And that is what Bobby is doing right now. Taking responsibility by fighting with the Avengers against his former leader and friend and his girlfriend.

'Although to be honest, I think most of us are okay with beating on Emma.'

Hell, most of the X-men are fighting the white queen right now.

He's brought out of his thoughts when he feels his ice beam punched back by Scott's optic one. His struggle is cut short when he sees Thor uppercuts Summers in the face with his hammer.

Iron Man follows up with a unibeam blast to the back of Summers. The former X-men leader impacts the ground heavily a good distance from Iceman.

While Scott's on the ground, Bobby sees the professor walk up to him. He says something to Scott but Bobby is too far to hear. Hopefully, they weakened him enough so that Professor X can shut him down.


Bobby's attention is shifted behind him and he sees the Hulk just clapped his hands in Emma's face.


Once more Ice Man's head whips back to the source of the scream, which was the Professor's, and sees the man clutching his head in pain. Scott more than likely just hit him with a powerful mental psychic blast.

"Scott Summers," he hears Captain America's voice speak out, "You are under arrest for crimes against-"

"Shut up!"

Said man shouts then blasts off in a ball of fire. For a moment Bobby believes he's retreating before an optic beam fires off from his former leader's visor. And it hits the last place he or anyone else would have expected.

Emma Frost's back.


She impacts the beachfront hard and Scott not two seconds later flies down on her. The collision results in a swirling mass of fire that reaches all the way up past the clouds and makes everyone shield their eyes as sand gets sent everywhere.

"What's he doing?!" Bobby shouts out to anyone listening.

"He's taking her half of the power!" He hears Wolverine shout back.

Bobby's stomach drops at that.

"Scott!" The professor's voice is heard over the rushing winds and blowing sand. Bobby sees the man walking forward into the swirling mass, "Stop this! Please, I'm begging you son!"

The winds stop suddenly as the dust and sand float in the air.

And right in the center of it all is Scott. Fire burning on his shoulders.

The former X-men leader slowly raises his head and looks to the professor, "You are not my father."

"SCOTT!" Xavier shouts with plea in his voice.

Summers raises his hand and the professor seizes up.

"Professor!" Rogue shouts out.

"Scott, don't do this!" Bobby shouts right after.

Scott gets quiet. No sound, no words. As if he's thinking about what he's doing. Before suddenly-


Fire explodes from Scott and everyone else once again shields themselves from the light and heat. The light eventually dims enough for them to see the frightening Phoenix Force right in front of them.

And once the light dims more they then see an even more horrible scene before them.

Scott standing over the body of Professor Charles Xavier.

"So this is what Jean felt," they hear Scott's voice and see the Phoenix come out from him, "I am fire and life incarnate," the man begins to float into the air, "Now and forever," the power then bursts out from him in fire and lightning, "I. AM. PHOENIX!"

Only one word can describe what they are all thinking and feeling right now.

And Bobby voices it.



Last two are short chaps of only around 800 words sorry about it, but I'm sick has a season change fever...but next one will have big chaps as BEFORE.