(Everything went well unless for the constant arguments between Jasmine and her grandma. She stayed for a while and then went back home) Peter: How are you?(he asked while styling Jasmine's hair) Jasmine: Good(she says that with a weird look on her face) Peter: Are you sure ? Jasmine: I really am. Peter: I was wondering if you needed dresses , shoes or bags. I heard a bag store will be releasing a new collection of bags this month. Jasmine: You should have just said you wanted to go shopping. I'll send you some money to get whatever you want. Peter: I don't need money. Jasmine: If you don't need money, then do you want me to come with you? I'll happily go with you if you want me to. Peter: I want you to come with me. Jasmine: Then I'll just get ready after you're done with my hair. Peter: Yeah, about that, I want us to go shopping in Miami. Jasmine: Why Miami? There are a lot of things to choose from in this country. Why travel. Peter: That's where I want to go. Jasmine: Okay but we'll have to wait till Thursday so I can clear out my schedule. We'll leave on Thursday and return on Monday. Peter: Thank you. You are the best. I love you so much. Jasmine: I love you more. Let's go out for a while. I have to show off my new hair style to my friends. They'll be so jealous if they find out you did it for me. Peter: Let's go get those girls jealous.

(Days flew by so fast and they are on their way to Miami and Jasmine was nervous about being in Miami after all that happened there buy she was willing to face her past for Peter. They arrived in the evening and rested through out the night. The next day, she woke up and couldn't find Peter in the house so she went out looking for him and found him peeping into a store a few blocks away from the house. ) Jasmine: What are you doing out here this early?(He jolted for a second) Peter: You almost gave me a heart attack there.(Jasmine repeats her question) I was just checking out some sodas. Jasmine: If you're done checking out the sodas ,shall we go back now? Cause we have a lot of things to shop for after the long list we were given because you want to come here. (They had a fun day ,shopping and eating and even more shopping. Jasmine crashed into a while walking into a grocery store and apologizes for not looking where she was going but the girl called out her name and she recognised her) Jasmine: How have you been Melissa? Melissa: I've been good and you? Jasmine: Great. So what brings you here? Melissa: Work .How about you. Why are you here. Jasmine: Same thing work. It was nice meeting you again. I have to go but I'll see you later. Melissa: Do you live around here? Jasmine: Yes a couple of blocks away and you? Melissa: I live near this shop. Maybe I'll come visit you some time. Jasmine: Do come over ,how about tonight. There is this movie I want to watch tonight so why don't you join me? Melissa: Sure, I'll make sure to come. Jasmine: I will text you my address. Melissa: Wait, you still have my contact? Jasmine: Yes ,you were a great friend to me and just because we lost touch doesn't mean we're no longer friends. See you later. Melissa: See you soon. (Jasmine told Peter they would have a visitor that night and he wasn't excited about it but was shocked and overly excited when he found out who the visitor was. Melissa was as shocked to see Peter as he was as shocked to see her.)

(The house was so awkward with the three of them watching a romantic movie . This awkward moment came to an end when the movie ended and Melissa left) Peter: Why didn't you tell me she was coming over at least I would have dressed properly. Jasmine: Am thinking we are not here for shopping but to stalk her like we used to do right?. Peter: No, I just wanted some new clothes. She just happened to be here. Jasmine: Oh! And we just happened to live close to her and you just happened to be checking out sodas at a store owned by her friend? Peter: It was all a coincidence. Jasmine: The sooner you realise you guys are not meant to be together, the better. Peter: I know she still feels something for me. Jasmine: You shouldn't chase someone who doesn't want you. Move on there are many other girls out there will die to be with you so why are you so hung up about this girl? Peter: I love her . Jasmine: I can't he this conversation with you right now . Good night. (The next day, Jasmine woke up to breakfast in bed and a singing Peter. ) Jasmine: I can see you're in a good mood this morning. Care to share what's has put you in this mood? Peter: Melissa!! Jasmine: What has she done? Peter: She wants to meet up later today. Maybe she wants to get back together with me. Jasmine: What makes you think so and when did she say all that to you. I was with the both of you last night. Peter: She texted me after she had left and asked to meet up today. Jasmine: Well that's good for you. Peter: Why are you not happy for me? Jasmine: I am buy I don't want you to get hurt. Peter : You will be the shoulder I will cry on and besides I won't get hurt. Jasmine: Good luck then . I will be going to check out some sites today so I'll be back late so take care of your self. Peter: So you were going without me? Jasmine: You would have come with me if you didn't have plans but now you have other plans so I'll go alone . Peter: Take care of yourself. Jasmine: I will and have a fun date.