Chapter Eleven: Charm me or Fight me

Pre-Chapter A/N: Happy Holidays Everyone. Here's this week's chapter right on time for your enjoyment. The next two chapters are up on Patreon as always. There's a handy little December discount on both monthly and annual plans. If you just want to read complete chapters and not my work in real-time then feel free to purchase this story as a collection on my Patreon page ( nice way to support this story, and me while you're at it. Enjoy! 


"Mr. Potter. Come in, come in. Take a seat anywhere with a free slot" Flitwick said as I waked into the Seventh Yer classroom. Not a single face here was familiar to me except for that of the Charms Professor himself and that was a good thing I'd chosen to attend the class with the Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs for a reason. The Gryffindors and Slytherins had too much drama about them for me to have any chance of learning anything in the class. 

"" So today, we will be covering animation charms" The Professor began, and I sat up and watched him with careful eyes as he began to explain just what he would be teaching us. 

"Animation charms are one of the wider explored categories of charms. There are several animation charms. In fact, at OWL-level charms you would have covered about four different independent animation charms. But those were all specialized animation charms for fixed purposes. They all help in getting the mind and magic ready for wider ranging animation charms in the end. For example, making a teacup tap-dance did not have much immediate use at the time, but it did help get you all familiar with the concept of using your magic to produce human-like motion. Yes, Mister Timber?" 

"Potter isn't supposed to be here, Professor. This is the Seventh-year classroom. His presence is distracting" The Hufflepuff boy said, tossing a displeased look down at me that made me want to put my hands up to make it clear I wasn't doing anything. The Charms Professor on the other hand just let out a sigh that made it clear how much he would rather not be dealing with this now. 

"As Champion in the Triwizard Tournament, Hogwarts is bound by the Tournament Charter to allow Mr. Potter to attend whichever one of our classes he desires. I don't remember any complaints from you, Mr. Timber, when Miss Delacour attended this very class nary two weeks ago" The diminutive professor said to the laughter of much of the class. The Hufflepuff boy flushed and took his seat while the Charms Master tossed me a wink. It was then that it sunk in that Flitwick did seem to have some sort of soft spot for Harry according to the memories I had. 

"If that is all then, I trust we can move back to animation charms" The professor delivered the Coup de grâce, and everyone returned to the mode of concentration that advanced charms demanded. 

"Animation charms, well, you can do just about anything with them. There is one that we haven't practiced yet. The general purpose animation charm. It is rarer to seeing use because the magic does not guide any of the actions the animated object takes. For example, the Piertotum Locomotor charm works because it uses the caster's idea of what a structure was built for or created for to animate it. A powerful user could vary this purpose of course, but never too far. For example, using the spell on the suits of armour that adorn the walls would work to make said suits fight to defend the castle, but I would swallow my own wand if anyone managed to animate one of those statutes to make it mop the floors with that spell. Do we understand so far?" I nodded, enraptured as my thoughts turned to using the animation spell on the trees in the forbidden forest. I'd used them to bind and constrict the spiders. I guess tree branches did do some binding and constricting normally, but wasn't that different from their initial purpose. 

"Yes, Mr. Potter" Flitwick called and only then did I realize that I'd instinctively put my hand up once I had the question I could not sus out on my own. 

"What about using the spell on trees to make them bind a target? Would that work?" 

"It depends on the species of trees, to be honest. One would find it nearly impossible with an apple tree in a Muggle's backyard, but with magical trees, especially the ones found in the forbidden forest, it would be quite a great deal easier. Can someone tell me why that is?" He turned to the class. I tossed the question in my head for a few seconds before another hand went up. 

"Yes, Miss Rosier?" The professor called. 

"It says in Hogwarts: A History that the Founders planted the trees along the border to the Forbidden Forest to defend the castle from threats both within the forest and outside of it" She said it all in one breath like a certain bushy haired girl that I had once known. 

"Correct, Miss Rosier. Ten Points to Ravenclaw." He said, beaming and showing dagger like fangs, instantly reminding me of what he was. Flitwick was not just a short man. He was half-goblin. 

"So you see, Mr. Potter. Even with living things like trees, their reason for creation can still affect their use when it comes to that spell. Now this spell we will be exploring next is a logical step up from Piertotum locomotor. Simply call it the all-purpose animation charm if you will. It works by the caster imposing their own will on the object being manipulated. There is no help from the spell itself, so very action must be determined by the caster. That means it takes more concentration. A lot more concentration than every other animation spell out there, but it offers much more flexibility in return. Let us begin." He said, drawing his wand with a flourish. 

"The wand movement is a sharp jab." He began, performing the jab without any incantation and letting us all have a view of it. "Now, your turn" he said to the class, and we all jabbed, more or less as one. As this was a NEWT class, there was no one who got that incredibly simple wand movement wrong. Those would have been sieved out either by the OWLs or the Sixth year classes which tended to be the hardest. He nodded as there were no surprises. 

"The incantation is the elementary, Locomotor. It does you no help, or not much help with this spell. You will be the one pushing out your will and imposing it on the world." He said, before waving his wand at a box towards one of the class's corners and several figurines flew out almost of their own accord and arranged themselves perfectly on the tables. In one movement, he'd executed a complex levitation charm on multiple things at the same time. One swoosh of his wand, shaving off the usually required flick and no incantation. Yes, Filius Flitwick was indeed a charms master with little in the way of peers. Definitely better than the sod that had been teaching during Riddle's years. 

"Now you may use the spell on the figurine before you. After you successfully cast it, you must move on to attempting it silently." He said before stepping off his desk in one smooth jump and landing on the floor and beginning to walk around the room. 

I pointed my wand at the figurine of a ballerina mid-twirl and called upon my intent to control, to dominate, almost like I was using the Imperius curse which Riddle had been a deft hand at even in his fifth year, and whispered, "Locomotor" while jabbing my wand forward. I was not surprised when the ballerina immediately fell under my control. I commanded it to straighten. And then I began to conduct it through a dance around my table. 

"Ten Points to Gryffindor, Mr. Potter" he said, and when I opened my mouth to reply, he cut me off. 

"You might not wear their colours, but Hogwarts recognizes you as a Gryffindor, young man." I just nodded, realising that the argument was quite pointless. After all, what was the point of arguing it? 

"Now attempt it silently" he said, while maintaining his position near my desk. I suspected that he thought I'd have some difficulty, but I knew it would be anything but. I commanded the figurine to take its original position and then pulled my magic from it, dispelling the spell. Next, I jabbed my wand at it and without saying the incantation, not even thinking it in my mind because that was the crutch for lesser wizards, the figurine rose to life again and began dancing. 

Flitwick erupted in applause, "Bravo. Bravo. What pure talent. Silent casting at fourteen" he said with a chortle and then next, "another twenty to Gryffindor is only fitting". 

When the class finally came to an end, I was not surprised when Flitwick asked me to remain behind. I was beginning to suspect that such would be the state of things with all the lecturers whose classes I would be attending today. If this was what NEWT level magic was in this day and age, then there was utility to be found in attending the lecturers. Mcgonagall hadn't been teaching during Riddle's time either, but considering Dumbledore had been the one handling the class in her stead, it would be a tall order for anything she did to improve upon the old man's ridiculous teaching ability. 

"You've been holding out on me, Mr. Potter. On all of us" He said as a way to begin the conversation we were about to have. I took the offered seat as we left the classroom in favour of his adjoined office. As a head of house, he got to enjoy a few privileges that few others were afforded. 

"On myself too, I think. Once my name came out of the goblet, it felt like something shifted in me. I realised my life was in danger and I needed to learn as much magic as I could so that's what I did, I learned." 

"Indeed? I have scarcely seen the hardening charm used so confidently on living creatures-" 

"Transfigured creatures do not count as living" I was interrupting before even thinking about it and the Professor only gave me a wide smile instead of a scolding for the lack of manners. 

"Yes. Bur for a certain definition of the word and as long as we leave Gamp's laws alone, they do qualify. Especially when it comes to determining the suitability of charms for a target" He said, and I nodded at his words. 

"I dare say you'd manage a perfect hardening charm on your own arm if asked," I nodded when he looked at me, and he gasped with a bright smile. 

"A once in a generation talent, indeed. So now I must ask the question, Mr. Potter. What happens after the tournament? Hogwarts does not have provisions to allow talented students move up the years because of mandatory exams that must be taken" he said. 

"Yes, I know about that. I was wondering if you would give me an exemption to take my OWLS over the Yuletide at the ICW" I said, finally making the ask. Seeing so much ICW involvement in the tournament had been what brought the idea to mind. 

"Yes, you are more than skilled enough at this point, and I am sure we can plug whatever gaps exist in our theoretical appreciation of charms, but I must ask though — why the ICW? You are aware that the International Ordinary Wizarding Levels tend to be more grueling than the local counterpart you can have taken at the ministry, are you not?" 

"That's part of the appeal, Professor. I do want to test myself. And the IOWLS are respected internationally but to use the Ministry OWLS abroad I'd have to get them verified. Also, I don't really think the British Ministry likes me very much" I said, something telling me I could be more honest with the half-goblin than I would have been with most others 

"Yes, I do get that impression considering the flavor of reporting that surrounds you and your exploits, but are you certain this is the wise choice? The IOWLS cover a wide range of charms that I might not have taught because of their lack of popularity here in Britain. Even more importantly, the IOWLS are particularly grueling in the theoretical aspects of magic. The only people who tend to take them are those seeking admission as ICW Hit-wizards and even then, waiting for a call-up from one's nations turns out to be the most attractive option for most," he said, while twisting his beard. 

"I will be ready, Professor. I mean, I haven't even told you about my plans to take the IAWLS at the end of the session" I said, making the plan chortle in amusement before his face straightened up as he realised I was not joking. 

"Well, I sense that you will not be convinced otherwise, and if we're being perfectly honest with ourselves, I'd love to see you give it a go. I will be making myself available to help as much as possible." He said. 

"Thank you, Professor. But that was not even the main favour I wanted to ask" I said. 

"Oh, oh?" 

"You used to be a Duelling Champion, Professor." I said, adding a leading tilt to my voice so it was clear what I was hinting at. 

"A thousand and one students have asked me to take them on as students in my time here, Mr. Potter. Why should I give you an answer any different to what I gave them?" He asked with a tired sounding sigh. I guessed he was probably constantly inundated with requests. The movies and books did not convey it well, but Duelling was a massive sport. The only sport that came close when it came to compensation was Quidditch, and even then, the top duelists were better paid than the best quidditch players on average. The gap tended to be closed with sponsorship revenues with duelists being less attractive marketing tools as they often tended not to have the time for photoshoots or the like. They were also less popular to the average witch or wizard. It was like comparing Golf to Football in some ways. Duelling was a large sport in the pureblood circles and seats to a tournament could go for as much as five hundred galleons a pop for the biggest tournaments while Quidditch was popular with everyone and anyone with a good wizarding wireless could enjoy a game from their backyard. 

"I am different, Professor. Why? Because I am asking for your help, but while it will make my journey easier, it is not necessary for my success. I will win with or without you. But do you really want to pass on the chance to train the first British U17 Champion since Antonin Dolohov? Do you want to miss out on training the first British world champion?" I asked, staring him in the eyes. 

"So confident, Mr. Potter?" 

"Yes" I said simply, not saying anymore. 

"Then I will test you" he said next. 

I had expected the test to take place on a different occasion, on a different day. The extra time to prepare could have proven invaluable to me, and maybe Flitwick expected that to be the case because he motioned for me to leave the office and waved his wand on getting to the classroom. The desks and chairs neatly piled themselves into a corner and the room itself seemed to come to life as Candleholders that had previously been unnoticed lit with blue flames. 

"Draw your wand, Mr. Potter." Flitwick asked as we walked into the room and took our positions on opposite ends. He spun on the spot with a flourish, drawing a white line around his feet. 

"Your test is simple. Force me to move, and I will teach you everything I know about dueling. Fail to do so, and you will not only never mention this again, but you will also agree not to attempt any International Charms examinations with my consent." I narrowed my eyes at the man's terms, but he seemed unyielding. I shrugged and took my stance. It wouldn't matter in the end. I was going to win. Especially because the terms of my victory were so easy. Flitwick probably thought he was going to be facing a fourth year student and that was going to be his undoing. Riddle had been without equal as a student from his fourth year. I myself was much the same. 

I let my wand roll between my fingers and prepared myself for the fight to come. Flitwick tossed a coin in the air and we both watched it fly through the air for about half a minute before it landed on the floor with an echoing clatter. Our wands moved almost as one but in the time before I could finish a spell, he'd whipped out two. I change my wand movement at the very last second and just barely managed a shield that took the spell with ease. I dropped the shield the second the first spell was done and moved to stand sideways and allow the spell fly past me. 

"At least you know enough not to stand still and hunker behind a shield" he said, smiling from ear to ear even as his wand kept moving at rapid speeds. I snapped my own spells into being in a flash- expelliamus, stupefy, flipendo- began the spell chain that Flitwick batted to the side before I was forced to stop and take cover from a fire dragon of all things. It was only when it had passed my side did I realize that it gave off no heat and washed against the castle's walls with no effect. Illusionary magic. That was another thing you couldn't really learn from books. 

Now that we had both tested each other for a few seconds, we took our stances again. This time, it was going to get serious. 


A/N; Flitwick was always going to enjoy a major role in this fic, and we can see him come in here. We also get a bit of a sneak peek at MC's plans for the future after the tournament. Next chapter will be the end of the duel. Was supposed to have Mad-Eye's class but I ended up moving that to the chapter after. As always, the next two chapters are up on pa-treon. There's a handy little December discount on both monthly and annual plans. If you just want to read complete chapters and not my work in real-time, then feel free to purchase this story as a collection on my patreon page ( nice way to support this story, and me while you're at it. Enjoy!