11. The mortal has arrived, the time is now.

(K'un Lun, Few minutes later)


Hope punches Cyclops with Chaos Fist and he vanished instantly. She holds her punching pose for a moment until it finally sinks what she just did.

She looks at her hand with eyes wide in astonishment, "Woah," she says, "How did I do that?"

'When your moment comes you'll either know or someone will tell you.'

Spider-Man's words echoed in her head. Even though she didn't understand it at the time it still stuck to her. She looks at her simmering fist and thinks, 'Is this what he meant.'

"Now that's what I'm talking about."

She heard Iron Man's voice speak up from behind her she turns around and sees him walking up to her. Well more like limping really. She notes the extensive his missing faceplate and damage done to his suite, where some wires are sticking out of a few area where a few metal plates are missing and electrical sparks are coming out here and there.

When the man reaches her, he puts a hand on her shoulder and happily says, "Nice going kid, you handled that like a real Avenger."

She looks at him oddly, "Thanks? But I'm more X-Men then Avenger."

"Well you're young. You'll eventually figure what's right and what's an X-man."

Ignoring the jab at the team she prefers, Hope looks back at her hand and says, "I guess he was right."

"Who was?" Tony asks as the rest of the Avengers who have been fighting the Phoenix powered Cyclops gathered behind him. Who are Thor, Thing, Scarlet Witch, and Hawkeye.

Hope answers, "Spider-Man. He said that when the moment comes, I'll know when it's my moment."

Tony nods in understanding and says, "Yeah, that little web headed chatterbox never seems to shut up. Always says whatever comes to mind. Wether it's a bad joke, a stupid quip, or something that just makes an awkward situation even more awkward. But in the moments that matters most, he always knows what to say."

Hope still looks at her hand for a few more seconds and then looks at Tony, "You don't get that impression when you first meet him, do you?"

"No, you do not."


"Ain't dat the truth."

"You eventually learn to tune him out."

The booming sound of the portal opening behind them grabs their attention. They look and see Wolverine walk through first followed by Dr. Strange, She-Hulk Storm, Xavier, and Black Panther.

Hope immediately notices their somber expressions and dread sinks in her stomach.

Tony however doesn't notice it and raises his hand and greets them happily, "Hey, glad to see you all made it back alright. Guess what, Hope can take on Scott and Emma now."

Wolverine stops and looks at the Billionaire genius, "Stark, there's something we gotta-"

"Whatever it is it's gotta wait. We've got a narrow window right now."


"I'm just speculating, but I'm pretty sure Hope can hurt Cyclops some more if she were to just-"


Wolverines shout got everyone by surprise. But what got them even more surprised was the fact that the man was shedding tears. The usually stoic man, who had lived longer than most of them, is breaking down in tears right before them.

Iron Man looks at him strangely, never seen the immortal mutant show such emotion, "Logan?"

Not answering him, but instead moves aside so everybody present can see Captain America walking towards them from the portal.

Hope eyes widen in shock as she gasps, "Oh my god."

The Thing looks on in disbelief, "No."

Thor and Hawkeye are left speechless.

Scarlet Witch puts her hands over her mouth.

And Tony Stark, the invincible Iron Man, crumbles to his knees.

In front of them is a mask less Captain America carrying the bloody body of Spider-Man. Cap looks at them, his own eyes pouring tears and face filled with sorrow.

"Spider-Man's dead."


(Unknown area in Space)

Peter doesn't know where he is, but he doesn't care because he is too comfortable sleeping. Best sleep he's had in a long time.

"Wake up Peter."

He also doesn't recognize that voice, but he still doesn't care. Nobodys gonna ruined the best nap ever, "No, I don't want to."

"Wake up."

Okay now the voice sounds eerily familiar, but still not good enough, "It's Saturday, there's no school."

"You must awaken!"


Spider-Man wakes up in a jolt and immediately recognizes who woke him up, "Uatu? What are you doing in my room?"

The Watcher looks at him with his, very creepy, blank white eyes, and says, "We are not on your world Spider-Man."

"What?" Spider-Man says as quickly notices the environment behind the Omnipresent being. It's when he realizes he's in space, though he doesn't know where.

"Where am I? What am I doing here? Wait, something happened," he scratches his head and tries to remember, "There was something going on back home and I was- That's it! Earth is in danger I have to get back!"

As he was getting up, Uatu speaks to him, "You can not return to earth, Spider-Man."

Spider looks back up at him questioningly, "What do you mean I can't? I-" and that's when his memories fully return. His eyes widen in shock, he falls back on his butt and he quietly asks, "I died?"

Uatu gives him a sympathetic look and nods, "Yes, you did."

Spidey grabs his head to compose his self, "I freakin' died. Great the one time I actually do something worthwhile for the Avengers and I end up croaking for it," he lets out a bitter chuckle, "Story of my life."

Uatu, still with sympathetic look on his face, reaches out to him and says, "Spider-Man-"

"Where the heck am I anyways?" He interrupted the big bald being as he looks at him, "And what are you doing here?"

"The mortal has arrived, the time is now."

A new and powerful voice speaks up from behind the Arachnid themed hero. He turns and is greeted with the sight that will remain burned into his memory for the rest of his life. Before him are GodLike beings. Going from Mephisto to his right, then to Death, Galactus, Infinity and Eternity, Master Hate and Mistress Love, the Inbetweener, and finally Master Order and Lord Chaos.

And standing at the center of it all is the one and only Living Tribunal.

"The trial for the Earth shall begin."

"...I think I just peed myself."