" A responded with "I can try"

A tried to cast Ice Arrow 72 times but failed horribly every time, Allen sighed and said how big of a dumbass can you be for not even being able to cast Ice Arrow the most basic spell in the book. A was furious because of the insults and said "Even if I can't cast the most basic spell in the book by using the required Mana amount needed for a it as you told me but that amount is not enough to sustain it" Allen responded with "then try again with more Mana into it" As A tried again giving his all then The arrow was casted for the 4 times it's required Mana but still having the same power as a normal one. Allen started laughing like he was a phycopath and said "4 times the required amount and still the same power as a normal one hahahahaha!!!!" A was angry and left as it was getting late.

While going to his room he heard the voice of a fox coming from the throne room, A barged into the throne room like he owned it, the merchant and the King looked at A in total confusion, The King asked "A what are you doing here?" The merchant asked the King "Is this the youngest son of the Elrod family Prince A Elrod?" A just said "Nothing much I just heard the voice of a fox and wanted to ask if I can keep it as a pet" King Said "Yes he's the youngest son and A don't barge in without asking next time Also you can keep one as a pet just pick one but let me remind you these are familiar foxes so choose one carefully you can only have one familiar in your Lifetime" a responded "Ok I will take the blue one it looks like it would be like me" merchant said "Prince A you got a good eye, to form a contract just take some of your blood on your finger and touch its forehead with your finger" A follows the steps then System window pops up.

[System Notification]

Familer contact formed

Familer information

Species: Mana sprith fox

Gender: Male

Name: Yet to be decided

Innate Talent: [One with mana]

Personal Skills: Mana strike lv1 , Mana shield lv1, Mana teleport lv1 , Mana healing lv1, Mana Storage lv1

Evolution: According to the users powers


A thanked his father went back to his room and jumped to his bed then started thinking about "This familiar seem pretty cool but what should I name him" the fox laid quietly Around his legs A started to list of names to the fox "Mana,Loki,Zoro, Destroyer of worlds, Kai, etc" The fox reacted to Loki the most so A decided to name it Loki as the fox liked the name.

Next day

A was woken up by his brother Allen to train as Allen wanted to keep true to his word, A responded with "Why this early in the morning?" Allen sighed and said "it's 10am get your lazy ass out of the bed and come to train" A responded back and said "Let me eat First I just woke up" Loki jumped onto A's shoulder. A thought "looks like Loki likes me".

Few minutes later at the training grounds

A Said "Can we stop now it's too much" Allen replied "it's the most Basic part the physical training not even magical because your Dumbass uses 10 Times the required amount" A replied back in a slow voice "it was only 4 times the required amount" Allen shouted back "Still doesn't change the fact that it took more than the required amount!" A Said then let me mimic you, A picked up a wooden sword then took the stance perfectly, After he started to perform the technique his skin started to burn due to shear power of Mana being taken from his body at that speed, Allen jumped in and knocked out A before he could kill himself trying to perform the technique.

Loki started to heal A and Allen picked up A to bring him to the infirmary. The Healer asked "What the actual fuck happened to Prince A" Allen replied with "This dumbass just tried to use the way of the magic sword style without proper training so what did you expect" The healer sighed and said "I will get this over with, Be back in 7 hr"