A Pirate's Farewell

Morgan swings his axe down towards the trio, by they evade to the side just in time.

"You cowards! Attack them already, or I'll kill you!!" Morgan shouted furiously at his subordinates.

The marines hesitated but charged with sweat pouring down their faces.

"You two, duck!" Luffy yelled. "Gomu-Gomu no…Whip!" His leg stretched out and slammed into the marines, sending them flying. His abilities left everyone in shock and fear.

"Hear me!! All of you whining just now…will shoot yourselves in the head!! On my order… fire!!" Morgan ordered, his voice booming.

The marines, trembling, raised their guns to their heads. But before they could pull the triggers, the guns were suddenly slashed apart, leaving the soldiers gasping in relief.

Hey! I'm your enemy!" Luffy yelled as he slammed a punch into Morgan's ax-hand, forcing the man back.

"I am Captain Ax-Hand Morgan! How dare you defy me!" Morgan snarled, preparing another strike.

"Nice to meet you! I'm Luffy!" Luffy dodged the attack with ease, leaping over it, as the ax crashed into the ground, creating a massive fissure in the parade ground.

With quick reflexes, Luffy kicked Morgan in the face with both feet, sending him sprawling to the ground.

"You…will die here!!" Morgan roared, raising his axe again. But once more, Luffy disappeared and reappeared behind him, delivering a roundabout kick to Morgan's head.

The marines could only watch, mouths agape, as their captain was taken down.

"You and your Navy…are ruining Koby's dream!" Luffy said, grabbing Morgan by his collar, his usual playful tone replaced by a serious one.

"Stop! One move and four-eyes gets it!!" Helmeppo screamed, holding a gun to Koby's head. "If you even blink, I'll shoot!"

"Luffy, don't let them win because of me! Let him kill me!" Koby screamed with determination, his eyes filled with tears but his voice steady.

Luffy stood frozen for a moment, but his grin never faltered. "You're a good guy, Koby. But there's no need for that!"

"Luffy, behind you!!" Koby shouted, as Morgan raised his axe for a final blow.

But Luffy didn't move.

"Dismantle!" Ryomen whispered, flicking his fingers.

Helmeppo's gun suddenly erupted with slashes, causing him to scream and drop the weapon. At the same moment, Zoro dashed forward, cutting Morgan down with a swift strike, leaving the captain unconscious.

"No sweat… captain," Zoro smirked, sheathing his sword.

"Nice work!" Luffy said with a wide grin, as if none of it had been a real fight.

"The captain's fallen!" one of the marines gasped.

"Any of you still want to capture us!?" Zoro asked, glancing at the remaining soldiers.

Instead of attacking, the marines erupted into celebration. Their captain's tyranny had ended.

"Huh, seems he wasn't all that popular," Luffy remarked.

"Now you realize that?" Ryomen said, raising an eyebrow.

Zoro, exhausted but grinning, grumbled, "Ugh… Let's just go eat already."

Later, in Rika's house, the four sat at a small table piled with food. Zoro dug in with ferocity.

"I'm stuffed! Not eating for nine days was worse than I thought!" Zoro said with a satisfied sigh.

"Weren't you the one who said you could go a month without food?" Ryomen smirked, picking at his own plate.

"I could've!" Zoro shot back, annoyed.

"Uh-huh, sure."

"Tsk, whatever. So, what's next?" Zoro asked, wiping his mouth.

"The Grand Line!" Luffy replied, eyes shining with excitement.

"Huh!? But there only three of you!!" Koby exclaimed, wide eyed.

"Well…if we're after the One piece, that's we're we need to go." Zoro said calmly.

Ryomen sighed, crossing his arms. "You two don't get it, do you? We still need a navigator, or we'll die before we even reach the Grand Line."

"Fine! We'll get a navigator!" Luffy grumbled, but his smile never faded.

"It's still too dangerous…" Koby began, trying to reason with them.

"Koby, it's fine. We may be going separate ways, but we'll always be friends," Luffy said, his voice soft but filled with conviction.

Koby was stunned by Luffy's words. "You're my first real friends… No one ever stuck up for me like this." He said, tears welling in his eyes.

"What's your plan now? You know they won't let you join the Navy because of your past." Ryomen pointed out.

As if on cue, a marine entered the house, with others waiting outside.

"You are pirates, correct?" the marine asked, his tone formal.

"That's right!" Luffy answered with a grin.

"You saved our town, but I must ask you to leave now."

The villagers erupted in protest, but the marine remained firm.

"Hmm, I guess we're leaving then," Luffy said, walking past Koby, who remained frozen.

"Aren't you going with them?" the marine asked Koby.

"I… I'm not one of them!" Koby shouted, shaking his head.

"Is that true?" the marine asked, eyeing Luffy.

Luffy grinned mischievously and began talking about Alvida, only to be punched square in the face by Koby.

"Shut up!" Koby's voice echoed across the room, leaving the villagers and marines shocked, except for the trio of pirates, who simply smiled.

Luffy retaliated, punching Koby back, until the marine stepped between them and ordered Luffy to leave.

Koby clenched his fists. 'I have to take this chance… I can't let it slip away again!'

"Please let me join the Navy, sir!" Koby cried out.

"Lieutenant, we shouldn't trust him. He might be a pirate," another officer warned.

"I'm not a pirate! I'm going to be a Navy officer!!" Koby declared, his voice shaking but determined.

The lieutenant studied him for a moment, then nodded. "Don't take this lightly. You're accepted."

Koby's face lit up. "Yes, sir! Thank you!"

Down by the shore, the trio was preparing to depart in a small boat.

"That was some terrible acting back there." Zoro said with a smirk. "I don't think they bought it."

Ryomen crossed his arms. "As much as I dislike the Navy, Koby will be fine."

"Yeah! He'll get in somehow." Luffy added cheerfully.

Suddenly, they heard Koby's voice behind them.


They turned to see him running toward them, panting.

"Thank you for everything! I'll never forget it!" Koby called out.

"Hahaha! We'll meet again, Koby!" Luffy replied, laughing.

The marines stood at attention behind Koby, saluting the trio of pirates.

"You've got good friends, sailor." the lieutenant said to Koby.

"Yes, sir!"

"Now, it's against the rules to salute pirates, so as punishment, no dinner for a week!"

"Yes, sir!" the marines shouted in unison.

Ryomen looked at the scene with curiosity. 'Maybe not all of them are so bad after all…'

"All right! To the Grand Line!" Luffy cheered.

"Not without a navigator!" Ryomen snapped, rolling his eyes.