Chapter Eight: Allies in Ashes

A/N- Hey guys. Right on time! Expect the following update on Wednesday next week, and know you can skip the wait and read the following two chapters and continuous updates on Pa-treon right now. Since I now qualify as an unemployed member of society, all subscribers on my pa-treon are much appreciated. If you enjoy my writing, please don't hesitate to support it. For Pa Treon, you can remove the hyphen between Pa and Treon and Google it, then search for my username—Oghenevwogaga. Or you could copy the link in my bio and remove the spaces before pasting it in your address bar. Please subscribe to my pa-treon using the website directly instead of the IOS app to avoid paying Apple tax. 

Important Announcement: Changes made to my Pa-treon structure mean it's now cheaper to read the very next chapter with a lower-tier subscription. To support this, I'll be offering a discount on yearly memberships for a week or so. 



She could not feel her limbs. It was like they were frozen in place and could not move. This was not the first time this was ever happening.. All those years ago during Halloween. She remembered it vividly. Stepping out of the loo and being confronted by a creature that was five times as tall as she was and wielding a club that was her height. She had frozen then. Just like she was frozen now. Except this time she was not the one in danger. It was the boy that had rushed through the open door and jumped on the back of the troll to rescue her simply because he knew she was in danger and it was what he felt was the right thing to do. 

It hurt her that she realised she could never be as brave as he was. She watched him be exiled from the house as years of tension relating to lost points and perceived special treatment reached an illogical tipping point. She hadn't thought they would do it so she had left the common room as ordered. They were just going to get the truth of things, they said. Even they hadn't expected to banish one of their own in the end. She spoke to the prefects afterwards. Angelina had taken things too far and left them stuck between a rock and a hard place. And for some reason, Harry had chosen to antagonize them instead of taking a more agreeable route. The banishment had been a foolish mistake, and through it she had lost access to her best friend. For the longest time, she'd had no idea where he spent his nights or even his dats beyond brief glimpses of him in the library, and those glimpses never last more than a second or two. She would look away for a second, and then he would be gone like he was never there. 

Her attention returned to arena as the beast moved again. The black hellhound was almost languid in the way it went from being crouched to standing straight. Harry's golem seemed to brace itself, but the hellhound just ignored it and ran past it, moving towards Krum. The Durmstrang student cast two spells she didn't recognise but they both sizzled against the floor instead of hitting the target as it just jumped over them. 

From the side, Fleur Delacour managed to nail the beast with a spell right as it was in mid air but it just kept moving like nothing had happened. Class Five beast, she reminded herself. Krum backpedalled as the beast got closer and closer while against all common sense, Harry remained still and on his position. She would have thought he'd frozen in fear like she had if he wasn't Harry Potter. Cŵn Annwn landed on the ground and kept running while Harry physically heaved his wand to the left like he was dragging something across the air. The ground moved according to his will, rising in a sort of slope and pushing the hellhound to the left. 

"Fulgur" Harry verbally proclaimed for the first time in the fight and she felt her vision get seared by the bright light that left his wand. She was barely able to track it as it covered the space between her friend's wan and his target in less time than it would have taken her to blink. The lighting bolt hit the Hellhound and forced it backwards, sending it skidding backwards at last a dozen feet. Just as her vision returned to normal, the smoke cleared up and the beast stood on all fours, shaking its head like it was clearing fogginess from its brain. That was the only effect it had from taking one of the most powerful spells she'd ever seen dead on. This time, even Harry joined in the run as the Hellhound got on its feet again and began moving. 

The golem interspaced itself between the bast and its target but it only lasted for a quick second before it was sliced to bits. And then the hellhound was forced to change directions as the floor before it shifted into a sludgy mud. Several smaller dogs rose out from the mud, solidifying themselves in seconds and diving at the beast with abandon. The hell hound tore the first two to shreds with its claws before it perceived that it was surrounded and then took a deep breath in. When it breathed out, it summoned an actual inferno that left naught behind of the mud dogs. It was unable to return to the attack however, as a giant raven of all things dove down right at it. 

This transfiguration, she could tell, was not Harry's. Cedric was visibly directing the bird in its approach as it dodged out of the way of the Hellhound's grasping claws and dove down again. This time, it lasted for naught a second longer than the second it started its dive as it was instantly incinerated by a blast of fire that stretched several feet long. Another blast of fire followed the first as the Hellhound swept the sky with flames as Cedric's one incinerated bird had multiplied into dozens. That was an advanced use of the Gemini charm, she observed. Especially because the charm was linked to the bird's destruction from what she could see. 

She suddenly heard the sound of singing, and turned to Delacour who seemed to be dragging her wand from one direction to another in a seemingly random pattern that nevertheless seemed to be aesthetically pleasing. Harry's mud rose from the ground and rushed towards the hellhound and this time, it was much slower as it breathed out a sea of flames that dried and caked the mud in seconds. The Beast took two acid green spells from Krum's wand in quick succession and she gasped as it shook them off with a snarl that displayed teeth that looked as sharp as swords. 

Delacour's singing rose in pitch as the Hellhound began rushing forwards again. Cedric called forth another assortment of creatures, this time monkeys that ran across the ground in a scattered fashion while Krum sent spell after spell at the beast and Harry began weaving his own wand motions for a more complicated spell. The monkeys did not survive long as the Hellhound breathed out a massive gout of flames and then swept its head back and forth to ensure all of them got caught in the flames. It had stayed still to do so, and so both Harry's and Krum's hit it at the same time. 

Harry's spell was a mass of black shadow that seemed to constrict the beast in place. Krum's lance of red energy seemed to sear the beast's fur as it drilled into it. Another roar and it tore apart the shadowy mass that seemed to have held it in place for a moment, no longer keen to be so constrained. It was on the move again,, and this time there was little to be done to distract it. The creature was smart, very smart. Krum's spells had been the ones to hurt it so it was Krum it chased. 

Even if it moved slower than earlier- a product of Delacour's magic, no doubt-, it did not matter because it was not to be stopped. Diggory's creatures did little but burn and it seemed like the second harry had realised he was not the intended target, he had used the seize and pull charm to essentially sail out of the creature's path and give it unobstructed access to its target. 

To his credit, Krum did not take much time to realize that there was no chance of him escaping the creature's chase. He turned to it and began to fire spell after spell. The creature dodged exactly none of them, But they did little more than force it to stop every few seconds. Even that grew too annoying for the hellhound to contend with and it took another breath in. Krum's shield charm snapped into existence with a crackle and then in the next second it was covered in blood red flames that reeked of the hellhound's rage. The beast was able to keep the flames running for ten seconds, but no longer and then it stopped. Krum's side of the arena was covered in soot, and the man himself did not look much better. 

This time, when the hellhound jumped at him, it was faster even than before. It was then that Hermione realised it. Delacour had stopped singing. Cedric's creatures had stopped attacking. Harry was perched on one corner of the arena watching the whole thing. It was a betrayal, she realised. Not the kind of thing that she would have expected him to do but it did make sense. Krum's spell use marked him as a powerful wizard so it made sense to allow him go down first. Of course, that was only true if the remaining three could take down the hellhound on their own. If they couldn't, then allowing Krum to go down first could be a mistake that would get them marked down. 

Krum's wand snapped into position at the last possible instance and he fired a bright yellow spell that the hellhound just shrugged off. It washed over the creature's entire form and did nothing as it crashed into the man. She cringed inwards at the scream he released as the creature carved down on him with its claws. He tried to lift his wand to do something but the beast's claws were there again. The wand flew off into the air in two distinct pieces. In a whoosh of motion that marked a portkey, Krum was gone. 

When she turned her attention back to the other three champions, she was startled to see Harry standing next to Delacour exchanging words. When had that happened? 

When the beast turned around to look at the remaining champions, it was like all four of them in the arena moved at the same time. Harry's wand flashed out and lightning from the sky itself struck down on where the Hellhound had been standing. It dodged the spell by the bare skin off its teeth, but somehow that spell had just been an attempt to herd the beast in a direction. Delacour's singing began again, and this time it took a completely different pitch. Cedric moved his wand to and fro in a series of movements and one of the boulders near the hellhound turned into a massive lion that dove right at Cwn Anwnn. 

It tried to wrestle the bigger hound into submission but it was almost sad how the hound overcame the lion and tore through it's throat with teeth like blades after pinning it to the ground after a very brief tussle. Cedric's wand did not stay still. Another boulder turned into a badger of all things. A third boulder into a snake and a fourth became an eagle. The entirety of Hogwarts, it seemed, was cheering on their champion as he called upon the school's animal mascots to his aid. 

Of course, whatever morale benefit his animal choices had did not matter in face of the hound from hell itself. Cwn Anwnn incinerated the eagle before it could even take into the air and eviscerated the badger with wide swipes of its claws. The snake went completely ignored as the beast ran along the wall of a particularly large boulder before jumping onto another and then another. It was rapidly approaching Diggory. If she could see that, then those on the ground could do the same. 

When the beast jumped again, the boulder it intended to land on turned to dust from a blasting curse from Harry's wand. It landed in a sand pit that Harry had quickly transfigured. It began pushing itself out but was forced to take another lightning bolt to the face. This one drove it deeper even into the sand, but it seemed her friend had miscalculated. She knew that lightning could get as hot as the sun's surface but it was likely Harry didn't. His sand was mostly glassed by his own attack so the hellhound shrugged away the effects of the molten sand as it rose to its feet and walked out of the mostly destroyed pit. 

Cedric, perhaps frustrated at seeing all his creations destroyed with little effect, turned his wand to the Hellhound itself. She wondered what he had up his sleeve that compared with the bevy of dark arts that Krum had unleashed or the elemental power that Harry called upon with ease. It turned out that it was a reducto curse. She did not facepalm as the Hellhound allowed the spell to splash harmlessly against its fur. 

Of course, all her uncharitable thoughts fled when the hellhound took in a deep breath. Cedric was still too far away, at least a dozen feet away from the max range she'd seen of the hellhound's flames so he should be fine. Except that he wasn't. This time, instead of a stream of flames, the hellhound breathed out a fireball that travelled through the air aimed at the Hogwarts Champion. 

His shield charm did not appear as quickly as Krum's but it was sufficient to shield him from the explosion of flames, even if he did look worse for wear. 

"Hold strong, Cedric" She heard Harry shout out at him from across the arena as he began to weave another spell into being. It wasn't to be, after all, as the second the Hellhound was moving again, Cedric's wand snapped up to the sky and sent up purple sparks. He was whisked away a second later, and then there were two. 


Perhaps I should not have advised him to give up if he got the chance, I thought to myself as I dropped down from the boulder that Fleur and I had been standing on. "Cedric's out. If we take this thing down together, we split the points. Aid me?" I asked her. I did not beg. I merely gave her an offer to be involved in the felling of this creature. I had gotten its measure in how it disposed of Krum, and eventually Diggory. Even without Delacour, I could win. I could. I just did not want to have to unveil everything that I had in my pocket. Doom within wanted to cut loose. To make the lesser beings bow before us as they ought. But the Riddle within was louder. And he was right. This Tournament was not my true enemy. It was nothing but a stepping stone. Voldemort and his death eaters would be the true crucible against which I forged the steel of my legend. 

I pointed my wand to the side and created a banging sound that turned the Bast's attention straight to me. It roared. I cracked my neck from side to side and relaxed into a stance as it began running at me. First things first, transfiguration. The ground between us turned to sand with a wave of my wand. A flick at the end of the wave turned the sand into quicksand. It was one of the few transfigurations that were more efficient when separated into two distinct steps. Stone to sand. Sand to Quicksand. Easy. Poetic. 

Two boulders that I knew the beast would jump upon transformed into massive serpents. It had taken the longest time to deal with Cedric's snake. The badger, lion, and eagle hadn't stood a chance. Another flick of my wand turned their skins into stone. The _Duro_ spell was useful like that. 

It ran around both the sand and the reach of the stone snakes that were slithering through said sand after it and began to take the long way around to me. I waved my wand in a series of motions, forming the _Inguz_rune in the air before me out of flames. This was the true reason Riddle had learned the _Flagrate_ spell. He found he had no talent for rune-based casting and gave up on it, but on the contrary it was beginning to become something of a specialty of mine. 

"Lati gbòngbo airi ati awọn ojiji ti o jinlẹ, 

Ji, dide ninu orun amọ. 

Nipasẹ ile ati okuta, jẹ ki awọn tendrils ṣe afẹfẹ, 

Pẹlu irin dimu, ohun ọdẹ rẹ lati di. 

Nipa irugbin atijo ati oro gbigbo, 

Jẹ ki ipalọlọ iseda le ru soke. 

Awọn ika alawọ ewe n gun, bi awọn igi igbo ṣe dagba, 

Lati dẹkun ati mu gbogbo awọn ọta ni isalẹ. 

Ẹ̀gún àti gbòǹgbò, ní òru àti ní ọ̀sán, 

Mo pe èrè àrà ọ̀tọ̀ rẹ. 

Nitorinaa dide ki o fi epo igi ati ẹka- 

Igbo nperare rẹ igbekun bayi." 

The chant was the Yoruba language of Western Nigeria. It was old witchcraft. Very old witchcraft. The book that mentioned it told Riddle that the older the language used when paired with the runes, the better. Of all the languages I'd spoken in my first life, this was the one that paired best with the Elder Futhark Runes for reasons I could not truly understand. Still, it worked and that was all that mattered. 

The spell took effect, striking the ground right in front of the hellhound as it turned away from cooking the snake that had jumped in its way. I thanked fuck for the fact that Delacour had stepped in for it was her magic that gave me the time to finish setting up the spell. It was almost instant, the earthquake. The very ground trembled as roots, vines, and branches rose from the ground, creating a small forest geared around a single goal- bind the fuck out of that fucker. The beast was smart. It tried to turn its flames on the plants as they rose, but the pace at which they did so was too fast for his flames to keep up. The plants were also naturally flame resistant so the fire failed to spread from tree to tree so easily. A wizard would have apparated away. A hellhound robbed of its ability to shadow travel stood no chance. 

It realised this too, and then turned to run. It was too late though. I waved my wand and used a banishing spell to push the second snake across the remainder of the distance it needed to travel to get to hellhound. It blocked off its retreat and was enough of a distraction that the tree vines wrangled themselves around the hound's left forepaw. It turned and incinerated those vines but in doing so, a branch wrestled itself around its neck and held tight. With its greatest weapon off the table, the rest of it was bound in no time. 

And then the second the beast was bound, a bright silvery spell flew over my shoulders aimed right at it. 


Important Announcement: Changes made to my Pa-treon structure mean it's now cheaper to read the very next chapter with a lower-tier subscription. To support this, I'll be placing a discount on yearly memberships for a week or so. 


A/N; I think a bird's eye view is necessary for this so here comes Hermione Granger for half of it. Needed to go to MC for the kill though. Also, my Yoruba is terrible. Used a combination of google translate and my friend who can speak but not read or write the language to get this done so please be kind. If you're really excited about this, then you can skip all the waiting and read the next two chapters of this up on my pa-treon right now. And if you come from any of my other stories, please do me the favour of commenting which story that is.