Chapter 22 - The Battle of Lordran (Part 2)

In the midst of his fury and rage, Alastor heard a woman's voice in his ear.

"You want my power?"

"I'll give you as much power as you want."

"Just ask and you shall have it, dear consort."

Her words were tinged with a sweet and gentle tone, there was no price on her words, only her desire to help him.

"I-" The words that were escaping his lips stopped and he remained silent. For a mere moment, Alastor almost accepted the Crimson Moon's proposal.

Alastor looked at Roxane's cold, lifeless body in his arms, he touched her inexpressive face tenderly and replied in a calm, indifferent tone.

"I refuse."

As soon as he said this, Alastor's hand didn't hesitate and pierced Roxane's heart, going right through it and arriving on the other side.

"Forgive me, sister, even if you're not my sister." Alastor muttered to himself as he watched her body turn into a black mass of darkness.

A happy laugh echoed in Alastor's mind, then the Crimson Moon's voice had disappeared.

When Alastor pierced Roxane's heart, the chaotic atmosphere returned to normal. Raising his head, he saw his father and the Apostle of Purity still engaged in a fight that he could barely follow with his eyes.

Their speed was so great that he caught only a fleeting glint in the air as the sound of steel colliding relentlessly reverberated in the ballroom.

Looking away from the fight, Alastor glanced to the side and found his sister staring at him with concern. They both understood what had happened in the nightmare world. If Roxane's death was Alastor's worst nightmare, his death was Roxane's worst nightmare.

"Is everything all right, Alastor?" Roxane asked, holding Alastor's face in her hands, her snake-like red eyes staring at him with a look full of concern.

She knew very well what her brother's biggest nightmare was, and just imagining what he did to wake up from it made Roxane's heart ache along with his.

She had to do the same and that didn't please her one bit, even if it was just a nightmare.

"I'm fine, let's concentrate on killing the witches." Alastor replied, removing the gentle hands that held his face, he took her hand and kissed it while looking at her seriously.

Roxane nodded and looked around. Because of their Father's Gift, all the guests were unconscious, some unlucky ones had been crushed by the fragments falling from the palace ceiling. What was left of them was just flesh and organs crushed in a pool of blood.

She turned her gaze to Tereza and Gregory, one of the strongest people present, not to mention the two Special Grade Beyonder fighting. Both were still unconscious, but the old butler was showing signs of waking up at any moment.

Suddenly, whether it was Alastor or Roxane, they both looked towards the stairs. Footsteps were heard and women wearing white slowly descended the stairs, masks with the appearance of suns covering half their faces. None of them seemed in a hurry as they walked.

They looked like holy and pure maidens, full of compassion and benevolence.

It was exactly seven witches.

"I don't understand how they can join Madness, don't they know what happens when you become a servant of an Outer God?" Alastor muttered to himself at the sight of the Witches, who were now only servants of the First Light.

"Fear is the main cause, brother. Don't underestimate people's fear of dying, not everyone is like us, who face death calmly and indifferently." Roxane replied, getting up from the floor. She raised her arms and pointed towards the Witches who had fallen into Madness.

Red butterflies manifested around her, creating a beautiful scene, but Alastor knew how deadly those butterflies were, capable of making illusions become undeniably real when necessary, almost as if Roxane were playing with reality itself with a mere toy.

With a thought from Roxane, the butterflies avoided the main fight where her father was and focused entirely on the Heretical Witches. With an almost deafening sound from the wings of thousands of butterflies, they advanced like a wave of terrifying buzzing.

The witches naturally noticed the attack, one of the seven witches raised her hand and a fireball manifested above her hand, before the fireball spread like a concentrated beam of red energy. It tore through the air and tore apart everything in front of it with its searing heat.

However, when the beam of red energy collided with the butterflies, an incredible scene took place, the butterflies were intact in the face of the heat and penetrating power of the energy beam!

The butterflies ignored the attacks and arrived in front of the seven heretic witches in an instant.

Roxane flashed a cold smile and with her Spirituality, the atmosphere began to change. It turned into a field of red flowers, the wind swaying the flowers and scattering the petals in the air.

The witches were confused by the change of scenery, but it didn't stop them from attacking from all sides. Trying to locate the source of Roxane's power and get out of this artificial space.

But would Roxane stand by and watch it happen? The answer is no!

and wat With an elegant wave of her hand, the Illusory Killer Butterflies manifested in millions and all flew at the same time above the field of flowers. Creating what looked like a red cloud if seen from afar.

Seeing that the situation was not right, a woman with a visibly older body stepped forward. Just as she was about to attack, a geyser of blood spurted from her neck. With disbelieving eyes behind her solar mask, she saw her world spin and found herself staring at a headless body still standing.

Roxane knew that her brother had started to move, killing a witch in an instant. As the older sister (20 seconds older), she couldn't show weakness in front of her younger brother.

The butterflies turned every attack launched at her into even more butterflies and the red cloud embraced all the witches in an instant.

Horrific screams sounded from within the cloud, the butterfly cloud seemed to have no mercy. They drained the blood from the witches' bodies, devoured the flesh from their bodies and seemed to have no intention of stopping by feasting on their bodies.

With her bond, Roxane could feel everything the butterflies felt, including the taste of human flesh and the ferrous taste of blood in her mouth.

She found the taste simply disgusting and repulsive, but despite the horrible experience, she didn't order the butterflies to stop devouring the witches' bodies.

When the butterflies had finished devouring, the scene returned to normal, the gothic palace falling apart with the fight still going on.

Slumped on the steps, seven skeletons lay coldly on the white marble. If you looked closely, you could see small bite marks all over the skeletons. If allowed to, the Illusory Killer Butterflies would have eaten everything, including the bones.

Ignoring the horrible taste in her mouth, Roxane showed a satisfied expression and just as she was about to speak to Alastor, she glimpsed a small movement coming from the skeletons.

Then, under the surprised eyes of Alastor and Roxane, the seven skeletons stood up and the sun masks reappeared on their skeletal faces. Staffs made of pure light appeared in their white, skeletal hands.

Alastor frowned, he didn't believe that the regeneration factor could be so strong, which meant that this was the authority on light and purification of the Outer God known as - The First Light.

It purified any negative states, including the very concept of death, making it so that witches could effectively "live" again.

But Alastor wasn't worried about fighting an endurance battle. The human body had a limit to how much power it could carry from an Outer God. It was the same with these witches, at some point the Blessing of the First Light will cease to exist and along with it, the seven witches before them.

Alastor and Roxane looked at each other and didn't need to talk about their plan.


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