15. A true hunter survives all forms of nature

"As we stated, one way for you to gain chaos energy is by ending lives. But due to your constant refusal to do so, we had to resort to another method.

Spidey makes a snide remark, "Making my life a living hell?"

"Creating chaotic moments in your life, so that you may establish order," Order answers, "Your powers function similarly as your earth's solar panels do. By merely attempting to bring order to chaotic moments in your life, you absorb the chaos energy."

Spidey gives the two a baffled look. That makes no sense. How is manipulating him and everything around him, while he tries to fix it, give him power?

Before he can ask, a certain devil decides to interrupt, "I believe he has grasped enough knowledge to understand what his title entails," he looks to Uatu and gestures to him to step forward, "Your turn."

The Watcher does so and waves in his hand in front to create transparent images that Spider-Man immediately recognizes.

"Do you recognize these individuals Spider-Man?" He asks him.

Spider-Man nods and answers, "Yeah, those are my guys. My uh villains."

Indeed that is what The Watcher is showing him and the others present. He is showing the likes of Vulture, Rhino, Electro, Hydro-Man, and a lot of others Spider-Man has fought over the years.

"Do you see a similarity amongst all of them?" The omniscient being asks him.

Spidey hesitates because he doesn't see one. Most of the guys are animal themed, but others have powers of electricity or sand or something. So he takes a shot, "Uh, they're forces of nature?"

Uatu nods, "Correct."

Hey, he's a pretty decent shot.

"Master Order and Lord Chaos," Uatu calls to the floating big heads, "You stated that he has proven himself worthy of the mantle of Spider-Man, yet he failed in the hunter aspect of the title. So may you please explain?"

Order explains, "The mantle of the Spider is ultimately chosen by the great weaver. However, we still have the right to test the chosen. Should he fail at any point then we can remove the champion's power or choose another but allow him to keep his abilities. Thus far Peter Parker has passed all the trials given to him, but two."

"One of those was the Hunter," The universal peeping tom (what else would you call him?) says, "However, that is not entirely true."

He waves his hand again and this time shows the first battles Spider-Man had against his villains. Each one he is standing victoriously over his defeated foe, although not without injury it seems.

"A true hunter survives all forms of nature," He stated, "Whether they are other predators, preys, or forces of nature, a spider endures and conquers. Though he may not have finished his battles in a preferred way, Spider-Man still achieved victory with all odds against him."

Darn tootin he did! Thank goodness Uatu is his lawyer. He can show all these guys that earth is worth saving. He still has no idea how him being good enough to be Spider-Man has to do with it, but he'll ask when this he wins.

Unfortunately, his internal celebration is cut short when Uatu steps back next to him.

'That was it!?' he mentally shouted to himself as the Watcher/Flaker stands next to him and he gives him an incredulous look, "What're you doing!?" he asks, "That's not enough to defend me!"

The Flak-Watcher calmly turns to him and responds, "You needn't worry. Everything will turn out fine"

He wants to ask more, but the Watcher is on his side. So maybe he shouldn't worry so much.


(K'un Lun Temple)

'I hope that they are at least willing to listen,' was the thought going through Charles Xavier's head as he walked through a hallway of the K'un Lun temple.

He had just received some information that could very well help in this fight against the last two remaining Phoenix Five, Scott and Emma. He only hopes that with everything that's happened, the Avengers don't just dismiss it.

He stops at the door where he can sense the Captain's thoughts permeating. He senses mostly caution and unease.

He enters the room and sees the Avengers leader leaning on a table with his back to Xavier while on the phone saying, "I understand. I'll be there. Thank you."

He hangs up the phone, places it on the table in front of him, and leans on it as he hangs his head with a sigh. Whatever the conversation the good Captain just had wasn't a pleasant one.

Charles clears his throat to make his presence known, "Steve?"

Rogers turns his head halfway, not fully looking at him, and says, "Xavier. I assume that you have some news."

"Yes," he answers. He takes a breath and says, "Rogue reached out to me and she said she and all the others want to help stop Scott and Emma."

Cap doesn't respond, just continues to lean on the table.

Charles continues, "She said that they want to meet somewhere in Minnesota. She told me the exact location."

A bit more silence, before Steve says, "Can we trust them?"

"Yes," Charles answers without hesitation.

The WWII veteran nods in acceptance, "All right. Set the meet."

Charles nods, "Thank you," he says. He takes a breath for the next part, "I'm concerned about how some of the Avengers will react when they see certain people with the others."

Cap sighs and turns fully to Charles with tired eyes, "If you're referring to the ones who kept some of the Avengers prisoners inside their minds by making them live a continuous loop of escaping only to be brought back to the cells, then you are going to have to have some realistic expectations."

"I understand," Xavier responds, "I'm just asking that when this is all over, that if there are to be consequences, then they shouldn't be punished too severely. They saw the error of their mistakes and they now wish to rectify that."

Steve looks at Xavier's face and sees it full of regret. Charles has always been one for peace and Unity between mutants and the rest of the world. But since he stepped away and didn't take lead again, the X-Men have been falling apart. With Scott and Logan making separate schools, Magneto being a leader that Scott allowed in Utopia, and all of them depending on a young woman to take on a cosmic power to restore the mutant race. The man takes responsibility for what his X-Men have been doing.