Chapter 12 - Bathroom talk

A particularly eye-catching all-gold bathtub was at the center of the extremely luxurious bathroom. A huge mirror covered the bathroom ceiling while the white walls were decorated with gold and red lines.

Alastor was submerged in the golden tub, only his head was out of the water. A large number of bubbles covered the water, which smelled of aromatizers. His face showed an expression of comfort and serenity as he felt all at ease submerged in the warm water.

From time to time, images of what had happened in the Wood Shed earlier resurfaced in his mind. Although trained from an early age to be a killer, he couldn't help but be shocked and sickened when he recalled the hellish scene.

He had read and seen pictures in books of the cruelty of the occultists, but he never thought that they would be even crueler than portrayed in the books.

If Alastor didn't like occultists before, after the events of his first mission, he disliked them even more. Occultists were simply demons dressed up as humans.

"Your beautiful face doesn't go well with frowning eyebrows, my beloved brother." A sweet, delicate voice sounded next to Alastor, echoing in the acoustically prone environment of the huge bathroom he found himself in.

Alastor opened his eyes and saw two red orbs with snake-like slits in their eyes looking directly at him. Their gaze reflected a sea of tenderness and love.

For some reason, that love and tenderness in his sister's eyes reminded him of the Crimson Moon.

Does she love him like that too? Alastor wondered for a moment before pushing these thoughts aside.

He felt his sister's slender fingers caress his forehead, gently gliding over his eyebrows, heavily furrowed by the hellish memories of the Wood Shed scene.

Alastor's face relaxed almost immediately at the gentle touch on his eyebrows. His sister had a strange magic of being able to calm him down no matter what situation he found himself in. It was a power that only she possessed.

Alastor just closed his eyes and relaxed even more, so much so that he wanted to sleep.

"Don't sleep in the bath, you sleepy little dragon." Alastor heard his sister's voice, her tone tinged with amusement and kindness.

Suddenly he heard the rustle of clothes and the sound of them falling to the floor. Just then the level of the water in the bathtub rose and the body he assumed to be his sister's leaned comfortably against his chest with a sigh of comfort.

"I got our father to promise you two months without missions." Hearing her voice again, Alastor's eyes widened. He looked at his sister with a rather dissatisfied look at her words.

Seeing her younger brother's unruly eyes, Roxane raised one of her eyebrows and couldn't help but reach out and squeeze both his cheeks.

"You seem dissatisfied, has carrying out your first mission made you more aggressive, my beloved brother?" Roxane spoke coldly as she molded those incredibly soft and supple cheeks.

Sometimes she felt envious of how soft her brother's skin was, it was better than hers, which she cared for daily with the best products money could buy!

Escaping his sister's Claws, Alastor stroked his swollen cheeks and showed an expression full of determination in his gaze. "I want to kill those cruel monsters to save more people."

He wasn't lying. In his eyes, the more he killed those occult monsters, the more scenarios like the one he saw in that shed wouldn't happen again. A very good thing!

It was the least he could do, even if it was almost nothing in the grand scheme of the universe. But he tried at least, something that many wouldn't do in the first place.

Roxane couldn't help but be stunned by the determined expression on his face, his eyes shining brightly, unwilling to back down in front of her. He looked determined and more mature, the innocence that had previously been in his gaze completely gone.

For the first time in her life, Alastor had shown her this side of himself and it made her uncomfortable. Roxane bit her lips in frustration and couldn't help but move closer and bring Alastor into the comfort of her embrace.

"I don't know what you saw, but you know you can't save everyone, Alastor." Stroking his soft, wet hair, Roxane spoke in a gentle tone, her whisper making Alastor lean even closer against her body.

She feared this would happen, Alastor was only ten years old, she didn't want him to experience this cruel and cold world. Although he hid his feelings so well, she could feel that he was upset by what had happened.

"I received your war trophy, I've never felt so proud as I do today." Roxane spoke with a tone full of pride. Her words surprised Alastor, who lifted his face and looked at her with a proud look.

Seeing that look, Roxane felt relieved to take his mind off his disturbing thoughts and continued. "Just as you promised."

Alastor laughed and hugged his sister's body with a very proud look on his face as he kept his promise to Roxane "Just like I promised!"

Roxane nodded and thought silently. "My brother needs something to vent his pent-up emotions."

Suddenly, she thought of a very good way to help her brother deal with these emotions.

But she left these random thoughts behind and focused on helping Alastor bathe, shampooing his hair while he laughed at her frothy caresses.

After a shower full of laughter, they both left the bathroom and shared a towel, each wiping the other's body.

While wiping Alastor's hair, Roxane frowned as she noticed something on her brother's body. She looked him up and down and saw that it was a tattoo in the shape of thorns. It started wrapped around his ankle and went up his thigh, passing close to his pelvis and along his ribs, heading towards his arm, where it ended wrapped around his wrist.

"What's that?" Roxane pointed to the thorn-shaped tattoo.

Alastor showed a puzzled expression at her words and looked where Roxane was pointing, he opened his mouth in shock at the sight of the huge tattoo on his body.

Narrowing his eyes, he couldn't help thinking that those thorns were similar to the roses that came out of the Crimson Moon's eyes.

I've been marked.

Alastor came to this conclusion in an instant when he saw the tattoo. The Crimson Moon had marked him, it was her way of telling everyone that he was her property.

Seeing Roxane's questioning eyes, Alastor looked away and didn't plan to answer her question. He didn't want her to know that he was considered the consort of the Crimson Moon, even if it wasn't of his own free will.

He felt like he was betraying his sister behind her back, and this feeling made him a little nervous and prevented him from looking her in the eye.

Seeing that he didn't want to answer her question, Roxane didn't press him and pretended to forget she'd just asked, changing the subject with a gentle smile. "I've ordered some new dresses for myself and some suits for you, they match so they'll look wonderful when we wear them to a party in the future."

Alastor sighed with relief when he saw that she had changed the subject and delved into the subject of clothes without any hesitation. He'd rather do that than talk about what happened on his first mission.

Alastor hadn't noticed, but a swirling darkness appeared in his sister's gaze, staring at him with an extremely frightening look.

My beloved brother has begun to hide things from me, in the future he may hide a secret mistress... Roxane thought as a cold smile played on her purple lipstick-stained lips.


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