28. Geniuses got nothing else

Meanwhile, Iron Man had called a meeting with some of the members of the Avengers. Black Widow, Hawkeye, Iron Fist and Doctor Strange on his right, sitting on some debris. Thor, Wolverine, and The Thing on his left by a collapsed building.

And Captain America with Luke Cage, Red Hulk, Ms. Marvel, and Spider-Woman standing right in front of him.

"So that's it," Tony says to them, "That's all I've got. I've been working on this for weeks now with the best minds in the world, Mutant and human alike, and that is the best we got. Since nothing scientific will save the day, we figure this is the best option."

Everyone around him looks at him with bizarre expressions.

Wolverine steps forward, "So let me get this straight," the gruff man says, "Your saying we should do what Scott and them have planned to do from the very beginning. All 'cause you geniuses got nothing else."

Iron Man raises his hands in defense, "Hey, we exhausted all scientific alternatives, which is a first for us, so I figure maybe the original plan is the only one. Especially since that plan has any real results."

"What do ya mean?" Thing asks.

"Hope and Wanda are the only ones we know that can actually hurt this thing," he explains, "We tried everything to stop the Phoenix. We couldn't deflect it, contain it, or blow it up. Those two are our only option."

Cap sighs, "I don't like the idea of putting them in danger like that," he says before he looks to Tony, "But if this is the only way to do this, then I guess we don't have much of a choice. But they're not going alone."

"Well duh," Iron Man responds then ignores the look the good Captain gives him as he looks to everyone else, "Rally the troops, everybody! We need all hands on deck!"

Everyone present then begins to disperse. Leaving Tony and Steve alone with each other.

Steve looks to his closest friend and asks, "Is this really the only option we have?"

Tony doesn't look at Steve as he walks by him and answers, "I wouldn't have suggested it if it wasn't."

Steve then starts walking with him, "It doesn't seem right to put all our faith into one person."

"Haven't most of our battles come down to having faith in one person?"

Steve can't refute that.

They continue walking as Tony puts his hand on Steve's shoulder in reassurance, "Relax, Steve. I know it's a slim chance, but I'm telling you Hope and Wanda are the keys to this. They're the key to winning. We get them together and on the same page and we're good to-"

Tony stops as he sees Hope and Wanda getting ready to fight each other. They both launch energy blasts and then they enter into a power struggle and create a crater as a result. Debris flies all around them as they both struggle to overpower one another.

The energy around them slowly starts to condense in the center. It reaches the size of a baseball before it explodes and knocks them off their feet.

Hope shakes her head from the daze and prepares to continue.


She stops as she sees Captain America standing to the side with a stern expression in his face. She still stays tense for a few moments before she sighs in frustration and lowers her hands.

The older man walks over to her, "Would you care to explain what happened here?"

She doesn't respond or look at him, and just scowls to the side.

Seeing this, Steve continues to talk, "The fate of the whole world is depending on the two of you working together and here you are trying to beat each other senseless."

Hope gives the Captain a hard look and says, "It's her fault this happened in the first place!"

"You weren't there, Hope," he sternly says to her, "You don't know how it happened. Or the circumstances that led to it."

Hope glares to the side again as she responds, "Yeah well plenty of people who were there, told me."

Steve can guess who those sources were and how they might've painted Wanda in a bad light.

Nevertheless, they had a job to do. And these two working together are a key factor. According to Tony at least.

Said billionaire is helping the Scarlet Witch back on her feet.

"So," he says as she dusts herself off, "I'm assuming you didn't antagonize her but instead tried to talk to her, and she just attacked you because she blames you for our current problem."

Wanda regards him for a moment before looking down in shame, "Pretty much."

He sighs, "Well at least you're trying," he says before he gestures her to leave, "Go see the medic to see if anything is broken. We need you to be in tip-top shape."

The quick scuffle with Hope was intense, but not enough to hurt her severely. But she doesn't feel like arguing with Stark right now.

So with that in mind, she walks away.

As the two women walk away, Steve and Tony watch them before Steve walks over to his fellow Avenger.

"Looks like our last resort needs a lot of work," the war veteran says.

"Does it?" Tony asks rhetorically before he gestures to the crater around them, "This is what they did when they fought each other-"






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