Chapter 15 - Motives

Spirituality - an energy that for some reason prevented the madness and horror of a higher dimension from damaging the soul. Even normal humans possessed spirituality, albeit in a negligible amount.

For this reason, humans have always been the weak link between the worlds, always the easiest to tempt by demons from Hell or the Outer Gods in the Astral World.

Witches theorized that Spirituality was an energy produced by the soul, which acted almost as a barrier against the madness of the Astral World, which, no matter how small, caused grotesque distortions and madness in nearby life.

On the other hand, the Church of the Golden One, the spiritual pillar of the Supernatural World, believed that Spirituality was nothing more than the grace of the God of Sunlight, given to humans at the beginning of the creation of the universe.

Although only the church and its faithful believed this version. The witches' version carried more weight in the Supernatural World than the illusion of a God who hadn't appeared for millennia.

Another thing that Spirituality provided was to test the talent of human beings with surprising accuracy. As we know, human beings had a minimal amount of Spirituality, but in certain cases, when someone was born with talent, they had around 5 times the Spirituality of an ordinary person.

This was the minimum requirement to become a knight and the lowest known talent. It was also known as Grade 5 Qualifications, there were Grade 4 Qualifications, Grade 3 Qualifications, Grade 2 Qualifications, Grade 1 Qualifications, as well as Special Grade Qualifications.

Talent in this world was decided at birth, but as nothing in the world was eternal, talent could also be improved with expensive potions, although it only went up one grade and couldn't help improve those with grade 3 and above.

Another way was also to worship gods, for example, if you were a faithful devotee of the God of Sunlight, you could obtain more spirituality than your talent allowed. One of the reasons the Church believed that spirituality was a gift from God.

Of course, you could also worship the Sons of Chaos or, as you wanted to call them, the Outer Gods, but the price for such a thing happening was always eternal servitude and your soul trapped in the hands of beings who loved to bring chaos and destruction.

If you're curious about the difference between the Grades of Qualifications, someone with Grade 5 possessed Spirituality the size of a small candle flame. Grade 4 possessed was about four times larger than someone with a Grade 5 Qualification, resembling a flame the size of a fist.

Grade 1 qualification was completely different from the previous ones, it was already a separate level from the others. At this level, whether a witch, knight or Medium, they could already influence the world with their Spirituality for the most diverse applications.

What about Special Grade Qualifications?

If Alastor had to give an example, he would say that it was like a sun illuminating his mind at every moment. Even the whispers that were supposed to appear when someone's Spirituality was running low didn't happen, someone with such qualifications didn't have to worry about it with madness from the large consumption of Spirituality.

It would take an infernal duke or an Outer God to cause such whispers in the mind of someone with Special Grade Qualifications.

Unfortunately, that's what was happening to Alastor.

"My beloved Alastor. You look so beautiful today." Alastor heard the sensual whisper in his ear, it was sweet and evoked the darkest desire in men's hearts. He could feel the spirituality of the Outer Goddess transform into the vague female silhouette. She moved like smoke as she entwined her arms around his neck while pressing her body into his back.

Even though she was just a vague figure with no power, Alastor could still feel a soft, warm body pressing against his back, her arms around his neck and her panting breath in his ear.

With a cold expression, Alastor used his Spirituality to form an invisible cut, slicing her in half without any mercy.

Unfortunately, the Spirituality of an Outer Goddess was not so easily destroyed. There was no way around it, the level of life between Alastor and the Crimson Moon was an immeasurable chasm that even he could not cross at the moment.


Her laughter hung in the air before she transformed back into the vague female figure and embraced Alastor again. Her expression, although it couldn't be seen clearly, showed a hint of happiness at Alastor's attack.

"Get stronger, my love. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to appear in front of you in my physical form~" She continued to whisper in his ear with a voice tinged with joy and emotion.

Alastor's face couldn't help but darken when he heard this. What did her words mean? It meant that no matter how hard he trained, he would not escape the clutches of this outer goddess. It was as if there was a Sword of Damocles above him, ready to fall and take his life at any moment.

This feeling was the first time he'd had it in his ten-year life, it was a nagging feeling that no matter what he did, the ending wouldn't change, only the beginning and middle of the story.

"Are you sad?" Crimson Moon looked at his face. Beautiful, too beautiful for her to express. But it wasn't his face that fascinated her in the first place, but his soul.

In her immortal life, she had never seen a soul that could ward off the influence of madness. She was an Outer Goddess, and one of the strongest, yet despite being so strong, she was not immune to madness!

But Alastor was immune and that fascinated her completely, his handsome face was just the icing on the cake. When Alastor became her consort, she would use him as a filter and rid herself of the madness that plagued her mind.

"You're mine." She whispered with absolute possessiveness in her voice. Something that gave Alastor goosebumps. "Everything about you is mine. Your body, soul, mind, blood and thoughts. They're all mine for eternity."

She finished by gently kissing his cheek with happiness.

Alastor said nothing and continued training, he ignored the joyful laughter around him and manifested his gift [Assassination].

The power of his Gift was obvious, he was able to physically manifest in a separate dimension all kinds of murders. Be it cuts, which he often used, explosions, heart attacks or even accidental murder. It was a totally offensive power, actually.

Crimson Moon didn't mind being ignored, that fact alone showed just how special her consort was. Any other man, or anything that fits the concept of masculine, should be hopelessly filled with desire and lust just by listening to her voice.

But Alastor didn't, even kissing him, touching him and whispering didn't affect him at all. Although she felt that her voice evoked memories of his mother, something she found incredibly cute.

"Darling, you're thinking too much." Crimson Moon spoke, her voice full of amusement, she didn't know how long she had been so relaxed. Although she hadn't taken Alastor as her Consort, just by marking him, it already had an extraordinary effect on her mind.

Alastor frowned, listening to her advice. Was he thinking too much? That was obvious. He had to think to manifest his gift, how could he manifest something he couldn't imagine?

"You mortals think that Spirituality is a dead thing, but it isn't, it has a will and a life of its own. You insist on manipulating force instead of working together. Which naturally impairs your proficiency in using it." Crimson Moon seemed to see what he was thinking and spoke in a sweet, gentle tone. A gentleness that only Alastor could witness.

Alastor frowned even more. Was he supposed to believe an Outer Goddess had spoken? If his father had heard that he hesitated for a moment, he would probably have beaten him until that hesitation ceased to exist.

After all, he had been taught that the words of demons and outer gods were made up of 90% lies and 10% brainwashing. Never believe an outside demon or god, that's the first lesson a child receives from their parents in the Supernatural World.

What Alastor was doing was already a dangerous consideration in the eyes of any Special Grade Executor. Hesitation could lead to doubt and doubt could lead to trust.

Seeing his hesitation, the smile on Crimson Moon's lips grew, she had already planted doubt in his heart, she just had to wait and it would sprout. Don't misunderstand, she wasn't trying to harm her little Consort, she just wanted him to see that she wasn't an irrational monster full of murderous desires and madness.

Which was true in a way, but who wanted to be crazy if they could be sane?

The Crimson Moon had no doubt that if one of the Five Princes of Chaos, of which she was one, knew of Alastor's talent, he would definitely claim him as his Consort, just as she had done.

Stay strong, my lovely consort, in the end, you will be mine. She thought as she laughed.


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