18. The destruction of your world is your doing

(Unknown Plane of Space)

"You know, I can't help but feel that this has not been going well in my world's favor."

For the past hour or so, Spider-Man, the Earth's only chance of survival, 'No pressure right', has had to listen to cosmic beings list out every single time people from his world disrupt natural law and order.

And boy was that list long. He didn't even know about half the stuff they mentioned. Granted they complained about him too, but they mostly focused on others. The Inbetweener talked about the balance of order and chaos and how humans kept disrupting it. Eternity and Infinity mentioned how much earthlings messed up the space-time continuum with constantly traveling through time and messing with history. And Galactus of course is currently mentioning how they kept messing with his meals.

'Big baby.'

Anyway, with Uatu as his lawyer, he thought he had a chance. The all-mighty peeping tom of the universe could've pointed out all the redeeming qualities earthlings have. Like love, compassion, cool music, and pizza.

But he hasn't. All he's done is point out Spider-Man's redeeming qualities and feats! And even though it is incredibly flattering, Peter can't help but feel that Uatu isn't doing a very good job when it comes to EVERYONE ELSE!

"You needn't worry," he doesn't even look at him as he says that.

"See you say that, but I can't help but to worry," he starts flailing his arms around, "Especially since all you've been doing is defending me but leaving earth out to dry."

"Earth will be fine so long as you return."

Okay, that annoys him. He makes sure to give Uatu the stink eye as he says, "You know what. I am getting sick and tired of all these vague answers. I need straight answers."

Just as Uatu turns to respond, Spider-Man gets all up in his face, by standing on a rock, "Why am I here? It doesn't feel like I need to be here. Every time I try to talk, someone tells me to shut up," he pointedly looks at the Tribunal for that. He shifts his gaze back to Watcher and adds a sternness to it, "Why. am. I. here?"

Seeing that he's tired of receiving vague answers, the Watcher sighs and says, "You are the basis on how they will judge the earth. But more than that, you are also ultimately the deciding factor."

He looks at the Watcher confusingly, "What? Isn't that the same thing?"

"No," he shakes his big head, "the Living Tribunal will decide the fate of your world based on your testimony."

His eyes widen at the shocking news, "I'm sorry, what?"

Uatu snaps his head to the planet eater and urgently says, Galactus is almost finished, we must-

Spidey waves his hand to interrupt Uatu and get his attention back, "Hold on, you're saying that all I have to do is convince him that the Earth is worth saving."


"And you couldn't tell me this, why?"

"Because then you would have acted out more during this ordeal."

"...Mean, but true."

"Ahem," they both turn and see Mephistopheles looking at them smugly, "are the two of you finished?" he looks at the Omniscient Watcher while he gestures to Galactus, "Your turn."

Meanwhile, Death is standing on the sidelines waiting for her turn to speak. Throughout the entire time, she has just been waiting for Mephistopheles to call for her, so she can do her part in his scheme and be done with it all.

The devilish dealer walks away to stand next to death, likely to try and start a conversation with her about how his ingenious plan is coming together.

"This is going as planned," his aggravating voice tempts her to just do away with him, " Soon we will both get what we desire."

Ah yes, the promise he made that would mean no more revivals and rebirths in the universe. It's the only reason she tolerates his presence near her.

"Have care, demon," she says to him without looking at him, "you should know better than to be so confident. When a plan as clever as this reaches its climax, it has a tendency to fall apart at the most crucial point."

She is of course referring to his past dealings, and how many tended to backfire on him. Most notably the one made with Johnny Blaze, the Ghost Rider.

He winces slightly at the jab but still keeps his sinister smile, "You needn't worry. I still have my trump card," he sees the Watcher walk back to the heroes side, "And now it is time to play it."

Yes, it is time for his greatest plan to come into full fruition! Years of planning and manipulation shall finally bear fruit! And he will at last gain all his black heart desires

"Master Hate and Mistress Love, please come forward."

Back with the Queens-born hero, he waits for Uatu to stand next to him to say, "Nice job with Galactus. That was the first time you defended earth and not me."

Spider-Man notices the solemn look on the Watchers faces.

"Hey, why the long face? You just kicked judiciary butt."

The bald moon dweller sighs and looks to Spidey with regret, "I'm afraid at this point you must defend yourself, Spider-Man."

His eyes widen in shock at that, "What, why?

"Because," he hears Mephisto say and looks and sees him facing him with a twisted smile, "For this, he cannot say anything in your defense."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Ah yes forgive me," He feigns an apologetic look, "I forgot to restore that moment in your memories," he shifts his gaze to Uatu and smiles evilly, "Would you be so kind as to remind him?"

Peter turns his head questioningly and sees the Watcher glaring at the devil. Obviously hating the request the hell lord made. Before he closes his eyes and opens to look at Peter apologetically.

"Forgive me."

Before Spider can ask what for, Uatu lifts his hand and shines a light on him.

Then it all came crashing back.

His marriage, his would-be child, and his deal with the devil.

Once it all settles, he collapses to his hands and knees. The shock is evident to his face as he tries to make sense of what he just saw. Of what he remembers.

"I..I was-I was married to Mary Jane?"

"Indeed you were," Mephistophilies answers jubilantly as he walks to the devastated hero, "And you sold me that marriage to save your dearly beloved aunt. All because you could not live with the consequences your choices wrought. Had you done so, your world's mutants would have been restored by a revived Jean Grey. So you see Spider-Man…"

Mephisto stops just at the edge of the young man's fingers and then bends down slightly.

"The destruction of your world is your doing."