Chapter 10 - The Repercussion of Your Actions (III)

United States - California.

City of San Francisco.

Murray Sinclair woke up like any morning before, but for some reason, a bad premonition was born in his heart. It was a feeling he had had since the day before, as if something bad had happened.

It was as if snakes were biting his heart, making him feel stressed, anxious and above all, afraid.

"Is everything all right, darling?" Feeling a hand on his chest, Murray looked away and thanked the Gods for putting that woman in his life.

Forcing a smile, he replied by kissing the back of her hand and looking into her blue eyes, which, by the way, were his favorite color. "I'm fine, I just couldn't sleep properly."

"I'll make you a double breakfast today." Esther kissed her husband's lips and got out of bed with a smile.

Seeing her back, Murray tried to smile genuinely, but he couldn't, this feeling of anxiety was making him have thoughts he'd never had in his life.

"Murray!" Suddenly, a shout made the thirty-year-old man jump out of bed and quickly head in the direction of his wife's voice. His speed was completely inhuman for any human.

Arriving in the living room, Murray's heart became even more turbulent seeing the scene before him. Inside his living room, men and women wearing suits were standing next to his family. He saw anxiety on his wife's face and fear on the faces of all his children, who happened to be protecting his youngest daughter, Enid.

The girl played the strong protector behind her older brothers, but he could see the fear she was desperately trying to quell in her eyes. He didn't blame his innocent daughter for feeling afraid, especially in front of one of the scariest organizations in the Supernatural World.

"What's going on, why are the HOGD in my house? I didn't do anything that was against the laws of the Supernatural world." Murray asked the older man, dressed simply but giving off an incomparable sense of danger.

"I'm Edward Mars, Executor Grade 2 HOGD (Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn)." The man's voice sent a shiver through Murray's body. This was a Grade 2 strongman, not just any agent.

"May I ask what your visit is about, Mr. Mars?" Murray spoke with a cautious tone, even though he hadn't done anything wrong in his entire life, he still felt afraid.

"Does the surname Lambert bring back any memories, Mr. Sinclair?" Edward asked, looking at the thirty-year-old man in front of him. Black hair, blue eyes and tall. He matched the photo sent from England.

Overcoming the growing doubts in his mind, Murray hesitated, but nodded. "Yes, that's my surname before I married my wife."

"Karl Lambert." Edward continued the question, but when he mentioned the name, the temperature of the whole room dropped several degrees.

"My brother." Feeling anxiety take over more and more of his mind, Murray answered with a pale expression.

"Karl Lambert and his daughter Alice Lambert were executed by Lord Alastor Agrece." When Edward spoke, it was like an atomic bomb exploding in Murray's mind.

He staggered and felt the world around him buzz.

His brother was dead along with his niece.

"Murray!" Seeing her husband's state, Esther came to his side and helped her sweet husband into the armchair.

Closing his eyes, Murray tried to push away childhood memories and asked with a tremulous tone. "May I ask why my brother and niece were killed?" His voice was choked and full of sadness.

"Your brother murdered four girls, three ten-year-olds and one fifteen-year-old. He only didn't kill the fifth because Lord Agrece had arrived." Edward's voice made Murray's heart fill with sadness.

Enid, hearing the news, used her hands to keep from screaming when she heard that her uncle had died. She couldn't believe that her uncle, who always brought her presents at Christmas, could kill girls her own age.


Murray put his hand to his face and stopped himself from crying, he wanted to shout at Edward and tell him he was lying and his brother was innocent, but rationality prevented him from doing anything like that.

"He offered sacrifice to the Crimson Moon and was killed." Edward finished calmly, showing no mercy when he saw the man's collapsed state. In his fifties, he no longer endorsed everything out of emotion. Not once or twice had he almost died from being too sentimental.

"I see." Murray put aside the pain he was feeling and asked. "What's going to happen now?"

"Karl Lambert must have gotten the rituals from some Cutist. Anyone who has come into contact with Karl Lambert must be thoroughly investigated. We mustn't miss any clues that could lead to a Cultist." Edward spoke with a cold tone. His dark brown eyes fixed on the man's face.

Murray, with eyes reminiscent of a dead fish, merely nodded as he stood up and stretched out his arms.

Edward approached and handcuffed Murray for his own safety and that of his subordinates.

Turning to see his family's faces full of fear and worry, his eyes recovered a little and he forced a smile. "Dad's going to be away for a while, don't cry and be a good boy for your mother while I'm gone." All his children nodded between tears and occasional sniffles.

"Don't worry, Mr. Sinclair. If we don't find anything, you'll be released and returned to your family." Edward, seeing the damage he had done to this family, comforted the man with a calm.

"Can I ask you something, Mr. Mars?" Murray nodded gratefully at his words and asked again. "Did my brother suffer while he was dying?"

Edward hesitated for a moment, but seeing the determined look on his face, he let out a sigh and answered. "Yes, very much. Before he died, he had given himself completely to the Crimson Moon. Besides, the Crimson Moon's sacrifices had been given to his daughter. On what was left of his body, we found marks of devouring. The girl devoured her own father while he was fighting Lord Alastor."

Murray closed his eyes in pain, wondering what his brother was thinking in choosing something so stupid.

"Did he speak his last words?" Murray asked one last time.

"Lord Alastor said that he regained rationality at the end of his life and sang a song in the form of a whistle." Edward spoke with an impressed tone. In his more than thirty years of service, he had never heard someone who had given himself over to a Son of Chaos get his rationality back.

If it hadn't been for the person who had spoken, he would have called bullshit and mocked the agent for being crazy, but not an Agrece.

Murray shuddered at his words.

"You idiot brother, you sang our song that we created when we were in that stupid band..." Murray muttered to himself as he couldn't stop the tears that streamed down his face.

Turning to Edward with his face still covered in tears, he spoke. "If possible, thank Lord Alastor for sparing my brother so much suffering."

He knew that if his brother continued to be a servant of a Son of Chaos, he would just be an emotionless murderous puppet.

Edwards looked at Murray with a little more respect and nodded, agreeing to his request. It wasn't every day that he saw a man who could thank them for the work they did. Many in the Supernatural world saw them as nothing more than cold killers.

Under the eyes of the Sinclair family, Murray left the house in handcuffs followed by all the other men and women.


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