9. Well that's just mean


Suddenly Iron Fist hits the beast on top of Spider-Man and makes it dissipate. The other two react quickly and try to jump him, but the Martial artist avoids them both by ducking. As he dodges them he hits one with his glowing fist and it dispels as well. The other one lands and bounces back immediately towards Danny. Just as it came close, Iron Fist quickly spins around and clocks it right in its nose, ending its existence same as the other two.

Regrettably, Iron fist let himself forget about the women who summoned the creatures so he didn't see her charging from behind with her sword ready to cut him in half.

Just before she reaches him she felt something hit her arm, next thing she knew she was pulled away from the Kung-Fu warrior and thrown towards her brother, who had seen her flying at him just in time to catch her.

Colossus sets her down and asks, "Are you alright, snowflake?"

"I am fine, brother," she responds as she pulls off what she now sees as webbing from a certain annoying spider, "They are becoming rather irritating."

He nods in agreement to her statement, "Indeed, I had hoped they would see reason," He said as they both look to the heroes gathering themselves up and preparing for another attack, "But they foolishly continue with this."

Magik raises heer sword "Then let us end their foolishness, by ending them."

Colossus looks at his sister and worries that the Phoenix is corrupting her. She has become very aggressive and violent lately. He remembers when their were traveling the world and dealing with dictators and their armies and how she was more than willing to kill even those that surrendered in rather brutal fashions. He will need to confront her soon about giving into such dark desires.

Meanwhile, over with the heroes, the Avengers are huffing and puffing from exhaustion. They've been fighting the ruasian duo with everything they had, and yet it doesn't seem like they made any progress.

Wolverine, who has blood splotches all over him, asks, "So cap, any ideas on how we scram outta here with all this dead weight." He gestures to all the unconscious avengers they freed.

Captain America, who has his mask off and sporting some bruises and blood dripping down his face, answers, "The exit is right behind us, but it won't matter unless we can distract them long enough to get to the portal."

Black Panther tells him, "That's a five minute window we do not have Captain." T'Challa did the math in his head. It took them two minutes to sneak in and find their people, now add them having fought the two Phoenix powered mutants and having to carry all of the unconscious teammates, all together it's at the very least five minutes to get everyone out.

Cap nods at him, doing some math himself, and says, "I just don't see how we can get one."

Spider-Man, who is standing at the back of the group, looks down on the ground trying to think of a solution where everyone gets out okay. He looks around and notices that Black Widow managed to get everyone they freed near the exit, whilst everybody else was occupied with the fight. Unfortunately, she is still drained from the worms eating her soul, so she couldn't do much more.

As Spidey, continues to look at his unconscious teammates and friends, he notices something peculiar about the exit. More specifically, two columns of rock that look…

"Hey, Logan."

The feral mutant looks back at the webhead, "Yeah."

"I've got a plan, but I'm gonna need you to do something for me."

Wolverine turns his attention back ahead and says, "Hell if it'll get us all outta of here in one piece then I'm all for it," he then releases his metal claws and crouches, "What do ya need me to do Webhead?"

"...Tell Hope I meant what I said."

Logan gets confused at the request, but before he can turn and question it, he feels something hit his back and immediately sees more webbing hit the rest of the groups back.

"What the- WHOA!"

They all get yanked backward, all the way to the cavern entrance. When they land they immediately sit up and see Spider-Man shooting another web line to a boulder a few yards from him.

Cap, sees this and yells, "SPIDER-MAN WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

Spidey looks at him and yells, "I'M GIVING YOU A WINDOW!"

He then swings the boulder to the first column and it breaks through and hits the second column. The cavern starts to shake and debris begins to fall in front of the exit. The conscious Avengers see what he is doing, but when they look back at him, they see he's just standing there watching.

As the exit begins to close up from the rocks and boulders, Spider-Man yells, "GET EVERYONE OUT, I'LL HOLD THEM OFF!"

They see him turn his back to face the two Rasputin siblings, and then their line of sight is completely cut off due to all the debris.

Wolverine rushes to dig through the debris when he Captain America places a hand on his shoulder.

"Cap we gotta-"

"We can't waste time trying to dig our way back in, we need to get all the injured out now."

"What?!" Wolverine expresses his shock at his long time friend leaving a comrade behind.

"We don't have a choice. It'll take too much time to get through the debris," he walks up to Hawkeyes unconscious form and puts him on his shoulder, "Spider-Man gave us a window we have to take it. He can handle himself but not for long, so we have to hurry."

Reluctantly, but quickly the Avengers pick up their unconscious teammates and start heading out of the cave. All the while hoping Spider-Man can last long enough for them to come back in time.


'I really hope that I can last long enough for them to come back in time.' Coincidentally Spidey is thinking the exact same thing.

He is in an intense staredown against the brother and sister mutant duo. Well, he's staring intently at them, they are giving a look of dismissal.

Which is incredibly hurtful. He can be a threat to them.

Magik scoff, "Hold us off? How exactly do you plan to do that, little man?"

"Little?!" Spider-Man shouted, mockingly offended by her words, "I'll have you know I'm average. Some say even slightly above. "

Colossus walks towards Spidey and says, "Stand down Spider-Man, I do not wish to harm you."

"Yeah you've been saying that a lot, but be honest are you trying to tell us or yourself?"

Colossus is taken aback by the question, "What do you mean?"

The web themed hero relaxes his stance and says, "You really can't see it can you? Colossus, you are one of the most ethical and upstanding X-men I know, definitely more than Cyclops has been lately, you're telling me you don't know how much harm you're doing? How much trouble you're causing mutants? How the phoenix is corrupting you?"

Piotr stands firm and responds, "It has not been corrupting us, it has given us clarity! And we are showing mutants that they have nothing to fear!"

"Instead that they should be feared, right? That's against everything Xavier ever taught you!

"He abandoned us in our time of need!"

"Enough!" Magik shouts as she steps in front of her brother, "Brother, he is wasting our time as his comrades are making their escape! Ignore him and tear through the debris!"

Colossus pauses for a moment and nods at her statement, "Yes, you are right sister." He walks towards The entrance that Spider-Man is standing in front of, "Move or be moved, the choice is yours. You cannot stop us."

Spidey nods in agreement, "You're right, I can't stop you, but I don't have to," he crouches again and tenses, "I just need to stall you." With that said he launches himself at the metal skinned mutant.

Colossus throws a haymaker at the approaching hero, but spidey slides under it and vaults over a slash from Magik when she tries to cut him diagonally. He shoots a line at her and hits her back. Before he can pull her, Colossus grabs the web line and pulls Spiderman to him and punches him in the face.



Metal fist plus Spider-Man face equals broken nose and concussion.

Spidey lands flat on his back, dazed and in a massive amount of pain. He tries to get up until he feels a heavy foot on his back.

"Stay down. I do not wish to harm you." He heard Colossus say to him. Although he could swear he heard some doubt in his voice.

"Just cripple him and be gone with him, brother," oh good the mean blonde lady wants to add to the conversation, "We don't need to waste anymore time with him."

Well that's just mean. Here he is holding hold them off so his friends can get away and she just thinks he's a waste of time. Well he'll show her.

As soon as he gets this foot off of his back.

He didn't have to wait long, because Colossus lifts his foot off of him and converses with his sister.

"He is beaten, there is no need to go to such extreme measures."

Oh isn't that sweet, even after breaking his nose Colossus doesn't want to hurt him some more.

"If only you were as hard as your skin brother, instead of so soft like проскурняк."

What was that? Did she just call him a name?

"Illyana, please. We are trying to show them that we are not the enemy."