Chapter 8 - The Repercussion of Your Actions (I)

Alastor didn't know it, but after returning to the Astral World, the Crimson Moon issued a decree, a decree to all her Apostles in the Human World and to any Son of Chaos who had bent the knee to her.

Alastor Agrece was hers, his body, blood, mind and soul, every bit of his being was hers. Whoever dared touch a strand of her precious consort's hair, she vowed, would bring pain and death to whoever dared.

If Alastor was already famous in the Astral World for being an Agrece, he was now even more famous with the Crimson Moon's obvious intentions.

She publicly declared that Alastor was her consort.

A very important piece of information that leaked to every corner of the planet at a speed that was simply astonishing. Alastor had still underestimated the influence of an Outer God like the Crimson Moon.

Countless Evil Cults worshipping Outer Gods and Apostles knew one truth in today's world.

The Crimson Moon had chosen its Consort.

Would anyone dare touch Alastor after such a declaration? The answer, unfortunately, was a resounding yes. Some beings actually dared, including the Crimson Moon Apostles themselves, who were fanatical about their Mother Goddess.

How could they allow their Mother Goddess to be desecrated, there was no man worthy of being her consort?


Tereza, who was walking on wires between the trees, fell to the ground holding a dirty, silent girl in her arms. Her gaze frantically scanned the surroundings while her gaze fixed on Alastor.

Seeing that there were no scratches on him and his clothes looked in perfect condition, Tereza breathed a sigh of relief and let out a sigh of fear. When the attacks began, she had walked away from the shed with the rescued girl, but at the same time, the fear that her master had been hurt because of her negligence was running through her mind.

Fortunately, her young lord was perfectly well, otherwise she wouldn't have had the courage to look her grandfather and Duke Achille in the eye.

"My lord." Tereza greeted him respectfully as she looked at the remains of the werewolf. Her eyes twitched at the sight of the werewolf's red coat.

As the future Grand Butler of House Agrece, she knew very well what that represented. She had been taught to recognize the powers of an Outer God when she encountered one.

At the thought of her young lord fighting a would-be apostle at the age of ten, Tereza's face turned pale. She could imagine her grandfather's furious face when she reported this, as well as the guilt she would feel for not being there to help in such a dangerous fight.

"You always think too much, Tereza." Noticing the guilty expression on her usually inexpressive face, Alastor commented casually, as he stepped on the corpse's shoulder and ripped both heads from the bodies of the father and daughter.

These were his trophies, which would go straight into his collection, although the werewolf girl's head would go to Roxane just as he had promised her.

As for Tereza's guilt at not helping him in the fight, he felt that was an unnecessary feeling in this situation.

Karl Lamber, the Son of the Moon, wasn't difficult to kill in the first place, the only problem was his regeneration factor. By taking away his regeneration factor, Alastor could easily kill him, as happened in the first round.

"Report to the Golden Order and have the Purification Team come and decontaminate the entire fight site." Alastor spoke, holding both their heads by the hair and turning to look at Tereza.

"Yes, Young Lord." Tereza nodded with a respectful expression and pulled a cell phone out of her pants pocket while holding the girl with one arm.

Alastor finally looked at the girl in Tereza's arms, her honey-colored eyes staring at him silently with a strangely cold gaze, as if to imprint his appearance on her mind.

He said nothing and looked away, Alastor really didn't know what to do with this girl. From what he had read, her parents had died in the attack when the kidnapping took place.

Alastor knew that when cases like this occurred, these children and young people would be adopted by the HOGD (Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn) and would grow up in an Anglican Church Orphanage. If any child had the talent to become a Witch, Knight or Medium, they would be trained to become future agents.

For those who had no talent, the Order would erase certain unpleasant memories about the supernatural incident and let the children live normally until they were eighteen, when they would have to leave the orphanage. At least, that's what happened in England.

"Young lord, I have successfully reported the case to the Golden Order, we can leave." Tereza hung up the phone and approached Alastor.

They both nodded and started walking towards Nottingham again.

Alastor wanted to get back to Agrece Manor as soon as possible. He had urgent matters to report to his Lord Father, especially regarding the Crimson Moon.

Alastor, Tereza and the nameless girl left without waiting, disappearing into the shadows of the deep forest, leaving behind a land full of cuts and felled trees. An environment worthy of being called a battlefield.

About ten minutes after Alastor had left the battlefield, black cars surrounded the entire environment, including the entire village of Edwinstowe, men and women wearing the same clothes as Alastor got out of the cars. Each held a small grimoire attached to their wrists by silver chains.

A woman wearing a complicated black Victorian dress stepped down from the main car, her meticulously combed pale blonde hair seeming to shine in the moonlight. And resting on her hair, a small, lovely hat added an elegant, courtly charm to the woman.

"Maiden of Purity." A middle-aged man greeted the young woman with an expression full of respect.

"The situation, Executor?" The young woman asked, her voice delicate and cold.

"It's been confirmed, it's the Crimson Moon Pollution." The man answered again, his voice more serious than ever.

The Maiden of Purity nodded silently and walked towards the battlefield. A dozen men and women followed behind her, all wearing incredibly serious expressions.

The closer they got, the uglier the men's and women's faces became, the pollution of an Outer God not something a human could get close to without suffering the consequences.

Only the Maiden of Purity remained calm, as if unaffected by the pollution of the Outer God.

Arriving at the battlefield, everyone held their breath as they saw the scene of destruction before them.

"Are you sure you said Lord Agrece was about ten years old?" The middle-aged man asked his subordinate in a skeptical voice. What he was seeing was not something a Grade 3 could cause even if he wanted to!

This was clearly the power of a Grade 2. That kind of strength could no longer be underestimated in the world, it was someone on a par with him!

"Yes, that's correct. The mission sheet issued says he's ten years old." The young woman, listening to the senior officer, nodded. She hadn't expected to see such destruction coming from a ten-year-old either.

The Maiden didn't care about their conversation, her golden eyes were fixed on the headless bodies of a red monster and the small body in the bestial arms of the creature she recognized as a werewolf.

Both bodies were in the center of the battlefield, huge cuts were all over the ground.

"Let's begin the Purification Ceremony." The Maiden spoke, her delicate voice drawing everyone's attention. She had noticed that the Crimson Moon Pollution had already begun to mutate the surrounding plants.

Grotesque mutations began to appear on the flowers and trees, sarcomas of black flesh and blood were growing along the bodies of the trees.

"Yes, Maiden!" Everyone answered loudly, the grimoires on their wrists beginning to glow with a golden aura.


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